Wednesday, May 22, 2024

SECU Ruse-Based Lending (RBL)? "A Half-Truth Is The Most Cowardly Of Lies"....  The SECU Board believes that SECU doesn't serve "A" paper borrowers. 

Why? Because they haven't been told the whole truth.

According to the SECU CEO and SECU Loan Administration muck-mucks, the Credit Union had to implement race-based lending (RBL), because the rates charged by SECU over the years to "A-tier" borrowers have not been competitive.  

✅ That is simply not true. 

Here is the breakdown of actual SECU borrowers before RBL by credit tier. The data is from SECU Loan Administration!

✔ Charts Showing The Number of Actual SECU Borrowers By Credit Tier: 

 Doesn't that look like a fairly well-distributed portfolio of member loans?  
✅  247,000 "A-paper" SECU members chose to borrow at non-competitive rates from SECU? Do you believe that? Why does the SECU Board believe it?
 ✔  Please also note the total balances owed by each "Tier" group:

1)  "A"- paper:  Total outstanding loan balances - $8.9 Billion       
2)  "B"- paper:  Total outstanding loan balances - $6.6 Billion
3)  "C"- paper:  Total outstanding loan balances - $5.7 Billion
4)  "D"- paper:  Total outstanding loan balances - $2.1 Billion
5)  "E"- paper:  Total outstanding loan balances - $0.3 Billion
SECU "A- paper" member-borrowers owe the most at $8.9 billion and owe more than all the "C, D, E" folks combined!

✅ What was the SECU Board told?  

For all SECU members, RBL has been a painful, costly decision - 3-tiers doesn't make that mistake better!

   When you look at RBL more closely, it never seems to "add up"!?