Saturday, February 17, 2024

SECU - Consider This: Chapter 16: Esse Quam Videri - The Member Volunteer  

   ... Dr. E. Victor Maafo, SECU member-owner and volunteer. 

Eugene Victor Maafo was born in Ghana. As a young man, he immigrated to Durham, North Carolina. As a pastor and preacher, Reverend Maafo has been a life-long advocate for faith and forgiveness. As a professor emeritus of economics at North Carolina Central University, Dr. Maafo has been a life-long advocate for reason and understanding. As a Black man in the South, he has been a life-long advocate for fairness and justice. As a fellow human being, Victor Maafo has been a life-long advocate for others - with exuberance and humility, with patience and tolerance, with joy and laughter.

On January 4, 2023 Dr. E Victor Maafo fulfilled a life-long goal and became a citizen of the United States of America. [link]

Four months ago, on October 11, 2023, Dr. Maafo took a two hour trip to Greensboro, North Carolina to attend the Annual Meeting of the State Employees Credit Union. At that meeting, he rose independently, as a life-long SECU advocate to voice his concerns over the loss of mission and purpose at the Credit Union. 

No one had asked that he attend, no one had written his remarks. Dr. Maafo understood faith and forgiveness, he understood reason, he understood fairness - he needed no coaching. As a member-owner, as a forever-and-always volunteer, E. Victor Maafo had come to advocate for justice for others - his fellow members.  To advocate for a change of heart, a change in direction... and he did just that.

Dr. E. Victor Maafo is an "Amazing Grace"

Today is his birthday. He is 97 years old.

Esse Quam Videri - "To be, rather than to seem."


... a great man? Yes! ... with the soul of a unicorn! ESSE QUAM!