Saturday, December 30, 2023

SECU Members: Now "Outside The Box"?

In 1937, SECU was created as a cooperative, which was to be owned and controlled by the members and managed in their best interests.  One member/one vote; a democratically elected Board; transparency assured by member engagement; a common goal, a common purpose - the common good !

SECU was simply a group of North Carolina state employees, public school employees and their families who had joined together to save with and borrow from each other.
                                      "Inside the box"
But over the last two years, the SECU Board has seemed determined to change that basic idea, that fundamental principle of member-ownership and member-control. The  SECU Board - and senior leadership - had a different view of who should be in control. SECU became "their credit union" and "their view" was more important than the opinions of the membership. The Board knew what was best, "they" were in control.

  The Board now has an "outside the box" view of who is in charge...


See the problem?

  SECU member-owners appear to have become "outsiders".... and therein lies the greatest challenge for the future in 2024!

With member-owners, the SECU Board shouldn't try to  
"shut them out - nor shut them up!*