Friday, October 18, 2024

Review And Reflection - Part 3: SECU Board Responses To The 2022 Resolution - "The Fireside Chats"

  ... the SECU Board Responds!

The member-approved 2022 Annual Meeting resolution called upon the SECU Board of Directors to review and respond to the membership, after statewide discussions with the staff and advisory boards.

The resolution had called for the Board to address with the membership what seemed to be the most pressing six concerns -  open membership, a merger with Local Government FCU, risk-based lending, tax prep services, business/commercial lending, and the continued commitment to North Carolina.

In November, 2022 the SECU Board dutifully organized a series of meetings to respond to those questions posed in the member-approved resolution.

The meetings and answers to the six questions were summarized in a video - often referred to as "The Fireside Chats".  Here is a link to the video [link] and the answers provided by the SECU Board.

The question asked of the SECU Board on each of the six issues was simple: "Why is this change being made and how will the change benefit existing members."

Believe it would be beneficial for you to look at the SECU Board approved video and consider the answers provided.  

Judge for yourself: 1) Was the question actually addressed? 2) What was the answer you heard? 

In looking at "next steps - if any", we are headed for a critical "showdown decision" on the question of trust and transparency with the SECU Board of Directors. 

That decision should not be made lightly... do a little homework as an SECU member-owner by reviewing the video! Please feel free to comment on this post after your review...


... talk more on Monday.