Wednesday, December 13, 2023

SECU - Change In Character?... In Attitude Toward Membership? # 8

 ðŸ˜Ž Amazing how quickly a letter from a lawyer can "clarify" some folks thinking...




... Thank you, Julian Hawes!


  1. sleepless nights will do that to a person ... or maybe 'legal' action ;)

    I can see clearly now the rain is gone ...

  2. And thank you to the lawyer!

  3. She was an idiot for making that statement.

    1. Very! As much as I like to bash Hayes…I don’t even think he would’ve been stupid enough to make that comment. Thank you, Julian! And thank you to the lawyer as well! Good people can overcome corruption! #Solidarity #PeopleHelpingPeople #DoTheRightThing #PeopleOverProfit

    2. but it surely does take a lot of time money and effort while the corrupt keep hurting innocent members. although the more good people kick in with their effort, the less power the corrupt have. come on Members. spread the word. this is a grass roots organization.

  4. Good start, now quit.

    1. Do the right thing and quit! Resign BOD. We do not want you evil people deciding the direction of this credit unions. The owners want to kick you out!!!

    2. We can only hope.

  5. I love they throw around “member owners” now. They didn’t when Hayes was around or even a few months ago. Why do you keep talking about the member owners and how you know what’s best for them but yet you ignore them when they have criticism regarding the changes being made at SECU. I fail to understand this. What makes you superior to the member owners? Because of a title or you are on some cheesy board?

  6. That she is the Board chosen Leader for 2.7 million members, 7500 employees and $50 billion dollars in assets is truly frightening.

    1. Too bad employees have no say in who their "leader" is. Too bad the membership has no say in who is WASTING their money. (Trips to Hawaii. Super Bowl ads. Money guns on yachts.)

    2. Super Bowl ads?

    3. Did we really look into super bowl ads? i thought we did not advertise

    4. where have you been? Did NOT advertise for 85 years. Grew that whole time. Now Brady-Hayes instituted advertising ( to the members??) . No more growth, just decline

  7. "Good Faith." my foot! "Missteps." Brady still won't own her deceit. Poor Leigh! She thought it would go away. thank you Julian Hawes.

  8. Weak response.Matches the leader

  9. What Brady must clarify is WHO gave her the “good faith understanding that talking points were handed out…… “. Information that she trusted enough to tell CUToday that she knew it for a fact.

    1. Don't think she's into self-criticism or humility. Some dumb lawyer made that one up for her.

    2. Maybe she made it up herself....

    3. If Brady did just make up the “facts” for the CUToday interview, then how can one trust anything she says “as fact” in the future? That is the real problem going forward. In what world does she have any credibility? A lie is not merely a misstep. If a person has lost their trustworthiness then what is left in either a work or personal relationship?

  10. She was trying to save face, but this explanation is weak considering her initial statement to the CUToday was "fact" based. Maybe she did not want to throw someone under the bus? Hmmmm, wonder who? Thanks to Julian, Jean and all others who put pressure on them to retract the bad press. - Charity

    1. not "bad press"; good press, bad actor.

    2. Brady has a recurring habit of throwing herself and all of us under the bus. Only one answer to that.

  11. As Forrest Gump said, stupid is as stupid does.

  12. If everything on this blog is false. Then the board and ceo need to address all of these points Jim Blaine and other commenters are making. Some of the comments seem far fetched but they are becoming more and more true. I have yet to make a comment on either blog. I just want our leaders to address this. I’m starting to lose faith in this board and leaders.

  13. I just don’t think the board or exec team understands the membership. I mean we have members who call in and will wait in the ques just to tell us “Merry Christmas”. Willing to bet that other institutions don’t have those calls coming in. Just f*** off already Board. You don’t get it and you don’t want to…Go join another board and steal money from someone else. Credit unions weren’t designed for lavish people taking trips to Hawaii with other peoples money. Rich people hate nothing more than to be held accountable…you won’t be held accountable at other places, but a member owned cooperative will hold you accountable every year. See you next year in October folks😎 don’t change the rules again and shorten members speaking time even more this next go around.

    1. Couldn’t have said it better^

    2. Why doesn't the board know that service is horrendous? Press 1 for the queue!

    3. They’ve changed the way you call in. You are speaking to a robot the first 3-4 minutes before it even rings. You use to be able to just…call in…

  14. To add more fire, Leigh’s regime just straight up lied to us about the logo wear allowance. I just paid $140 in taxes for $240 worth of clothes made in a third country most likely through child labor. Thanks Leigh & Gym!

