Monday, May 29, 2023

AI Chatbox Folks Deny Authorship Of SECU Board "DMW" Letter, Point Blame At Virtual Reality Representative A tersely worded message has been received from the AI Chatbot folks, disclaiming responsibility for the recent SECU Board "Dead Man Walking" letter to "All employees" and Advisory Boards. The message stated clearly that the content of the DMW letter did not meet AI benchmarks for re-fabrication, logical consistency, or verifiable message value. "This document contains prolific poppycock, is not the work of an intelligent robot, and is not up to "industry standards"!"

Not real sure how one apologizes to an AI robot. And, who knew a robot could get insulted, when inappropriately linked to lesser quality work? Maybe I should ask the bot to write itself a suitable letter of apology? Would that work? Still own a flashlight, use a rotary dial phone and listen to AM-radio, so not sure how to navigate this new technology. [...still stuck in 1983, y'know.]

The message did go on to explain that AI Chatterbox not only could create all sorts of documents, but could also analyze, decipher, and "reverse engineer" a document, tracking back to identify the most likely authorship - and had done so!. [Who knew that?!]

"Our research has identified - with a high degree of certainty - that the author is an individual who is an expert in the field of virtual reality ["the inordinate focus on technology to create an artificial illusion of the real world"]. We believe the author to be...


... Representative George Santos of New York or a similar practitioner virtually detached from truthfulness and reality."


... can you live-stream AM-radio over a rotary phone? Is that android or iOS? [BTW, what is a rotary phone?]



  1. You think this letter is surreal? Try working there. We are doing so many things backwards all while spending money without a care in the world.
    Employees are watching these changes and, let's be clear, they aren't afraid of change. They are calling out BAD DECISIONS, POOR LEADERSHIP, and MISERABLE IMPLEMENTATION. And, for that…for trying to protect SECU from disaster after disaster, they are treated terribly.
    I'll give them one thing. The new leadership does condescension decently well. Watch the last IS town hall from April. CIO, Culture Officer, and Security Officer get high marks in making employees miserable while sharing nothing that contains actual information. Oh, employees did get to ask some questions in the 10 minutes for Q&A after the 2 hours of "freedom counseling". And, just to underscore this point, without euphemism… Yes, they spent nearly 2 hours telling people to resign if they don't like the new way. And, you've seen the comments about how the Q&A went. Unintelligible ramblings.
    Is this who we are? SECU has always been a TRUSTED financial partner. That's all history.

    1. Please provide context on freedom counseling.

    2. That was the euphemism for saying leave if you don't like the way this company is doing things. The whole IS town hall meeting in April was dedicated to that (there's a recording of this mtg and all other town halls). It started with why would you do something you hate everyday? Choose happiness. If you're unhappy, leave. This was conveyed in a folksy, unprofessional manner by the culture officer. "Freedom counseling " is her term for it. You don't like it, LEAVE! DON'T DIG IN.
      CIO echoed it over and over. You know, he rambles.
      Security officer got up and chided an employee for asking a simple question. Went on and on about how his question was an example of the problem with folks not getting with the program. Tried to embarrass the questioner. Embarrased himself instead.

    3. Someone mentioned a No Confidence vote on the Board of Directors several weeks back in this blog? After reading this letter sent out to SECU employees, I must say we are way past a question of confidence in the Board's decision making on what is best for SECU and we, the members. These aren't simply bad decisions. The tone of this letter, the staff's statements of Executives encouraging them to leave their jobs and careers if they don't like Your changes, implementation of new policies and procedures that are not effective. This all appears to be an intentional attempt to weaken SECU from the ground up, what I can't understand is why? And why Directors who serve or have served North Carolina in various positions over the years within their own field are allowing All This to happen on their watch? So much talk and use of the word legacy over the past months makes me wonder if these Board Members even understand how much damage they have done to our state employees and their families every time they have implemented these bad changes down at our credit union? The results of your decision making will be part of your legacy at SECU and in North Carolina.

    4. Board - FREEDOM COUNSELING. I understand you were ready for change. But you did not hire anyone but the CEO. His hiring is questionable. The DEI(B) taking lead on pushing differing opinions out the door? Come on man. WTH UP

    5. Freedom counseling: Counseling that employees are free to leave if they don't agree with the current regime.

      The initial counseling was free of cost in the meeting. Won't be surprised if an app - similar to mental health app - pops up for this purpose soon wasting member 💰💰💰.

    6. Initial town hall meeting - Anyone remember the response from the CIO when answering the question as to why SECU would consider Venmo when it's a flawed product?

      His answer: That's the 'cost' of doing business.

      Wow. A callous offhanded response. COST of doing business. At WHOSE cost? Not at the cost of HIS personal money. It's members money.

      He proved his apathy with that single sentence right from the start. What more can be expected from this bunch now?

    7. Don't remember that, but I do remember him pleading with us over and over to attend his lunch and listens. He kept trying to sell it: c'mon, it's a free lunch y'all. No kidding!

