Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Waiting For Godot?


Several of you have asked for an update on progress with the investigation of SECU by the N.C. Credit Union Division. Ms. Kristina Ray is the newly appointed Administrator. 

As noted in the 8/5/2023 post [link to post], we wrote Ms. Ray asking for an opportunity to meet again with her (and Ms. Badwan from the AG's Office) to further discuss her views and potential options. 

It appears irrefutable [rhymes well with disreputable!] that the SECU Board has violated the credit union's bylaws and is conducting an illegal election. A situation which the Credit Union Division is required by N.C. state law to correct.

Here's the latest response:

😎 Still hoping this is not a "Waiting for Godot" play [❓here's your link].

 "... they make the tenuous assumption that there must be some point to their existence, and they look to Godot for enlightenment. Because they hold out hope for meaning and direction..."

... it's not just 2 people waiting, it's 2.7 million people waiting!


  1. wonder what the bureaucratic "time sensitive" response time will be? Mid-October?

    1. That’s usually how things go! And, since her predecessor gave the ok to the board’s nefarious scenes on her last day in office, how much faith do you actually have in Ms. Ray doing her job? I hope she’ll rise to the occasion, but it doesn’t look good.

    2. or she can send an message and since she has recently started this job, it would be imperative to do just that else you will be bullied from this time on ... Everyone will think you're a pushover ...

  2. Why don't you take up a useful hobby like pickleball?

    1. Well, at least "they" are reading the blog!

    2. ...and btw I'm even too old for pickleball, but thanks for the suggestion!

    3. Come on Gym, get back to work ... Don't you have a selfie to take with your new/new?

    4. @9:34 Pickles are sour and it appears you may be too. "Just Asking" benefits hundreds of thousands of people who want to know what has happened down at our credit union- pickleball will not.
      Some folks will never get the importance of credit union leaders staying focused on profiting the member/owners instead of themselves. Mr. Blaine and many other SECU Retirees got it! Appears another credit union expert and blogger agrees; it is a good to ask questions - check out C Filson 06/27/23 Asking Questions? If you are doing the right thing, answers should come easily. No reasons to hide what you are doing or push Bylaw changes through at the midnight hour. This Member thanks Mr. Blaine and all the others fighting for us & SECU.

    5. "Why don't you take up a useful hobby like pickleball?" Ah, a troll. Welcome! Don't see many of those here. Most of the folks that come here are concerned about the SECU members and employees.

    6. Haha, this comment is so funny, you must be getting to them Mr Blaine. Love it, keep it up.

  3. speak for yourself--Think it would be terrific if this board all resigned and did the same. then Mr Blaine would have no need to do this very difficult work!! good advice all around!! why don't you take it?

  4. Smoke and mirrors. They won’t do shi*

    1. Disagree. She will step up...women do, guys don't.

    2. hasn't nothing to do with gender or anything else... it's all about personnel integrity... and that seems in short supply nowadays!

    3. What’s Jim Blaine then? Lol. He is standing up and he is a male I’m pretty sure. Leigh Brady sure isn’t standing up.

    4. Known her long time, she'll follow the law. Do the right thing.

    5. I’ll believe it when I see it. But praying you are right! I love working at secu. I don’t want to see this place go to hell like all the other corporations in this country

    6. She's not from California. She's from eastern NC, so she knows the difference between right

    7. Saying and doing are two different things.

      Ultimately she implements the policies of the BOD and they have not necessarily been doing the right thing the last 2 years.

  5. Could someone answer how many of the eleven Directors on This Board were voted in to serve by the members and just how many were appointed to the seat by their fellow directors?

    1. All were appointed, but subsequently elected by members. There have been no contested board elections in recent memory.

    2. A group of friends(cabal) got control of the board a few years back. Reread Tuesday August 1 on this blog about the outside relationships among this board. Two of the ring leaders of this board are up for reelection this time. One of them is up next to be chair, Alice Garland.

    3. "There have been no contested board elections in recent memory."
      It's Time that changes .... Like October!

  6. Here's what really stinks as an employee that has made SECU my career. I took all my modules, earned all my PTO, used to announce with pride that I worked here, and saw the credit union enrich my family's lives and local members and communities. The last two years have seen just a handful of people almost completely destroy all of that. All these new hires with made up job titles that haven't earned all that PTO, much less the respect of other employees. There are commercial lending employees and we can't even legally offer commercial lending. I'm really pissed off that Jim Hayes came in with his fake smile and dyed hair and took a dump on everything and then just skips off to another c-suite salaried job while so many employees are stuck with the mess. I know the board is as much to blame if not more and they have changed any policy they can think of to hold on to power. The worst of all is the damage to the credit union's reputation and financial stability which affects all members.

    1. ... and if things don't change, it's going to get worse! Believe it or not, for employees and the membership!

    2. SECU with commercial lenders and can't lend is not quite as bad as continually being told: No new home construction lending. I have been told that twice now, what's up with that change? It's looking like we're being forced to the banks.

  7. Ahhhhhh, delay! Inequity’s greatest friend.

  8. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!

  9. This board is weird and getting they treat people in their work like this too?

    1. Maybe we're not like the rest of the world, just passing through...
      You know, 'go along to get along' usually doesn't end well .... just looks around.

    2. Reading your comment, you obviously aren't a member.
      So what brings you here?
