Saturday, August 12, 2023

SECU "This" Board Announces - Board Candidate "Reveal Party"!

While keeping up with whatever is in fashion, while dumbing down the credit union, "This Board" has just announced... 

 .... a  Board Candidate "Reveal Party"!!!!

The SECU Nominating Committee - appointed by the SECU Board Chair and composed solely of SECU Board members and business partners ("surprise, surprise"!) -  has completed its work and selected a slate of candidates for vacant SECU Board seats.

In keeping with "This" Board's commitment to transparency and member engagement (hey, it's right there in the "The SECU Strategic Plan"!), the candidates' names will be kept a secret until August 25, 2023!

Why that date? Because after August 25, 2023, SECU members won't be allowed to self-nominate, if they don't like the slate of candidates "revealed"!  In keeping with "This" Board's: "We know what's best for you"! attitude - once "revealed", SECU members will simply have to like it or lump it!  

But y'know, whose credit union is it anyway? What has gone on over the last two years which would lead SECU members to doubt and distrust the leadership of "This" Board? Well, a couple of things do come to mind... 

... but what really has members concerned is given "This" Board's recent track record, the Nominating Committee candidates "revealed" could be...