Tim O’Connell, Executive Director
North Carolina Retired Governmental Employees Association
528 Wade Avenue
Raleigh, North Carolina 27605
Dear Mr. O’Connell:
I was just shocked and disappointed to receive your letter dated September 6, 2023 endorsing 3 incumbent board members for the State Employees Credit Union board election coming up in October. First of all it is not your mission to become involved with SECU board elections. Secondly, and most importantly, your advice is just wrong. Just so you know my background and why I know what I’m talking about, I was on the SECU Board of Directors for several years about 17 years ago. I humbly suggest that I know more about SECU business than you do, so I feel confident in saying your letter is out of bounds and just plain wrong. In your letter you assert that the opposition candidates “only represent a small faction.” How could you possibly know that; have you taken some kind of poll? Secondly, you make reference to “the progress that has been made.” Please tell me what that progress is? All I know is the current board hired someone as CEO who didn’t last very long in his position because of some foolish policies he intended to make. I’m not sure which of these policies the current board intends to keep, but the fact that they hired a CEO who was not suited for the job is enough to justify some changes on the board. I would be interested to know how much research you did in the current operation and policies of the current board before you made such an important solicitation for the reelection of the current board members. I suspect not as much as I have done to oppose their reelection.
The SECU has run for many decades under their traditional policies and practices. As a member I never worried about the safety of the money I have with SECU until the actions of this Board of Directors. Your letter is inappropriate and just wrong. I suggest that you quickly send out a letter of apology and rescind your endorsement of these board members. NCRGEA should endorse no one for this election.
By the way, I’m so upset by your letter that I do not intend to renew my membership.
Sam K. Newman ID 100111556
... 'spect Sam might be getting one of those "abusive letters" from "de Judge"!