Or, if you really need "this Board's" help in understanding what they are doing to you for you...watch this little "this Board" video.... [try to ignore the "former/former" seated on the right...and try not to laugh out loud about his twin on the left]:
[Here's your link to the video!!!] ...feel good about the leadership of your Credit Union after watching that?
✅ Mr. Ayers: "Successful implementation of the 4 areas of our strategic plan will promote greater operational efficiency [$75 million over budget, operating costs up 24% over historical levels], expand member choices [wait either 45 minutes or 2 hours for a contact center call, low or very low rates on savings, mediocre or high rates on loans, close your account sooner or later], and prepare the organization to operate more sustainably [beats me?!?! remember stifle yourself...]."
... be sure to consider whether Mr. Errors is a convincing leader representing your best interests - and the best interests of 2.7 million of your fellow members in North Carolina.
.... no, me neither.
I swear I saw their noses grow ... ;)
ReplyDeleteFrick and Frack ... or is that Hayes and Brady?
ReplyDeleteYou need to tell members about Alice Garland.. why won't you tell the truth about that w...? C'mon you are being too PC, tell it!
ReplyDeleteTheir lips where moving so we know what was coming out ...
ReplyDeleteI think I could see Ayers' lips moving slightly
Deletewhen Hayes was speaking.
ReplyDeleteAyers makes me want to puke.
ReplyDeleteJim Hayes=Vince McMahon Leigh Brady=Stephanie McMahon.
ReplyDeleteIt’s insane for this board to focus on bylaw changes and election procedures so they can continue to run the CU into the ground.Why aren’t they focusing on 2 hour wait times at the call center? Maybe this board should go work over there, Leigh Brady sure needs to! Give her some real world experience. See what employees and members are going through. Maybe it would get fixed. Been going on for a long while now. Oh, how wonderful industry standard is!
DeleteMost folks at the top never appreciate the boots on the ground. They think it's all magic.
DeleteApparently this board thinks that 85 years of a great business model was magic too. Obviously had to convert to industry standard to make things better. Every member can see where that has gone.....This board need to go.
DeleteSometimes you have to stop talking and start doing. The SECU app was down for 3 hours yesterday (another in a line of IT failures). There were 1500 members in the Call Center queue at one point. Want to guess what the wait times were?
ReplyDeleteFluffy only gets you so far.
(And Gym, love that you and Chris were so conscious of avoiding ties but it's a button down collar shirt....like you button down both sides of the collar. Lol)
“You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.”
Delete― Henry Ford
LOL, it's all in the details ..... better hire an outside organization to get you dressed each morning!
DeleteI watched the video. The plan is failing spectacularly. Half of the speakers in that video have stepped down. Time for the other half.
ReplyDeleteThis video really wants to make you puke. Every and I mean EVERY service has declined. The Exec team is a bunch of people who have no clue what SECU is all about. They get paid the big bucks for screwing something up that has worked for 85 years. I want to scream when I hear of another promotion on LinkedIn and when people talk about knowing all about SECU when they have only been with SECU for less than 2 years. Do you know any of our members? Are you being stopped at a restaurant, grocery store, Walmart or anywhere else and asked questions? Please do us all a favor and resign ( board, exec team and any other new hire in the past 2 years)
ReplyDeleteThey've heard of SECU but they don't KNOW SECU!
DeleteDecorum must be restored. All employees, ops center, call center, branch, need to be back in suits, jackets and ties every day. WFH must go. Our forefathers in 1937 would expect nothing less of us.
ReplyDeleteWhat does WFH have to do with anything? Why would someone who is not member-facing need to wear a suit and tie?
DeleteI think it's less to do with decorum, which is a vague and changeable concept, and more to do with attitude/mindset. It's simply a fact that wearing a suit does improve productivity and make people believe the work they're doing is more important. It improves their self-perception and makes them work harder. You can Google it. There's a bunch of psychologica literature on that. it's called "enclothed cognition".
DeleteWFH needs to go.. call an internal department and hear a baby screaming in the background or better yet someone doing their laundry. Not much work going on that’s for sure… as for the suits and ties there is absolutely no reason to bring them back…
DeleteWFH rarely works for this organization. Great for the individual employees (for many personal reasons) but not for the members and employees seeing members who need their help. Does ZERO to build a team and mentor new folks.
DeleteDress the part and act the part. Professionalism (actions and dress) never hurt member service, only enhanced it.
Hey y’all, I think we’re getting in the weeds here and distracted from the bigger problems. WFH employee here, not particularly by choice, but it’s what was offered for the role I love to do.
DeleteI know I can’t speak for everyone, but I’ve never been more productive and my department has all handled it surprisingly well. It may be easy to write the whole lot of us off—I did as well when I was still in the branch up until a year ago, but the broad sweeping statements above aren’t particularly fair to a lot of us hardworking, legacy employees who still love on the members every day. If anything, SECU needs to come up with policies/procedures on how to recall the bad apples. Don’t let them spoil the whole bunch.
I heard Brady said on a leadership call that she's planning on putting the "business" back into the dress code. Whatever that means...
DeleteExpect dress code changes in August.
"I heard Brady said on a leadership call that she's planning on putting the "business" back into the dress code. Whatever that means..."
Deleteyou can put lip stick on a pig ... it's still a pig!
They weren’t wearing khaki pants and no ties in 1937. What has changed since then? This needs to be 0% about the “comfort” of our employees, 100% about member perception.
DeleteEverybody on the football team suits up even if they're not first string.
ReplyDeleteWhat ever happened to the call center philosophy that when a member called, that member would talk to a person. Not a prerecorded menu? That very thing that makes all of us lose our minds, b/c it's 5 minutes before you get through it to the person. Why was that idea of exceptional service abandoned by this board? Do they never use the call center so think it was not an important part of the cu? This board doesn't want the branches--focus on digital, where and how are members to get service? Who in upper management or on this board cares about how the member experiences the credit union?
ReplyDelete"industry standard" ......... The new "digital" world they are giving you. Why be exceptional when you can be mediocre and still collect a big fat paycheck AND 'not' be held accountable for billions of losses ... and then blame it on everything else under the sun! Welcome to the new/new!