Several LGFCU Charter members got together five years ago [link to LGFCU video] to reminisce about how and why they came together to help form a new credit union for municipal and county employees and their families. Be sure to note what Ms. Regina Alexander says was important to her - 40 years ago! She was from Southport, N.C. - too bad others from down that way choose to "do no harm", while their silence implies consent and support.
Not the seeds a father would expect for a true-to-his legacy to sow..
Did CEO Dwayne Naylor recommend to the LGFCU Board that RBL (race-based lending) be approved for LGFCU members? Has the LGFCU Board of Directors actually voted to approve that race-based lending (RBL) be inflicted on the LGFCU membership? If so, without question, RBL will cost the majority of LGFCU members millions of dollars in excessive, punitive interest rates on loans.
The LGFCU website indicates that LGFCU is charging members for loans on a race-based (RBL) basis. In other words, Regina Alexander - "tough stuff " to folks like you! We no longer care what your story is...even as a charter member.
Hey, CEO Naylor include this as a question in your "Independence FAQ's"? Has LGFCU adopted "RBL" - and Why? Yes or no? No B.S. ...come clean this time!
And by the way, LGFCU is in fact an independent organization - and always has been. LGFCU has always and still does set its own deposit and loan rates - independently! The LGFCU Board has never been a "captive" of SECU despite management's fictional claims.
The LGFCU Board could have told SECU to set LGFCU rates on all RBL tiers at the same rate! No one forced the LGFCU Board to move to race-based lending! "Independence" does have consequences!
Did the LGFCU Board actually, knowingly vote to screw municipal and county workers out of millions of dollars annually in excessive loan interest rate charges?
...if so, why didn't you have the decency to let the members know at least, that you were going to shaft us?👎👎👎