Thursday, April 13, 2023

We Have Made Some Changes "To Further Enhance The Cooperative Principle of Democratic Member Control"... 12, 2023 - "Good afternoon. I'm pleased to share that to further enhance the cooperative principle of Democratic Member Control, the Board recently adopted changes to SECU's Board Election Policy and Procedures. Our members, as owners of their cooperative, are the lifeblood of SECU, and their participation in the governance process is critical to our success. We recognized that our current election procedures had some limitations..."[Ms. Leigh Brady, SECU Chief Operating Officer]

Naw, really? Just sort of out of the blue you decided to change your Board election procedures?  Wonder what caused that?

You wouldn't stoop to something like that would you?

Oh, yes we would! It's our credit union you know....

Chris Ayers ImageAlice GarlandMona MoonBob BrinsonMark Fleming ImageJennifer Haygood ImageBen McLawhorn ImageImage of Thomas Parrish the 4thJo Anne SanfordStelfanie Williams

McKinley Wooten, Jr. Image


  1. Wonder what the changes are.

    1. Ask any employee.. a notice was sent yesterday

  2. For the purpose of wanting to be more “transparent” right? ….

    1. Of corse that’s why it was sent out to employees after the close of business

    2. Will members be notified of these changes???

  3. Poor Leigh having to put her name on all these ideas and emails now lol why have the emails from Little Jimmy stopped? I wonder…

    1. Probably still trying to figure out the difference between where, were and we're.

    2. "Poor Leigh", b.s. she is part of the problem. No innocent child there, heading toward evil as hard as her little self-serving heart can go.

    3. Agree with this statement "she is part of the problem". Anyone remember the video conference meeting with the executive "team" where she basically said if you don't like it you can leave?! Believe this occured back in September or October when they announced the hiring freeze, I mean pause I mean we never had one.....

    4. Poor Leigh? She is adding to the issues and always has! Plays both sides….give me a break…poor Leigh!

    5. Heard today poor Leigh was heading to the western part of the state to bring those braches out there into alignment, whatever that means?

  4. This may the most blatant attempt at silencing the membership that I have ever seen. Now if you're not chosen by the nominating committee you have 10 days to get 500 individual, hand-written signatures and then hand deliver or mail said signatures to SECU. Seems to me the Board has chosen to only put others on the board that they approve of. Why make voting easier if you're only going to let the members choose from the people you selected? Imagine if politicians could choose who they run against. TERRIBLE move by The SECU Board. True Voter Suppression!!

    1. Desperate act for a desperate board. Sad and pathetic. They know members are upset at the direction the credit union is going they also know in six months 3 board positions are up for election (October). What better way to retain power. They are supposed to be volunteers. No way they are not getting some type of compensation. I wonder what sort of changes/supression they have for the annual meeting since they got called out and embarrassed last year. Members should be outraged!

    2. So hard for me to believe Mr. Brinson and Ms. Haygood are supporting all these damaging changes to State Employees Credit Union and it's membership. I would have thought they cared more for the organization and us as Members. Still hopeful they will do the right thing before it's too late

  5. We as members should be outraged. Now they think they can do whatever they want and won't suffer any repercussions since they choose who the membership votes for. This is the good 'ole boy network in the finest.

  6. I pledge allegiance to the Board, of the State Employees Credit Union… and to the now Democratic, for which it stands… one company… under Jim… apprehensible, with liberty, and justice for none

  7. I've been a credit union member since the 80's. Have been following the condition of LGFCU and it's members, many of whom are friends. Clear to all how a few can destroy something that has worked so well for the past forty years. However LGFCU appears to be a lost cause.

    But, SECU is my credit union! We are all watching every dirty deed being done by this new CEO and Board. And today's notice of changing election procedures is the wakeup call for those members still sleeping. This character, his admin and his board need to be replaced.
    Our credit union has been going downhill for the past two years ago and if this bunch is allowed to continue, we won't be able to recognize SECU in another year. For anyone doubting what I am saying, do some research on Jim Hayes. Then look at all those he's brought into the organization. SECU was founded in North Carolina, to serve North Carolinians, to employ North Carolinians. This is a disaster, but we as members must not give up. Communicating with one another is the key to righting this wrong.