    8. No lunch is free. Someone (member) is paying for it.

    9. Gotta love the SupportLinc they sent out yesterday about "Resiliency and Adapting to Change", which to me reads as "Buckle up buttercups, you dont get a say in anything that's happening here. Learn to adapt or gtfo"

  2. Even if Hayes gets rid of all the legacy employees. I really don’t see the new employees warming up to them. Yeah, they won’t know the culture, but this upcoming generation is different than prior generations. It’s not that upcoming generation hates working, it’s that they hate getting their labor abused and would rather to do something else with their life and they also expect higher pay. It will be a revolving door of college grads and that business model alone will not help the credit union succeed.

    1. Newsflash: NOBODY wants to work for Hayes! Old or new employees. Bomba is a close second.

      WHO could watch what's happening and think, yep, this is for me. I can see the disillusionment and worry coming over the faces of the new folks too. They're thinking, where is the escape hatch? This experiment is a mess!

  3. He's got a pair of our shades on!

  4. Isn't that Poor Leigh over in the crowd taking notes?

  5. The memo to all employees signed by the Board of Directors certainly appears to be written by Ms. Brady. Has her fingerprints of condescension and "we know what's best for you" all over it. One thing is clear it was NOT written by Mr. Hayes who has difficulty stringing two coherent sentences together when writing anything. (Maybe the Board should have given him a writing test during his interview.)

    This would all be even funnier if it wasn't so sad. The Board and Executive management have become so far removed from members and front line employees they really have no clue what members want from SECU and how to empower employees to provide those services.

    When so many employees speak of having to almost sneak around (under, over, behind) new policies to try and help people that says a lot. Has there ever been a serious effort to ASK employees how best to serve members? You know, like shut up and LISTEN to the folks actually doing the job? Their arrogance in insufferable.

    Additionally no one need look any further than how branches (contact centers, front line folks in operations) have had the ability to help members stripped away. If there is a single action that shows how despicable this Board and management team is that is it - and that's enough.

    You can talk fluff all you want but it's how you walk the walk that determines who you are and this Board and Exec group are stumbling around like a bunch of drunk cowboys.

    For folks that have been around pre-Hayes there was a pride associated with working at SECU. Sadly that pride is turning into embarrassment. Time for a change because...

    The Members Deserve Better


  6. Is it just plain Arrogance or Ignorance to what SECU IS and has been for over 8 decades OR is there another reason the Board refuses to listen to SECU members and employees and stop this attempt to remake our wonderful organization into just another losing financial services business? North Carolina members want to know why this Board we elected is failing us and ruining our credit union.

    1. They will need to hear from members. They associate this blog with employees. Contact them.

    2. We need the membership, more than ever, to stand up and fight. Our worries & concerns, as employees, aren't being taken seriously. It's hard for us to do a whole lot because we're disposable to the "higher ups" and we'd be "let go" quickly for being "resistant to change". People really do not understand that we're fighting, behind the smoke & mirrors Gymmy & crew tries to display, for THEIR credit union...OUR credit union. We are truly "not for profit" minded, unlike the GREEDY crew steering us into destruction, and want to DO THE RIGHT THING!

    3. Post this blog on your Insta and Facebook pages. Word is getting out. Spread it everywhere!!! October is coming!

    4. If Managers were allowed to share things with the local Advisory Boards, word would get out. But they are restricted from sharing things with them, I imagine they will do away with them very soon too because they certainly don’t care about their ADVISEMENT

    5. So I take it the advisory board doesn't know about this blog?

    6. Absolutely not, they watch the videos and VP’s basically try to sell the changes… there is no advising going on

    7. Videos?! We're making videos for that?

  7. I agree with everyyyyy bit of this, give us our credit union but they can keep the ties lol having something dangling from your neck all day is quite the pain lol

  8. Did everybody catch this little tid bit from someone's comment a day ago? "There are even executive level positions already hired and presumably drawing salaries for a business lending department that really only exists on paper since business lending is illegal per SECU's State Charter."

    Arrogance is definitely a word for that. Wonder how much those salaries total. More losses, anyone?

    1. Yerp. Noticed a bunch of the executive positions were never listed too!

    2. Yes, a business lending department Exec and no business lending. Sounds about right for this Exec Team. Another Loan Admin blunder.

    3. As a Loan Admin employee, i can say that the SVP of Business Lending drives a luxury SUV that costs at least 3x my annual salary.

    4. Can confirm that small business credit cards are also on the credit union’s roadmap.

  9. New employees are starting with a salary several *thousand* dollars higher than employees did just a couple of years prior. This means that employees who have been with SECU for a year and a half, two years are making basically the same amount of money as those in the 3-5 year range, despite not having to take modules etc.

    In addition, the basic cost of living has increased, what, 10-30% in the last year or so? Housing, groceries, car and home insurance, gas, energy, healthcare... it's all skyrocketing. Meanwhile, employees got the same 0-5% merits we always get. No relief, even temporarily, from crippling inflation. All employees effectively took about a 20% pay-cut over this last year. The results from the survey were overwhelming: no one is satisfied with their salary. Now the Gallagher study may or may not result in some employees getting pay raises to address pay inequity. But what about the fact that anyone making less than about $70k pretty much anywhere in this state is currently stretched extremely thin?

