✅ I retired from working at SECU in 2016, quite a few years ago! Of the 11 current SECU Board members, I worked for - and know well - only three of them. One was Mr. Bob Brinson who, as you will note above, has served on the SECU Board for over 15 years Mr. Brinson is a wonderful person and is highly qualified as you can see - particularly in the area of information technology (IT).
One of the most outrageous statements peddled about by the "current/former" CEO of SECU - almost from day one of his disasterous tenure - was that SECU had not updated its technology since 1983. The "current/former" peddled this trash at the Fireside Chats, to the media, and even to the Raleigh Kiwanis Club, as late as last week. Still working hard at poisoning the well, even while fleeing the scene of the crime.
The most egregious example of this low-rent, no fact, hatchet job was the "current/former's" interview with the Triangle Business Journal (TBJ) on March 6, 2023 [see 3/10/2023 post]. As a result of that interview, two 30+ year, dedicated leaders of SECU - Mike Lord, retired CEO, and Chris Ayer, retired Chief Information Officer (CIO) - protested directly to the SECU Board. They also met with the TBJ editor to provide accurate data on the SECU technology environment and to request a retraction. The TBJ confirmed the quote from the "current/former" and therefore the story stood.
✅ If you will scan down the "Significant Dates in SECU History" page [here's the link] on the SECU website you will note numerous SECU tech changes during Mr. Brinson's service on the SECU Board - teller/branch platform, mobile access, text messaging/alerts, mobile payments, speech recognition, mobile app, mobile check deposit to highlight only a few.
Further, if you'd like to confirm for yourself that Mr. Brinson is well aware that the "no tech change since 1983" slander is false, here's what he mentioned as an SECU highlight in his "Chairman's Report" in the 2021 Annual Meeting minutes [just prior to introducing the biggest Board mistake in history, the new "current/former"] [link]:
"Chairman Brinson noted that in our current environment use of SECU’s contactless services saw dramatic increases, including the SECU Mobile App with the very popular Mobile Check Deposit feature, which was added this past year."
❓ Mr. Brinson, how can a fine person of high integrity - skilled in IT - remain silent while Mike Lord is disparaged, Chris Ayer is smeared, and the hundreds of loyal, effective SECU IT employees are unjustly belittled? This doesn't reflect the person I knew, nor the organization for which I worked. Why is this happening at SECU? https://secuvote.ey.com/
... "Your silence gives consent" - Plato https://secuvote.ey.com/