  8. This is where SEANC really needs to be involved in obtaining signatures. Jump through the hoops and hurdles so we can right these wrongs. Although you could easily obtain enough signatures from employees. Another poor decision by a desperate board….do this board have any integrity?

    1. Yeah I’m going really hoping SEANC is keeping up to date on this and responds

  9. THIS BOARD has "Lawyered Up". The main focus is suppression of the members voices. The credit union is THIS BOARDS big honeypot and they are not going to let loose. It's mind boggling what Alice and Ayers and Accomplices have destroyed for personal reasons in 18 months. It's incredible! No regard for the state of North Carolina, no regard for keeping money in the pockets of the members so it's spent locally. Hey fellow members, THIS BOARD has already moved 1.6 BILLION $$$ out of state through commercial investments. WAKE UP out there. THIS BOARD has big personal ambitions! Nothing altruistic here. IT is not about making money for members, or giving members good savings rates or lending rates. Haven't you members noticed that in 18 months, NCSECU no longer has the best rates, and THIS BOARD certainly doesn't want you to know loan rates until you are so far in the application process that you're going to take it. Hook 'em. Since when -- Oh Yeah! Since THIS BOARD our credit union does bait and switch. WHAT IS GOING ON????? How could this happen in 18 months!!??

    1. What are the out of state commercial investments?

    2. go to NCSECU website annual report. Click on audited financial statements. Go to page 22 Note 2.

    3. Well he was CFO at WestCorp. No worries.

    4. Fellow members when you are reading on WestCorp, be sure to check out the comments of Hayes leadership by members and employees on Andrews Federal Credit Union as well. I don't profess to have the education of our elite 11 directors, but as an ordinary man it was a fairly simple read for me to understand. Don't know how the educated missed the signs.

    5. Very good point on the honey pot and personal reasons.No volunteer, or unpaid board would be turning a deaf ear to the requests of the membership with whom they have had relationships for years with versus an outsider coming into the organization with excess baggage. And who immediately broke the promises he made to them upon acceptance of his position. No entourage, no turning this big ocean liner too quickly...ring a bell?
      Worth investigating why the sudden change in the Board's thought process?Just might be enlightening.

    6. yes!! exactly. That is the worry.

  10. I always get the feeling the people running this ship forget that employees too are members.. as if it is just us that is outraged by all of this, everyone else is oblivious. guess what… we’re members! and our families, our neighbors, and our friends are members… and we’re telling them ALL what’s REALLY going on

  11. It’s crazy to me that LGFCU is the only one really getting drug in the mud publicly…… SECU seems to be up to so much worse right now…

    1. As a member of SECU and LGFCU, what is the reason LGFCU CD rates are paying a half percent higher on CDs than SECU right now? Is Hayes spending this money on all his new hires from outside the state instead of taking care of we the members who are the reason he had an opportunity at his present position which I will say he has failed at since day one. Again, the elected Board needs to correct their bad decision making and if they can't do that, resign themselves.

    2. It’s politics at this point, politicians never admit when they make a mistake. They deflect and point fingers. they will never admit they messed up hiring Jim Hayes, and it’s apparent they will watch all of this crumble before they admit that

  12. So now that Jimmy’s e-mails have stopped, Leigh Brady is touring the State for damage control. Maybe we all need to have our members send in comments. I for one am tired of answering their questions and concerns while the people behind this mess don’t care since they don’t have to deal with it.
    Exec team and board would do us a huge favor by resigning before doing more damage. Give me back my old SECU that I was proud of being a part of.

    1. Let's hope her damage control is not a repeat of her phrase used in previous Exec WEBEX where she is encouraging good employees toward the door. The point you just made is so noteworthy and exactly what all the Exec team has forgotten- those strong relationships SECU members hold so dear are with branch employees, not Raleigh and definitely not Hayes or Admin.

    2. Damage control? It's intimidation control.

  13. These are the new election changes:

  14. Are the new election procedures posted online?
