The same loan rates for every SECU member worked well for the first 85 years at the Credit Union and hurt no member. Fairness was the hallmark of SECU!
Appears that times have changed - a step forward ?
... or a dreadful step backwards?
... DEI-fying race? Certainly a foggy notion - that "Misty Haze" debacle (M. Haze for short!)
"Fairness is man’s ability to rise above his prejudices." –Wes Fessler
ReplyDeleteWell, at least when Gym puts coffee in the branches all members will have that!
ReplyDeleteGet 'em pumped full of caffeine so they're too hyped up to care that their rate is 9% instead of "as low as 4.75!" or whatever. *Eye roll*
DeleteInternet cafe in the branches….how silly. We aren’t baristas, Gym.
ReplyDeleteIs this happening? Make distractions for members while waiting for service by serving coffe and free internet?! (Hiring freeze in branches, folks in branches who don't pitch in b/c don't "really" work for the branch or members) Maybe the members won't realize what's really going on!
DeleteYes because in 5 years or so…a teller or a Loan officer won’t be really doing those jobs anymore. They member will use the self service technology to do everything while we get the members coffee and snacks. That’s the goal…to make employees not valuable and reducing us to grabbing coffee for members while they do everything on a ITM or IPad. Gym does not want 7K employees working at secu. More like 2-3K. He doesn’t want to pay you quality pay. That’s really why they are undergoing on a lot of these technological advancements. It’s not really to enhance us. It’s to reduce the need for us.
DeleteVery true, coffee pods, ITMs, IPads, based on blueprints the new built branches will be smaller with no safety deposit boxes, smaller teller windows maybe 3 or 4. They are already removing cash orders, share below 25 list, negative DD list from the branches. I knew when Jim was hired he was no good for The members and employees of SECU. Just look at Andrews Federal employee review on Glassdoor when he was CEO.