Wednesday, June 7, 2023

N. C. Senate Sends H. 410 - Credit Union "Updates" To The Showers?

 You're outta here.... 

 .... so far the Senate has refused to play ball. Bottom of the ninth, two outs, full count - pray for rain !!!! *

...  Supporters (you know who!) may get called out for unsportsmanlike conduct !


* Be sure to take another look at the May 10, 2023 post to see why this will be an important "W" for North Carolina credit union members.


  1. Great news! One of many dominos that needed to fall, but it’s a start!

  2. Well, that’s a bit of good news!

  3. That's a win for the Good Guys!

  4. HALLELUJAH! Now, let's start cleaning house!

  5. Thank You N.C. Senate!
    Now if This Board will wise up and refuse to continue this Wescorp ballgame, we can get SECU going back in the right direction. Toss their Coach out and put in a Coach that knows State Employees Credit Union and North Carolina. Get us back to a winning team, we're tired of suffering the losses Gym Haze has brought to #TeamSECU!

    1. By no means forgetting our SEANC group - Thank you SEANC!

  6. well well someone is paying attention .... 1-0 Good Guys ... still in the early innings ...

  7. Well...there goes their rudimentary effort to grow lending and increase income. Guess it's back to the drawing board for the next questionable move. Add this latest failure to the growing list of blunders that seems to be growing each and everyday. Multiple decisions being made with no real foresight on the likely outcomes. Round these parts, they call that bush league.

  8. The democratic process at work! The taxpayers are watching. Thankful for all who articulated their concerns about this bill.

  9. BOD - decisions are being made each day that your CEO is not even aware of because he has given many recent hires full discretion. The longer you wait, the more that will need to be un-done. And that is very costly both organizationally and fiscally. Believe me - you think this team has not taken care of themselves with exit language/contracts? Clock is ticking. We can recover. You may be shocked - but several us are still around and ready to provide leadership. We need you to lead now.

    1. Exit language/contracts for New Hires -BUT Legacy employees leaving with their names being placed on banned/barred lists with their picture. These Board of Directors need to find out exactly what is taking place within OUR credit union or the Members will. Clock is ticking - no it is running out of time. Member Owners will not turn their credit union over to these people - Board fix this! How you live with the results of your decision which has caused so much damage to our credit union?

  10. We don’t celebrate till the day we see that resignation email from Gym Haze. Keep up the effort, SECU! Spread the word! Share the Blog! Keep putting the pressure on them!

    1. Don't need to see the resignation - just add his name to the banned list.

  11. Don’t let SECU forget that they pushed for this! Despite what they say now! We all know they were looking at the Foundation to make that happen!!!! We won’t forget what your motives were!!!!

    1. Clueless about common bond.

    2. California/Maryland/Washington guy thought he would come to North Carolina and play ball with our State Senate - surprise they are not NCUA! Thank you Senate for looking out for All NC credit unions, not just the big guy -SECU!
      We won't forget this and we won't forget what Hayes and the SECU Board is doing to their Members and Employees either. Did you forget the Do the Right Thing motto guys?

    3. Let's admit, it's embarrassing it even reached the Senate.

    4. now that is a true statement, what was the other group thinking... sounds as if they just rubber stamp everything!

  12. Awesome news to start the workday with!! Doubt we get an email about this from Gymmy and gang. :)

  13. Now we have to fight their plan to allow anyone who donates to the Foundation join the Credit Union. Not only will this drastically change SECU but it will also destroy many smaller Credit Unions operating in the state.

    1. Honestly, who would want to move their banking to SECU right now anyway… Loan rates and deposit rates are below industry standard and their reputation is not very well… people are talking

    2. Have you seen the difference between LGFCU and SECU’s rates?

  14. Is this bill dead because of a deadline being missed or has there been anything published saying that it is dead?

  15. There is hope! Thank you sooo much to everyone who worked to get this accomplished!

  16. Hopefully the reckless spending will soon stop with a change of leadership by the board. If it was their own business I wonder if they would waste so much? Culture department all they have done is create a survey and lied to employees about the anonymity of it. A blatant lie! And the Green Team what is that all about? How many people did we hire to tell us to save a cup? How much money is being spent on their salaries and their travels? So disappointing.

    1. Culture =DEI and Green =ESG

    2. someone is paying attention to what the World organizations are pushing.... but not enough I'm afraid

    3. Green team is only one person. A VP and NOBODY else under this VP. How are you a VP over nobody? Burning through member money on pointless positions.

    4. This board has already made their decision clear. They will not change their mind. They are all knowing and power hungry. They will not admit that they made a mistake. Vote these 🤡 out of here.

  17. My manager said there's a few ceos or high ranking level people across the country that worked at SECU. Can't believe none of them are here now as CEO. Who all are they and what were their qualifications compared to Hayes?

    1. At one point there were about 18 former SECU employees at other credit unions in executive positions. A bunch of them have already retired but there are still some around.

  18. Considering there won't be open membership or corporate membership without H410, can SECU reallocate the budgets from Marketing and Business Loans to cover something useful? They could start with trying to deal with the huge financial losses they've had in the last 18 months.

    1. Now I understand they will just still proceed with open membership and allow people to join by donating to the foundation.