    1. $86.10 out of my paycheck. May not seem like much to many but when we're not getting a bonus and we don't get cost of living raises, it's a lot. And right here at Christmas. Yay.

    2. Gym and Brady turned us into a logo wear bowling team, now we're throwing gutter balls on behalf of the members.

    3. "Gym and Brady turned us into a logo wear bowling team, now we're throwing gutter balls on behalf of the members."

      Great comment ...

    4. The shirts are cheesy. I hate wearing a suit, but at least we look respectable. We should have never gotten away from that. We look like we run a cell phone store now

    5. Welcome to VerizonSECU. Hate to hear that there are yacht trips, trips to Hawaii, superbowl ads, but employees HAVE to buy NCSECU sponsored t-shirts? YUCK EW. As a member I find this so disgusting!

    6. Do McDonald's employees buy their tshirts?

    7. If McDonalds is industry standard Brady and the Board will do it. Want that loan with fries? The "cheese" is always free at SECU, if you're A-paper.

    8. And pay taxes on them?😂😂😂 what a joke

    9. Did you say you also wanted your deposits "to go" with those fries?

    10. They've known that the logo-wear was taxable for months. Our leadership has been sitting on it since they were alerted.

  15. so two letters from Jean Blaine, two letters from Julian Hawes, one from Chris Ayer(not THAT one) that we can count from the blog. then a letter from a lawyer for Julian Hawes, and finally, two months later, Brady issues a half a$$ retraction and apology. Guess that's her and The Eight's version of "Do the Right Thing." It is going to be another VERY long year. Hope there is still something left to salvage.

  16. Employees in for a surprise when they get their direct deposits tomorrow. And not a good one.

    1. Well hopefully the holiday pay is on the paychecks

    2. It was not taxed last year and was never disclosed it would be taxed. They are losing credibility more and more. What a bait and switch.

    3. Yep, take $75-$85 from everyone's check with 2 days notice. A couple weeks before Christmas, no big deal right?

    4. Holiday pay? What? We've never gotten holiday pay. At this point we should be glad we're getting paid and "the checks" aren't bouncing.

    5. The NewsReel memo two days said the clothing allowance would be included in income on this paycheck, and on our W-2. It did not say taxes would be withheld from this income. I don’t see why that was necessary given the circumstances. They should have let those taxes be reconciled and paid when 2023 individual tax returns are filed. I guess after this hint two days ago, we should be thankful for the 4 week notice we got on the cancellation of the Christmas bonus. That bonus, by the way, was predicated on two things. The first being each individual employees’ performance. The second was the performance of the organization as measured by the Return on Assets ratio. The ratio was above the organizational target when the bonus was cancelled. SECU has always been a great place to work, and remains so. Nevertheless, management is exhibiting tone deaf behavior recently when it comes to employee satisfaction and compensation. One last thing: I was confused by the math presented in the Nov 17 memo announcing the bonus cancellation. It said that with roughly 7,700 employees the $1,000 bonus would cost approximately $10.6 million. If everyone got $1,000 as previously communicated wouldn’t that cost $7.7 million? What am I missing?

    6. The creative calculations were the talk of our office. If we balanced the vaults or ordered cash that way we’d be out the door the same week.

    7. The additional payroll taxes the employer must pay and they also included the 401k employer match for that bonus previously. I don't know what the math actually equates to, but yes 7.7k $1000 bonuses would be more than 7.7 million in cost. Thry should habe just given the bonus to branch employees who have been under appreciated for the past 3 years. Remember everything they did for this organization during covid without any industry standard hazard/covid pay.

    8. @8:08 tone deaf is accurate. Tone deaf about promotions for one person with a newly created position over branches and branch personnel have not had the opportunity to be promoted in years. A new focus should be placed on this too. Employees are tired. Why is this allowed? Such a slap in the face to all of the employees.

    9. I was disappointed when we didn’t get the bonus, but I’m more disappointed in how quickly so many employees seem to have become entitled. We got a bonus one year at Christmas, and now that’s the expectation. The bonus was a product of the Hayes/Brady leadership so wouldn’t you be happy to give it up?

