Saturday, December 30, 2023

SECU Members: Now "Outside The Box"?

In 1937, SECU was created as a cooperative, which was to be owned and controlled by the members and managed in their best interests.  One member/one vote; a democratically elected Board; transparency assured by member engagement; a common goal, a common purpose - the common good !

SECU was simply a group of North Carolina state employees, public school employees and their families who had joined together to save with and borrow from each other.
                                      "Inside the box"
But over the last two years, the SECU Board has seemed determined to change that basic idea, that fundamental principle of member-ownership and member-control. The  SECU Board - and senior leadership - had a different view of who should be in control. SECU became "their credit union" and "their view" was more important than the opinions of the membership. The Board knew what was best, "they" were in control.

  The Board now has an "outside the box" view of who is in charge...


See the problem?

  SECU member-owners appear to have become "outsiders".... and therein lies the greatest challenge for the future in 2024!

With member-owners, the SECU Board shouldn't try to  
"shut them out - nor shut them up!*



  1. It's typical of everything these days, those who didn't build anything and couldn't even if they tried want to take from those who gave all their blood, sweat and tears!
    And then call us the problem ...

  2. The culture is rotting and SECU is just the latest casualty. We are run by incompetent people at every turn. I'll be surprised if we see a 100th anniversary coffee mug!

  3. 2023 accomplishments: Ran Jim Hayes out, Ousted 3 Board members, Trashed H410.
    2024 goals: Oust 4 more. Remove Leigh Brady or she resigns like her master did.
    We do this folks…we have our credit union back. Then the domino’s will fall and you will start to resignations of the executives around early 2025. Work hard this year and don’t give up on our credit union. We have accomplished a lot as members and employees in 2023.

    1. Jared Benish neeeds to be focused more on. He is trying his best to ruin the call centers. Funny how everything ran pretty well before he was brought on…

  4. Corporations need to be held more accountable for treatment of employees. Ive worked a few. Came to secu years ago and fell in love. When Hayes was brought on..brought back bad memories at all my other jobs. Let’s keep SECU employee friendly. It’s a job finding a job especially if you are 30-1hour away from the major metropolitan areas. Boards and executives need to develop this trait called EMPATHY. Not just at SECU, but every corporation. Workers are not your servants. We aren’t robots. We have personal struggles and a soul. We aren’t here to churn away like meat and a grinder to make you money. Secu was the first employer that showed they cared about the worker. It didn’t take weird planned company outings, pizza parties, floating holidays etc to show me that. Everyone worked together. Sure secu is quirky, but that’s what makes it special. The industry standard credit unions and banks are soulless vessels to work. Or any corporation really. SECU needs to be protected…it’s one of the last great employers for the working class men and women of NC.-A concerned employee

    1. Hold off the wolves from tearing this place to tatters! Wish I was still in the fight, but I could not deal with the anxiety while Hayes was there.-Former Legacy.

  5. Another reason centralization is terrible. HR has consolidated its power to where they decide if you are fired now. Use to be your home grown branch that worked with you if you made a mistake…now Hr calls those shots. HR is NOT your friend folks. Don’t go to them and complain or you’ll make their list. God what has happened to this place.

  6. If HR starts calling shots and fires random employees they never met at a branch they’ve never even been too…we’ve really lost our way. That’s typical soulless corporate American bullcrap.

    1. They want employees to become a number. Easier to get rid of
