Tuesday, February 28, 2023

SECU Board - National Judgment Review - (Strike) #3

 To: SECU Board of Directors

Dear Mr. Ayers,

These national reviews of the SECU Board are not like "fine wine" - they don't seem to improve with age! [Here's the link... chipfilson.com] to part #3 on SECU in Mr. Filson's nationally followed blog on credit unions.

You know there is going to be a "Ripple" effect from all of this...some serious headaches!

SECU Board Judgment - Under National Review #2

 To: SECU Board of Directors

Dear Chairman Ayers, 

As noted in "Judgment - Part 1", folks at the national level are beginning to review the soundness of your decisions and judgment in leading SECU forward - an uplift or downward spiral?  


[Here's the link] to Chip Filson's second part in the series on SECU.  Greater detail on Mr. Filson's credentials and expertise in the area of credit unions can be found in "Judgment - Part #1". Mr. Filson attempts "to analyze the facts" on your "New Culture, New Direction - SECU". Unfortunately your facts are few, but generalities are plentiful. 

The suspicion remains that the SECU Board is either ill-informed or uninformed on these important issues; and therefore, can't provide greater clarity and transparency to the members who have questions. The questions continue to grow, Board responsiveness is not encouraging.

So far, no one - even you and the SECU Board - has questioned the progress which SECU achieved over its first 85 years - in fact, take a look at what you say! [link] SECU History.  Yes, what indeed led you and the SECU Board to order an "about face", when confronted with success? 

Why did you order a turn for the worst?

SECU Board Judgement Now Under National Scrutiny - #1

 To: SECU Board of Directors

Dear Chairman Ayers,

Well Mr. Ayers, the questioning of the soundness of your judgment has now "gone national" within the credit union community! Congratulations! You and the SECU Board wanted a "national presence" for the Credit Union - your wish has been fulfilled!  Hope we all - members, advisory boards, and particularly the staff - can survive the upcoming "black eye" swat to SECU's reputation.

One thing is certain - you might be able to "duck, duck, goose" locally with the membership, but that ain't gonna work under national scrutiny!


Mr. Chip Filson is the retired CEO of the premier credit union "think tank" in the U.S. - Callahan's and Associates. Mr. Filson has not only been an exceptionally successful entrepreneur, but has also served as an Illinois state credit union regulator and as a top senior Federal level administrator at the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA).  

Guess I should also note that Mr. Filson is a Harvard graduate and a Rhodes Scholar - not only that, but president of his class at Harvard and played one-on-one, pick-up basketball at Oxford with Senator Bill Bradley, also a Rhodes Scholar! You get the picture! 

If any of the current SECU Board has a tendency to believe they are brighter than the overall SECU membership; and when meeting anywhere in North Carolina are"the smartest person at the table"...

...you and the SECU Board might prepare to be rudely enlightened - and if you will listen - much better informed.

Mr. Filson's nationally followed blog will be featuring you and SECU for the next few days. Here's the link:

 [link....SECU Board under the spotlight

Wish you well.