    10. You can thank those on capital hill for making you pay taxes on 'gifts' ... The same ones that profit off Wallstreet with insider trading (oh wait that doesn't happen) ... The working person is sold out coming and going...

    11. @5:28 why is Jim Hayes Entitled to a 6 million bonus and we get crumbs or nothing at all? It’s not entitlement. WE ARE STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET WHILE THEY LIVE LAVISHLY.

    12. @5:28. It’s more so about them stating we have made record profits while they spend money on Hawaii trips but give their employees a bonus after saying they would yearly. I don’t care about the bonus. I’m upset that one single man got 6 MILLION AND HE HASNT WORKED A DAY IN HIS LIFE HERE!! Don’t get mad at other employees for being upset over a little bonus that could help with Christmas this year when we had 1 person alone collect 6 million and never ran a loan application or spoke to a member. Let that sink in

    13. Picture an extremely good branch employee who has only been with SECU for a couple years and not making much money and under the impression that bonuses are the new norm and there is a great career path ahead of them. This year they have not been promoted, Flex Time taken away and instead of a bonus they get $80 taken out of their already low pay.

      You think morale is very high at the branches?? Nope. It’s sinking fast and everyone is updating their resume.

    14. I had 4 branch employees ask if layoffs were coming yesterday because of the way they are being treated by higher ups. They all said they are looking for new jobs (and they don't want to, they feel like they HAVE to!)

    15. Poor Leigh and The Eight want "legacy " employees to leave so they can start closing branches, up the asset line by selling off valuable real estate and other investments accrued by SECU over 85 years of competent leadership. Is there anyway, Mr Blaine, that we can expedite getting rid of Poor Leigh( drowning) and The Eight loose canons?

    16. @5:28 I'm assuming you're an employee. Are you a member facing employee? If so, don't you think that it would be nice to at least get a small bonus since we can't get a cost of living raise? We bust our a$$es in the branch trying to provide excellent member service. We do this all while being short staffed and worn down due to branch morale being at an all time low. We're practically hanging on by a thread and nobody cares. Leigh and her bunch are the ones entitled. All the changes to PTO and adding flex time was to benefit them. Definitely not doing it out of the kindness of their greedy hearts for employees. So, with all that said, we're not entitled. We just want to be shown some appreciation for keeping things running for the membership we serve all while Leigh & Friends are chipping away at our solid foundation.

    17. As the 2nd largest Credit Union a petty $1000 bonus should be expected. Who ever made that comment, must work in a dept “that doesn’t talk to members”.

  17. meritocracy is under attack at SECU ... we now have self appointed Royalty!
    Let them eat pie!

  18. "Global Elites used to pretend to care about people but they’re not even pretending anymore…”

    1. They despise the working class ... we just bankroll all THEIR dreams ... you need to just sit down and shut up! The credit union is designed to serve the member/owners not 'their' every whim!

  19. "After Wife of Former CU CEO Demanded Retraction"

    wasn't necessary in the title of the article .... JMO

    1. I think it was to prove a point - there would've been no retraction had Leigh not been called out on it. People would've believed it to be true - which is what Leigh and her cronies wanted.

  20. Low rates on savings penalizes the savings members. RBL penalizes the borrowing members. Chaotic management penalizes the employees.

    The Board can't see this? The Board can't hear about the rapidly declining service level? Drop in deposits isn't sending a message? Kicking incumbents out the door didn't sound an alarm? Bad press, coerced apologies in lieu of multi-million dollar losses in a "can't win asshole CEO lawsuit"?

    What in the hell is going on?

    1. The board and C-suite mgmt is looking at what's in it for them. Where can I 'Profit' ....

    2. "chaotic management" destroys organizations--hurts members, communities, and employees

    3. you should NEVER follow the author of chaos which is what Gym brought and LB and the Board continues ...
      "Watch out brother for that long black train ..."

  21. C'mon Leigh fall on your sword so the CU can get it back together

    1. Please take The Eight with you. Why oh why do these folks believe they are doing well? What metrics are they using? Must be the same ones Leigh used to arrive at her “facts”

    2. Chris Ayers is a fawlty circuit, pull the plug on him

  22. Let's send Brady a big ol' suitcase for Christmas - she can pack it up and get the heck out - Happy New Year to Us!!!

  23. I hear C-suiters are getting new cash guns for Christmas. Members are getting 1.25%

  24. We'd all be better off if Leigh WFH.
