Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Two-Martini Legal Advice: Asking The N.C Credit Union Division To Avoid Switches In Its X-Mas Stocking...



to:"Ray, Kristina W" <kristina.ray@nccud.nc.gov>
cc:"Badwan, Rana" <rbadwan@ncdoj.gov>,
Jamie Applequist <japlquist6@gmail.com>,
Amy Woody <AmyWoody@mountaincu.org>,
"to: Roger Montes" <Roger@latinoccu.org>,
Caleb Malcolm <calebamalcolm@gmail.com>,
Fay Aand bill boyd <fayboyd@embarqmail.com>,
Lafayette Jones <lafayettegjones@gmail.com>

Dear Ms. Ray,

Happy Holidays! Took your advice and asked legal counsel for a review of our correspondence, over the last 6 months. As with most extended families, it's not too difficult to find a lawyer somewhere up the family tree willing to share an opinion - when, of course, paid an appropriate retainer. In this case, the hourly rate was two martinis, comfortable chair, roaring fireplace on a cold and rainy afternoon. 

Legal counsel said it was entirely appropriate for a consumer to ask a State regulator about her authority under N.C. State law. He pointed out the "Consumer Questions" section on the NCCUD website [here's the link] as a clear indicator of your responsibility and past willingness to respond to N.C. consumers; let alone the whole website heading: "Consumers" [here's the link], which includes "Consumer Information, Consumer Resources, Consumer Questions, File a Complaint". He also noted that on the website you were officially designated by NCCUD as the "go to person" [see link, at bottom] on any review of credit union rules and regulations. Lastly, he said it was unclear why you would refuse further clarification of the prior request, since responding to a consumer was clearly not an issue - as Administrator you have already crossed that bridge with our prior correspondence. 
The following alternatives were proposed:
  1. Politely re-request that the prior response to the two questions be clarified and state that a legal opinion is not being requested.
  2. Appeal the latest response to the Credit Union Commission.
  3. Ask a state-chartered credit union, as a courtesy, to file the 2 questions with the Administrator.
  4. Ask your N.C. State Representative (or any Representative) to file a request for answers to the 2 questions with the Administrator. Responses are generally mandatory.
  5. Ask your State Senator (or any Senator) to file a request for answers to the 2 questions with the Administrator. Responses are generally mandatory.
  6. Ask members from all across the State to also request that their Representative/Senator write the Administrator requesting an answer to the 2 questions. The more the merrier.
  7. Request through the Legislature that the Administrator be required to appear before any future hearing on H. 410  to answer these 2 questions and any others surrounding the role of NCCUD in the approval and monitoring of bylaw amendments.
  8. Encourage consumers/credit union members to attend the next Credit Union Commission Meeting (Spring 2024 Meeting coming up) to publicly comment on these 2 questions and other issues concerning the supervision of credit unions by the Administrator. Again, the more the merrier.
  9. File a formal complaint.
  10. All of the above.

 Thought all that was a fairly good two-martini investment. And, we can do any or all the above if you feel that is the way this must proceed.

Our strong preference however is #1. So our formal request is: Would you please clarify your prior (October 19, 2023) response to the 2 questions below. We are not requesting a legal opinion and understand you can not provide legal advice.

✔  Q: 1)  Is the N.C. Credit Union Division required by North Carolina law to monitor and enforce compliance by state-chartered credit unions with their bylaws?

Q: 2)  May a N.C. state-chartered credit union adopt rules, policies and procedures which effectively amend its bylaws without approval by the NCCUD
Thank you. We look forward to your prompt response .
Jean and Jim Blaine
December 5, 2023 
... sure know what I'd do... the right thing!


    Your complaint will be worked as quickly as possible after a written & signed complaint form is received..


    No. Although credit unions are owned by their members, no member "owns" more of the credit union than any other member. Members of credit unions are required to have deposits (called "shares") in the credit unions, although the amount required is minimal. The Board Members are volunteers of like-minded individuals of the membership that have a passion for providing financial services to each member in an economical and affordable way, helping each member achieve their own financial goals. No member profits from ownership in anyway of credit union shares, other than simply the interest paid on their deposits. Many other financial institutions, like publicly and privately owned banks, pay returns to investors in their institutions (stock), along with the interest on the deposits they may or may not have in the institution (which are not required).

  3. Just do your damn job, Ms.Ray! I have to wake up every morning and do mine! So should you! Stop sitting on your a** and collecting a check! Work! Do your job!

