Friday, September 22, 2023

Vote For The MEMBER NOMINATED CANDIDATES - Why Chuck Stone Is The Real Thing...

  Chuck Stone is a MEMBER NOMINATED CANDIDATE for election to the SECU Board. Why should you vote for Chuck Stone?

Here's why! SECU needs firmly principled Board members who will represent the best interests of the membership - not their own self-interests.

Take a look at the letter below from the State Employees Association of North Carolina (SEANC) to the SECU Board of Directors. Mr. Stone is a long-time member of both SECU and SEANC; and was instrumental in organizing a unanimous SEANC Board vote against the highly discriminatory risk-based lending program implemented by "this Board".

 Here's what Mr. Stone and SEANC had to say:


February 18, 2023

Chairman Chris Ayers
SECU Board of Directors
119 N. Salisbury Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27601

Ref: SEANC Resolution Regarding Risk-Based Lending at SECU

Dear Chairman Ayers:

The State Employees Association of North Carolina (SEANC) represents over 46,000 state employees in North Carolina, most of whom are members of the State Employees' Credit Union (SECU). SEANC has followed with great interest the recent discussions over the future direction of SECU. SEANC is particularly concerned with the introduction of risk-based lending at the credit union. It seems clear that risk-based lending will adversely impact the future cost of loans for a majority of state employees, not just SEANC members - and all members of SECU. SECU intends to introduce risk-based lending as of
March 1, 2023. SEANC is committed to protecting and enhancing the rights and benefits of current, retired and future state employees. With SEANC’s mission statement and the mission statement of SECU, and given our concern over your action, the SEANC Board of Governors, at its meeting on February 18, 2023, approved unanimously, the following resolution:

"The Board of Governors of the State Employees Association of North Carolina (SEANC) requests that the Board of Directors of the State Employees' Credit Union (SECU) rescind its approval of the risk-based lending program
at its upcoming board meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 2023. The SEANC Board also requests that the SECU Board confirm its action with SEANC’s Executive Director Ardis Watkins, by no later than 5:00 pm on February 24, 2023. Should the SECU Board refuse to rescind implementation of the risk-based lending program, SEANC reserves the right to pursue all avenues available to block implementation of that program."


[* Without further consultation "this Board" implemented risk-based lending on 3/1/2023 to the detriment of the SECU membership.]








  1. That is of course one of the major complaints about this board. This board implements programs that have done a 180 about face on 85 years of credit union policy without EVER consulting or talking to the membership. This board talks among themselves--echo chamber!

    1. "... without EVER consulting or talking to the membership. This board talks among themselves--echo chamber!"

      They have NEVER explained to the membership WHY they have decided to do what 'they' have deemed is in the best interest of the membership. The silence is deafening ... and telling ...

  2. "[* Without further consultation "this Board" implemented risk-based lending on 3/1/2023 to the detriment of the SECU membership.]"

    This screams, 'We don't care what you think this is what we are going to do period!"

    so much for the 'equity' they preach about ...
    they speak with forked tongue ...

  3. "Trust, honesty, humility, transparency and accountability are the building blocks of a positive reputation. Trust is the foundation of any relationship."
    Mike Paul

    This building block has cracks in it and is in need of immediate repair ... else it will continue to deteriorate until it crumbles ...

  4. Has anyone else seen/heard the marketing that SECU is doing now. They have never spent money on advertising until now. Setting up a new website to tell us members who they are. Maybe they should start with WHY are you taking advantage of us. With rising costs everywhere, you would think that OUR credit union would be a resource to help, not take advantage of those who can least afford it.

    1. Employees and members used to do all that for us through word of mouth and enthusiasm. We did it extremely well and it was totally free. Amazing what happens when you treat folks well and help them when they need it. Unfortunately, the Hayes era destroyed that. We could get back to it, but not with This Board.

      Vote Perkins, Clements and Stone!

  5. Let's face it, corporate doesn't care about marginal people, unless they can charge them more ...

    Their first thought isn't what can we do to improve our members lives, it's how much money can we take from them ...
