Have asked Santa for a weed eater - with a "comment wacker attachment" - for Xmas. More heat than light generally in yesterday's tirades! Easiest way to get a "blog day off" is to let the "commentariat" run free . Will try to get back to the basics...
Some commenters felt that I was trying to avoid the reference to the performance of SECU in "September, 2011". Honestly wasn't sure how that was relevant, particularly since it was the year following the greatest economic downturn in the U.S. since the Great Depression. Not exactly a "normal, random, average" year to choose!
But reluctantly, did go look up the official NCUA data for September, 2011. Here's the official performance record of SECU vs. its peer group (aka "industry average"!):
["red" = better performance]
Delinquency: SECU: +3.75% Peers: +1.51%
Charge-offs: SECU: +0.25% Peers: +0.90%
Net-op. costs: SECU: +1.64% Peers: +2.52%
Growth in:
Net Worth: SECU: +13.93% Peers: +8.55%
Deposits: SECU: +10.78% Peers: +7.15%
Loans: SECU: +5.06% Peers: +1.86%
Investments: SECU: +4.96% Peers: +3.76%
Assets: SECU: +12.13% Peers: +6.69%
Members: SECU: +25.59% Peers: +20.28%
Again, not sure why one would pull a single ratio out of this particular year to challenge SECU performance. Would you?
Last 3 years offer much clearer, more obvious examples!
As they say: "Can't see the forest for the weeds!"