Saturday, May 13, 2023

And Let's Not Overlook CIVIC - "The Next Big Thing" - In Answer To The "No Formal Proposal Proposal" From SECU

Hopefully the uncertainty at LGFCU - created by the SECU Board's "No formal proposal proposal" to merge - will be brief.  LGFCU members are looking out from under the bus, hoping for the best. 40 years of financial success and 400,000 North Carolinians put in play with reckless abandon by a small, preening imperium on Board at SECU. 

The current leadership at LGFCU has proclaimed that CIVIC FCU (a "sister" credit union of LGFCU created 5 years ago) is the "all digital, no branches" solution to the "no formal proposal proposal" dilemma created by SECU.

Take a look at how that idea is advancing. Again, if the small print is frustrating you, try this link. [Here's the link...request on line FPR for the 3/23 cycle]

CIVIC FCU is a safe and sound credit union with an interesting set of financials at March 31, 2023.