  4. SECU has reached a new low. After months and months of telling employees no promotions and how they are on freeze, H&R Block Jared announces the promotion of a new AEVP for Branch Network. Wasn’t that his job at first? Maybe Leigh thought his experience at H&R Block wasn’t viable for branch operations. It is a slap in the face after months of telling employees they are ineligible for promotion. Then they pull this unnecessary position out of their ass and thin air. This company has two problems and their names are Leigh Brady and H&R Block Jared.

    1. Dont leave out Josh Bomba and his First Citizens Leadership team - Quoted from a meeting last week "People Helping People is used way too much around here".

      You can't make this stuff up.

    2. Didn't you hear, they replaced that old worn out saying to the new/new one ... 'STFU'

  5. We have to schedule a state wide branch walk out. Employees must be heard. Hit them where it hurts and walk out.

    1. We're easily replaced. They would not care one bit. The days of employees mattering are long gone, my friend.

    2. A walkout is the most effective way. Continuing to take it from the executives and board is no longer acceptable.

    3. @6:13 A walkout is an effective way to lose your job. That's it.

  6. Well, I learned something from this blog post besides Ms. Ray's ongoing inability to do her job. Apparently feeding a lawyer some liquor can make them smarter.

  7. Well, great news SECU just added another executive management level to an already top heavy, bloated organizational structure that is over the branch network. Congrats to all the VPs and SVPs getting it done out there in the branches - you just got demoted…again.

    Hey, this isn’t about the people. Mr. Tyler is a great long term employee - knowledgeable and heartfelt in dealing with employees and members. I’m sure he’s deserving of being recognized. What it IS about is Jared Benesh slapping the face of every front line employee working their butt off who hasn’t been allowed to get a promotion or a career path increases in over 12 months. And it is continuing with no end in sight!

    There are now FIVE levels from the branch SVP (who is actually working with members and staff) to CEO - RSVP, AEVP, EVP, CHIEF and CEO. That is ridiculous and self serving! Front line employees in the branch are getting “killed” with stripped down branches that have been devalued over and over since Hayes was hired and Brady replaced him.

    With the talent at the branch SVP and VP levels you really only need 3 RSVPs across the state reporting to the Chief.

    What the hell happened to SECU’s flat, decentralized, extremely successful organizational structure? (Consider the highly efficient bee hive - one leader and everyone else working their bee-hind off actually DOING something.)

    When things get too top heavy they tend to topple, crash and burn…

    1. They’re creating positions out of thin air to please their friends. Soon we’ll have the Culture Department back simply to make Emma Hayes feel important again.

    2. Wait, did it go away? I missed that memo

    3. these are all approved by the CEO and Board ...

      We replaced 3 board members, the other 8 need to be replaced (4 more in 2024). Then the CEO ...

    4. @7:06 this right here! For their friends. All of it was planned no surprises here.

  8. 12:27 wondering how that helps our members?

    1. Employees are members as well and right now they’re being slapped in the face.

    2. It would be beneficial for a walkout long term for members. May not be beneficial that day, but at least it has a chance at saving secu long term from greedy pigs

  9. The position that Jared announced is Mr. Peacock’s old position and I think it is right to fill it. This will come off as a biased opinion, I’m not a fan of Jared, but I’m a huge fan of Jamie Applequist, Tyrone Tyler and the other RSVP’s. Mr. Peacock was a great leader of the RSVP’s and a champion for the Branch network! I expect the same from Tyrone! This move is to be celebrated!

    1. As the commenter at 3:47p already stated, this is not about the people. It's about a top heavy organizational structure (that continues to grow) which isnt benefiting the organization, employees or the members. Past two years has proven that.

    2. @7:39 As 5:43 stated, this REPLACES Mr. Peacock's position. This isn't a bad thing at all. In addition, this gets someone from the branch network who actually knows what they are doing in a position that can influence change.

    3. @4:36 You're still missing the point, it is not about the people it is about a top heavy management structure - too many bosses over fewer and fewer workers. You think those moving to EVP and AEVP positions are doing without promotion money and salary increases? Nope, but the front line folks sure as hell are. Too many levels of management, cut wherever you want.

    4. @12:01 I'm not missing the point at all. There are too many top level managers, but that position isn't one of them. Throw your gaze towards operation departments, especially loan administration.

    5. @10:25, yes you are. Go back and read the original post and @7:39 sloooowly. Take your time, you can do it.

  10. Congratulations Tyrone you and Jamie hold stead fast- you know what is the "right thing to do" The branches need help and support

  11. Speaking truth to power. Hope they have it in them to do that.
