Members aren't allowed to speak at the 2024 SECU Annual Meeting, aren't [weren't!] allowed to hear what happened at the 2023 SECU Annual Meeting, ... what's next?
😎 "What happened next" [can't make this "stuff" up!] ... an hour after this post was published the 2023 SECU Annual meeting video miraculously resurfaced! - so be sure to take a look/listen and vote for Jean Blaine, Susie Ford, Julian Hawes, Kirby Parrish!
[Note: Don't get misled, you need to skip through on the bottom time line to the middle of the meeting or else "they" will trap you in a 15 minute ad/mood music video!!!]
😎😎😎😎 Uh-oh! It's gone again!!!
✅ The
Annual Membership Meeting and Board of Directors Election was held
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Over 1,000
SECU members were in attendance and
many more watched the live stream or the recorded [video link here],
available on YouTube.
While the entire meeting was over 2 hours and may
be a stretch to watch, would encourage you to at least view the "Member Forum" time stamp 1:29.32 [link] through 2:33:02, as it provides
information on many important topics
at your credit union; as well as, the wide range and depth of concern over the leadership and direction of the current Board of Directors. Please watch and listen to those views from your fellow members... it may help you decide how to vote in 2024.
Vote for the member-nominated candidates: ❋❋ Click here to vote now! ❋❋
Jean Blaine, Susie Ford, Julian Hawes, and Kirby Parrish.
... 4 more in '24!!!