Wednesday, October 9, 2024

2024 SECU Annual Meeting: The Members Make A Statement

   ... hard to miss that statement!

In case some of you missed it (and some of us wish we had!), the SECU membership voted by a 2 to 1 margin at the Annual Meeting yesterday to elect the four incumbent directors Bob Brinson, Mark Fleming, Stelfanie Williams, and McKinley Wooten

The election was hotly contested and @100,000 SECU members participated in the election and balloting process - a remarkable turnout. A healthy sign of member interest and participation! As you'll note from the resulting flurry of blog commenters, there was much excitement and disappointment.

What you can't see are the numerous deleted comments complaining about a rigged election and unfair tactics, etc, etc. I happen to believe the board election process was fair - period! 

We all need to "get over" the whine that if our views don't prevail, that something underhanded was done - not so. And, that doesn't apply to this election only, if you know what I mean.

Now, if some of you suspect that my views haven't changed on the key issues, then we understand each other well. The reports given at the Annual Meeting provided some interesting information which we will analyze over the next few days. That review may help create a "baseline" of financial facts, against which to measure the progress of SECU, as it moves on into the future. 

😎 Personally, congratulations to the new directors and - as always - I wish State Employees' Credit Union and its staff well! 


... perhaps I should fly south for the winter?