    All SECU cares about with respect to pay and benefits is being 'at market.' But for the members they don't take that view. They don't want to be 'as good as,' they want to be better. Why do they not take that same approach for their employees? Employee appreciation events are great... if they come in addition to higher pay. We are adults, not children. We don't need pizza for lunch once a month, we need a substantial pay increase.

    1. Amen! Screw the pizza parties. I need money to feed my children. READ THAT AGAIN, HAYES! STOP WITH THE SILLY BENEFITS AND INCREASE OUR PAY.

    2. Unfortunately that is not going to happen, they do not want to be a place where people retire from anymore (hence doing away with the Rule of 85). They want this to be entry level work, where someone works 1-2 years and moves on. It’s cheaper for them this way. They have no interest in retaining you, paying you more, or having you stick around for that matter. Another reason we have Freedom Counseling, someone to help guide you OUT of the credit union. There is money to be spent else’ where according to Hayes, the less employees, and lower the salaries the better. I’m sorry but don’t hold out for anymore raises, I imagine most of the staff will have met their salary grade caps when this study ever comes back. I don’t agree with this, but I’m just being real with you

    3. I agree with this, people are leaving MSS, Branches and Operations, and they are NOT refilling these positions. Cornerstone says we are over staffed with the new structures. Trust me when I say the higher ups are not interested in retaining you with any incentive pay. Now your local VP’s absolutely care, they are down here on planet Earth and can see the lines out the door, lobby wait times upward of 45 minutes, phones backed up and member complaints. But the big guys- you are just an S&N # that is one too many

    4. Unfortunately I think you're right. The results of the compensation study and the next 12 months will tell us a lot about SECU. I actively want to stay here, but the salary isn't cutting anymore.

    5. I think they are scared they will lose too many employees TOO fast when they release the Salary Study…. That’s the only reason I can think they have held off so long… I mean it was provided from Cornerstone in March, and I imagine it’s shocking low given all of the responsibilities they’ve stripped us of. They’ve made such a big deal about it and now everyone is interested in reviewing it

    6. Not exactly. Typically a hire that’s been charged with a mission change will need to purge longer term employees that won’t help move the org forward. The only thing we won’t have that are typical at exec levels are buyouts. The expensive approach is to relocate and bury them under new levels of execs. The fact that freedom counseling was offered in IS tells you they are ready to purge this extra expense - mainly because IS now has 40 + new SVP-AEVP-EVP on staff we did not have 18 months. Do the math with a salary range of $150-250k.

  10. The HR part of the Aug 2022 Managers Meeting showed that SECU ranked 14-15 in most every category including pay. Now this new study will show most are about were we need to be? I find that one interesting.

    Branch employees would much prefer a raise over flex time, treats and employee appreciation funds. Of course the highly compensated employees want to parade these benefits as a great thing they did or post links to articles about how “It’s about more than just a salary”. Easy for those making $250k and up to make those decisions for the employees making $40-$50k.

    1. Exactly right. I actually saw one of our top execs repost something on LinkedIn about how a pay raise makes you happy once a year but a good work environment makes you happy every day (paraphrasing). Absolutely infuriating to see that.

  11. Well there's certainly not a good work environment going on to make anyone happy every day. So they might need to just delete that post

  12. Although this is not directly related to this specific post. It seems to be another example of how our CEO randomly speaks without any regard to the content! Whatever comes up, comes out.

    Recently had an Advisory Board member to ask about something they had heard during their time in Greensboro at one of the Fireside Chat events. The Advisory Board member was taken back when Jim began the meeting and without any hesitation he willing shared with a few hundred people, some SECU employees and some Advisory Board members details of a meeting he had at a certain mansion with a certain elected official. Jim went on to applaud SECU regarding the establishment of Fat Cat and Zard accounts to attract the younger members. Jim continued by sharing the elected official he was meeting with has accounts with SECU. Jim actually named the individual/elected official.

    The Advisory Board member questioned if that is considered a breach of privacy and if it “broke” any employee policy? They asked because they have been reading the older post trying to play catch up since learning about the blog. They referenced the February 25 post? Plus they showed much concern for the safety and privacy of their own accounts.

    1. Every employee should take note of this post should they ever be threatened of job loss. If all remember, particular emphasis was placed on acceptance of this policy this year, probably due in part to employee comments on this blog. Scare them into not sharing their thoughts...

  13. It sure is. Employees have been FIRED for that. You're not even allowed to confirm someone is a member.

    1. There are many things Gym should’ve been fired for.

    2. Yes you are correct. Should be fired. Guess he didn’t read the privacy statement we all have to attest to. Crazy these folks are held to a different standard. Bridgett, when are you going to address this?

    3. That is specifically called out as PII and is a termination causing event in the proprietary Employee Handbook and Policies. Someone should call HR.

    4. That's the new SECU. One rule for the bigwigs, one rule for everybody else.

      Small things like confidentiality and protocols don't apply to Jim. He's too special and important to have to follow the rules. The guy doesn't even have an actual email signature, which is a company-wide requirement.

    5. Isn’t this a fireable offense? Stating the survey is anonymous, but saying it wasn’t months after they were completed.
