Saturday, August 12, 2023

SECU "This" Board Announces - Board Candidate "Reveal Party"!

While keeping up with whatever is in fashion, while dumbing down the credit union, "This Board" has just announced... 

 .... a  Board Candidate "Reveal Party"!!!!

The SECU Nominating Committee - appointed by the SECU Board Chair and composed solely of SECU Board members and business partners ("surprise, surprise"!) -  has completed its work and selected a slate of candidates for vacant SECU Board seats.

In keeping with "This" Board's commitment to transparency and member engagement (hey, it's right there in the "The SECU Strategic Plan"!), the candidates' names will be kept a secret until August 25, 2023!

Why that date? Because after August 25, 2023, SECU members won't be allowed to self-nominate, if they don't like the slate of candidates "revealed"!  In keeping with "This" Board's: "We know what's best for you"! attitude - once "revealed", SECU members will simply have to like it or lump it!  

But y'know, whose credit union is it anyway? What has gone on over the last two years which would lead SECU members to doubt and distrust the leadership of "This" Board? Well, a couple of things do come to mind... 

... but what really has members concerned is given "This" Board's recent track record, the Nominating Committee candidates "revealed" could be...


 .... would hope they'd strive for greater diversity on "This" Board!



  1. Yep! but they'll be wearing masks to disguise their true identity! but thanks to this blog, we will know they are really Curly, Larry and Moe!!

  2. Absolute lunatics! 2.7 million people are in financial jeopardy. Attorney General Stein better not wimp out on this.

    1. I think this falls to the lap of the N.C. Administrator of Credit Union at this point Now if she finds "criminal" activity then the AG would be passed the baton.

    2. From a Member's perspective what This Board has done to our credit union is criminal.

  3. "the Song of the Bow”, Oh How the mighty have fallen ...

  4. This board is desperate, weak, sick, twisted, maligned, cruel, and disgusting.

    1. "Other than that, what did you and the President think of the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"

    2. now that's funny .....

  5. BTW, I think there's 153 different genders as of today... they add some new ones every now and then .. I'm sure the Culture Dept can update us so we can get more flags printed up!

    1. The culture department is a joke and complete waste of jobs at the credit union. I hope they read this…you know the employees just sit back in the break rooms clowning you guys right? We don’t take anything you send us serious. Even VPs and SVPs know you are a joke of a department. That’s sad when I see leaders just shake their heads at the silly emails we get sent from them.

  6. Is it time to "storm the capital"? There is more corruption on this board than in a good spy novel...unbelievable! BS!!

    1. only if you have the police/AG on your side, oh and the attorneys and the judges and the "entertainment" media... etc ...

  7. Shame what has become of SECU. What used to be a top notch institution is going downhill quicker than quicksand.
    Tired of all the culture crap and all the other bs. DO THE RIGHT THING!!!!
    Quit wasting members money on consultants, quit hiring people for bs positions. SECU is turning into a wasteful government institution, our membership is modest and so used to be SECU.

    1. We are definitely at a tipping point ...October will decide which side we tip to... and depending on who is "revealed" it may be over before it even starts... They are he*! bent on stacking the deck!

  8. But, the board says it's now easier to vote. Vote for their choice, that is.

  9. Dear Roy Cooper,

    Get off your a**.

    SECU Employees and the people of North Carolina

  10. Choose a side, you are either for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (that's 100% of the truth) or you're not. There is no straddling the fence on this issue ... EVER!

    Do you believe this board is truthful to it's membership it serves?

  11. No one is riding to the rescue. The only chance for change is for the members (and employees) to....


    Your chance is coming...

  12. If This Board were doing the right thing, they would not be creating hurdles for self nomination. If This Board knew what they were doing, we’d never have fallen victim to the prior CEO’s disastrous term. If This Board were doing a good job, they wouldn’t need to be worried about their own reelection.

  13. When Mike Lord left, this board executed a hostile takeover of the North Carolina State Employees' Credit Union. this board has attempted to undo everything SECU stood for for 85 years. This board has no understanding of the members financial lives-- this board is about their finances and what will benefit this board. Lack of transparency and dishonesty is the legacy of this board. Start with this election. Talk to your friends and family about this board. Members need to know.

  14. " The Human Touch"
    “I spent an hour in the bank with my dad, as he had to transfer some money. I couldn't resist myself and asked...
    ''Dad, why don't we activate your internet banking?''
    ''Why would I do that?'' He asked...
    ''Well, then you wont have to spend an hour here for things like transfer.
    You can even do your shopping online. Everything will be so easy!''
    I was so excited about initiating him into the world of Net banking.
    He asked ''If I do that, I wont have to step out of the house?
    ''Yes, yes''! I said. I told him how even grocery can be delivered at door now and how amazon delivers everything!
    His answer left me tongue-tied.
    He said ''Since I entered this bank today, I have met four of my friends, I have chatted a while with the staff who know me very well by now.
    You know I am alone...this is the company that I need. I like to get ready and come to the bank. I have enough time, it is the physical touch that I crave.
    Two years back I got sick, The store owner from whom I buy fruits, came to see me and sat by my bedside and cried.
    When your Mom fell down few days back while on her morning walk. Our local grocer saw her and immediately got his car to rush her home as he knows where I live.
    Would I have that 'human' touch if everything became online?
    Why would I want everything delivered to me and force me to interact with just my computer?
    I like to know the person that I'm dealing with and not just the 'seller'. It creates bonds of Relationships.
    Does Amazon deliver all this as well?'''
    Technology isn't life..
    Spend time with people .. Not with devices."
    Writer: Unknown

    1. exactly ... next thing you know they'll be trying to take our money away and make it digital and then can control what and how you spend YOUR money on !!!

      maybe that's why the push? Good luck getting a truthful answer as they are in short supply.

  15. Can someone please tell me why this is being done! I am in disbelief that this is happening at a non profit that serves millions of North Carolinians!! I just must be so nieve!! Is money truly the root of all evil?

    1. The "LOVE" of money (riches) is the root of all evil
