Friday, August 11, 2023

SECU Board Election Democracy, "Curiouser and Curiouser"! - SECU Board Refuses To Reveal Nominating Committee Slate Of Candidates !?!  

SECU "This" Board election antics become, as Alice would say: "Curiouser and curiouser!"!

August 11, 2023 

Ms. Amy Funderburk, Board Corporate Secretary

Dear Ms. Funderburk,

The SECU Nominating Committee has completed its work and has filed a slate of candidates with you for the upcoming SECU Board elections beginning in September. Would you please send me the names of the members who have been selected ?

It is my understanding that you have refused to provide the candidate names selected by the Nominating Committee until August 25, 2023.

It would appear at best illogical - if not comical - for the Nominating Committee to suppress the names of its choices. Is there something to hide? Is the Nominating Committee ashamed of the nominees selected?

The self-nomination process for the SECU Board begins today, August 11, 2023.  All members need to know who the Nominating Committee slate will be. Why? Because some members are considering placing their names independently in nomination.  If those members are satisfied with the Nominating Committee slate, then there is no need to pursue self-nomination. 

Refusing to announce the slate defies all sense of reason and fairness - and purposefully impairs the democratic rights for members to self-nominate.

Please provide the names of the Nominating Committee slate by return email. If you continue to refuse to disclose the slate, would you please also confirm that you are taking such action on behalf of the SECU Board of Directors. 

Thank you.

Sincerely, Jim Blaine

cc: Ms. Kristina Ray, Administrator of N. C. Credit Unions

      Ms. Rana Badwan, N.C. Attorney General's Office


... yes, all "the best people" are!




  1. Wow. Just wow. This is so ridiculous!

  2. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it"

  3. The behavior of this board calls their sanity into question. There is an inability to make a decision and then back it publicly. Everything this board does, for some reason, they want to hide--backing H410, the financials, the why on new/new, the why on RBL, the nominees?????? No comments from this board on their dismal failure to meet the targets this board set in its "strategic plan." Are they dropping Alice Garland!! Are they dropping Alice's BFF Jo Anne Sanford? We could all dance a jig. This board is BIZARRE! Guess they just want a contested election to see if they can pull it off with all the devious, unethical doings on the bylaw changes and election procedures.

    1. Bizarre doesn't even begin to describe these people! It's a secret organization now! The big reveal will be August 25. It's a Secret!! Tune in to find out!

  4. "nanny nanny boo boo. We will do just what we want and see if you can stop us!!"

  5. catch us if you can!

    1. They are already exposed! It’s just a matter of the government getting off their a** and doing what’s right.

  6. Can we remove them all for absolute total and complete incompetence?

    1. remove them yes, "incompetent" this is exactly how they orchestrated this election process.
      They paid someone to help them set this up, with OUR money!!! Think of that for a moment ...

  7. Alice Garland isn't Alice. Alice Garland is The Red Queen. And she would love to chop off our heads, and is working on it!

  8. Board is corrupt, keep pressing on connection between Sanford, Ayers, Johnson, Garland, Fleming. They're on the take. Utilities, lobbyists their "clients"!., Inside Job!

    The NC "D's"!!! Including Gov. Cooper and Stein! good ole boys and girls - Sanford , Garland corruption network! Garland is pits, just ask around... long history of piss poor incompetence with Garland. Just ask ! Everybody agrees on her!,

    1. OMG can't even run a Kiwanis Club! Export this lady from Raleigh before more damage done.

    2. Ahh, but she is The Red Queen. "off with their heads!"

    3. OH please! Let's get her off the board!

    4. Everything that comes from this board has been said to be unanimous. So unless someone on the board denies this then they all need replaced!

  9. Well, this should make it super easy to get 500+ signatures for 3 people to run against them. "Who has the board nominated?" We don't know. It's a secret until August 25, when this board will have a big Reveal Party and announce the selections of the Official Nominating Committee. You must wait until our decree.
