Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Fresh Start, Remaining Concerns, Fiduciary Duty ... 

                 .... and hopefully better results.

😎 [Comments are active!]

Well, we're past the election(s) and perhaps it's time for a fresh start and a new look at the future, which lies immediately ahead of us. Maybe all that has gone on was either under-examined or over-hyped, or both! We will find out shortly.

Getting ready to gear back up on looking at the new direction, new culture (the "new-new" ) which was introduced at the Credit Union in 2021 by the SECU Board. For the record, I remain strongly concerned about the eventual impact of many of the new-new actions approved by the SECU Board, over the last 3 years. The financial results so far are not inspiring, operational execution has often appeared erratic, employee angst is palpable - a rocky road at best.

But if we're going to make a fresh start, lets leave that behind and focus on where SECU is going in the future and why. 

In listening to feed back after the 2024 SECU election, several thoughts stood out: 1) focus on the SECU Board in its role as a fiduciary, 2) staff executes Board policy so leave them out, 3) if critical, provide both an explanation and alternatives, 4) review national trends within credit unions, 5) better inform the SECU membership of what is at stake and why they should care. 

100,000 members voting in 2024 out of 2.8 million members is a great start, but having less than 5% of SECU members voting does not indicate a well-informed, engaged membership. Mailing ballots was a new, positive precedence by the SECU Board. All members are now assured of an opportunity to vote. 

A well-informed SECU member will vote to "Do the Right Thing" - count on it!" That's what a democratic, credit union cooperative is all about.

So get ready for "SECU and Credit Unions-101: The Basics". Final exam scheduled for October, 2025