... new industry standard?
To: The North Carolina Credit Union Commission
April 9, 2024
My name is Susie Ford and I have been a member of SECU for over 50 years and was an employee of SECU from 1982 until 1995. My heart and compassion are strong for SECU after working for 15 years for its members and my grandfather Joseph C Knox was one of the original founders of the Credit Union as passbook number 7. So SECU runs deep within me.
On Thursday July 27, 2023 I sent an email to board.corporate.secretary@
In the past two years, I believe it has become increasingly difficult for SECU Members to participate in the election process. My understanding was the only bylaws restriction for the Board was to be 18 years old and a member. However, according to the email I received, the election procedures effectively amend the bylaws requiring me to have filed an application with the Nominating Committee to even be eligible to run. My thoughts are this change amends the SECU Bylaws as it was never approved by the CU Administrator? If my thoughts are correct, then the Board could independently add limitations to nomination eligibility and exclude anyone they choose without restraint OR adherence to the SECU bylaws.
My concern is this exclusion of an eligible member to run for a board position is an action with no authority and is an effort to circumvent a fair election process without authority or concern for member “owners’ rights.
Did Kristina Ray fully execute her responsibilities as Credit Union Administrator or stand by and not address the disregard of bylaws by the SECU Board? The answer is no she did not. How can the CU Commission stand by and not correct the failure of the CU Administrator to carry out her required duties and responsibilities?
The credit unions, administrator and commission are set up as governing bodies for a reason. I believe you will DO THE RIGHT THING and place responsibilities and authorities where they lie and follow the proper procedures to be within the authorities when changes are made.
The future of our Credit Unions depends on YOU!