Saturday, August 19, 2023

Well, About that Petition Effort - I Have Some Good News And Some Bad News...

 ✅ The GOOD NEWS is...  SECU members aren't amused by "This Board's" new election rule antics...


"6. Self- nominations. Self- nominations may be made only by those who sought, but did not receive, nomination by the Nominating Committee. For a self-nomination to be valid and be included on the ballot, the member must have submitted a completed Candidate Package for consideration by the Nominating Committee by the deadline in the current year Election Procedures Schedule. If a member is notified by the Nominating Committee that they were not selected as a candidate, and the member wishes to self-nominate, the member may then email the Assistant Corporate Secretary at to request a copy of the Official Nominating Petition for State Employees’ Credit Union Board of Directors (the “Official Nominating Petition”). Within one (1) business day after receipt of such request, the Assistant Corporate Secretary shall email the member a copy of the Official Nominating Petition. Each member wishing to self-nominate must deliver (as described below) an Official Nominating Petition with valid signatures from at least 500 unique members aged 16 years or older with requested evidence confirming membership in SECU. The Official Nominating Petition must include the member name, telephone number, member address, signature and date of signature for each member supporting the candidate to count as a valid signature. Only signatures on the Official Nominating Petition will be accepted. No electronic, facsimile or other digital representation of signatures will be accepted. Joint petitions or petitions in support of more than one member will not be accepted. Solicitation of petitionsignatures on SECU property is prohibited. Valid signatures will be verified against the Credit Union’s membership list to ensure the Official Nominating Petition meets the minimum 500 member signature requirement. Delivery of the Official Nominating Petition shall be made (i) by emailing a statement of intent to self- nominate with the completed Official Nominating Petition attached as a .pdf file to the email address designated for Petition delivery on the Official Nominating Petition by the required date in the current year Election Procedures Schedule (the “Petition Deadline”), and (ii) sending via first class mail or national overnight delivery service or hand delivery the original completed Official Nominating Petition to the mailing address designated for Petition delivery on the Official Nominating Petition postmarked (mail) or sent (overnight delivery service or hand delivery) by the Petition Deadline. Failure to deliver the Official Nominating Petition in the manner and by all applicable deadlines set forth in this section will render such Official Nominating Petitions invalid. Such Official Nominating Petitions will not be accepted and such members will not appear on the ballot. "

[Here's the link to the whole mess!]

 ðŸ˜Ž .... yep the "not-heads" really worked themselves up into a little Stormtrooper, hissy-frenzy with this one!


The BAD NEWS is...