Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Greek Myth of Narcissus - Or, The Origin Of The Selfie!

Since some commenters keep mentioning it. Here ya' go:

In Greek mythology, Narcissus rejected all romantic advances, eventually falling in love with his own reflection in a pool of water and then staring at it for the remainder of his life.

The character of Narcissus is the origin of the term narcissism, a fixation with oneself marked by grandiosity, excessive need for attention and admiration, and an inability to empathize.

The First Myth... 

The Second Myth...

The Third...


               ...JUST A BUNCH OF QUACKERS?


  1. I would imagine you have to pay to play for that title. Once again wasting members’ money.

  2. if the movie Titanic was a Tarantino workplace comedy you're looking at the Captain Of Quack

    1. Captain of quack? What is that?

    2. If Hayes is on quack that would explain a lot of his emails to all employees.Has he got a California dreaming problem? Or is he just
      "short" of a full loaf?

    3. I feel like we're watching a new hero in the early stages of creation - "Gym Haze - Captain Quack to the rescue! He can tear anything stable to shreds with one fail swoop! Taaaa daaaa! Shazam! Voila!"

  3. I can’t wait for Gym to see this post-lol

  4. Need to call each Board member out individually and make them fess we can sue them individually for negligence. This is crazy, lets start getting personal and take names.

  5. Yes take names and then kick ass! Lunatics are running our credit union!

  6. Make that Gym Gaze instead of Gym Haze.

  7. Digital innovation and fiscal strength?? Is this recognition for actual performance or just promises?

  8. Here’s the actual listing on the “Power List”. Slightly less flowery than Gym’s press release.


    CEO | State Employees’ Credit Union

    The California native succeeded Mike Lord
    in 2021 at the second-largest U.S. credit union, with $50 billion in assets. He previously led a Maryland credit union. He vowed to improve digital services, while ending a policy of charging the same interest rate to all members, regardless of credit scores.

    1. They left out his tenure as WesCorp’s CFO. Why wouldn’t they want to play to his strengths?

    2. He still needs the help of a “legacy” employee to justify all his actions and write up “flowery” statements and tout his wares - the very same “legacy” employees that he dislikes so much. Cracks me up every time Brady communicates.

    3. No self-respect or dignity on either side. As long as you are in it for yourself like Gazey Hazey Daze you will survive.

  9. this is just a reflection of society itself ... and we wonder why our kids act the way they do ....

  10. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and HE will raise you up

  11. He's a textbook case - I've never made a mistake. If something is wrong it's always somebody else's fault. If you don't love me you are my enemy. It's not about you, it's about me. I'm the smartest guy in the room - trust me.

    Reality - He's made mistakes since he walked in the door and is incapable of accepting responsibility for any of them. He's turned the staff, advisory boards, elected officials, previous leadership and more and more members against him. And sadly he's rarely the smartest guy in the room. He's failed to grasp the concept it's about the members, not him. He has no business near a credit union. The Haze Sadness Machine in action.

    The Board hired this guy and continues to put up with his poor leadership. What does that say about their narcissism in refusing to admit their mistake?

    The Board, Haze, Brady, Bomba, Welborn - they all need to go. They're a cancer that SECU needs to be rid of before it infects the organization past the point of no return.

    1. "My job as CEO is to take care of the employees, not the Members." That's where Jim Hayes loses the Legacy employees...Members First Always - no compromise.

      Also, we are smart enough to know what his idea of "taking care of us" is all about.

  12. I’ll donate! Let’s get it going. Share the link whoever creates it and will donate!

  13. A president on billion dollars losing streak since day "1" is in a powerlist 2023 list. Shows how powerful and meaningful that list is. And we are shamelessly flaunting it. Sheesh....

  14. These posts are very eye opening for anyone who cares to pay attention. SECU Board Of Directors, these retired and current employees are not asking for anything for themselves. They are sincerely worried about the state of our credit union under the leadership of CEO Hayes. Take heed of those with inside knowledge. We all see the warning signs, SECU Leadership has lost their focus on the people and on North Carolina. All are too busy serving themselves to take care of us members. Our credit union is on a downward spiral and it will continue until you correct Your Mistake. We elected all of you to protect against this sort of thing, not to be an active party in the demise of SECU.

    1. Hayes is a puppet for the Board. He is doing just exactly what the Board wants.The Board is behind all the new policies and probably came up with them. Don't focus on Hayes.

    2. Haze could put his foot down and buck the board - I feel confident in that. But why would he?? He's living high on the hog all while supporting the destruction of 85 years of growth and trust. I'm convinced he's hellbent & determined to do exactly the opposite of "the right thing" and show all of us who are "opposed to change". We're not opposed to change - we simply know right from wrong. He should be ashamed but...... narcissists are never wrong. Ain't that right, Gym, she/her, and crew?!?!

    3. Even if so, he has the position and backup to steer the board in the right course. The CTO is his best buddy - who brought in all “his” people under the “friends and family” deal. They could have all spoken up, brought it to the attention of the members, who are the “OWNERS”, to find a resolution. The ex-presidents of this great institution would never have gone along with “ANY” activity that is “AGAINST” the moral principles. If he had “REALLY” wanted to serve SECU by doing what is “RIGHT” - like he keeps claiming - he will “NOT” be digging his heels in further - “more stubbornly”; instead he would be on a “MISSION” to set things right. Especially with his track record of having caused a credit union failure and hardship to all the 1000+ members.

    4. Yes the BOD appoints blah blah blah. Hayes has a track record of this. They are a package deal. This what Hayes does. Destroys credit unions to enrich himself and his cohorts

    5. Gym Haze screwing credit union members coast to coast.

    6. More than position and backup to steer the board in the right course, he has a moral responsibility.

    7. Don't focus on Hayes so all the muck won't be dragged to the surface? Like attracts like. Unless you are birds of a feather, you cannot fly together. Hayes is in cahoots with the board. NOT a puppet of the board. If he was merely a puppet, he would have cut off the apron string long time ago - as soon as the board wanted to dirty his hands too. There's no innocent party here. Everyone is equally culpable. Sometimes you're just as culpable when you watch something as when you actually participate.

    8. Hayes hands were already dirty. Board sought out a CEO who would get them what they wanted. The reason they went outside SECU for hire. No SECU employee would have went along with their new agenda of D**n the members, take care of us. Oh yeah they wanted big changes, all to benefit themselves. That's why so many quick moves to change voting and bylaws. Sit down with us at another fireside chat Ayers and tell us it isn't so, don't think you got the nerve.

    9. I wish they would have the balls to make a fireside chat addressing all the points made in the blog, but they won’t because they know their hand has been caught in the cookie jar.

    10. a fireside chat that has open attendance, any member not by invite only! Hayes and the Board do not have the integrity for that. And they never answered the submitted questions. NEVER. Let's hope the membership gets SECU back. It would be a heartening message to the hard working people in North Carolina.

  15. Doesn't take much for Haze to be in over his head. Just saying!
