Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Lending At SECU: RBL - Risk-Based Lunacy? The Elephant In The Room... The "ELT" says: "What Elephant?"*

   * Hint: rhymes with mumbo-jumbo.

Lets get back to Lending 101! Remember we talked about making a loan isn't exactly brain surgery [link].  At a credit union, the goals of the borrower and the lender should be the same [link]. The credit union loan officer should seek only to make a sound loan which is of benefit to the member - and which will be repaid without hardship by the member.

A lending decision is based mostly on determining if the member is 1) willing and 2) financially able to repay the loan. That evaluation used to be called the "3 C's" - character, capacity, collateral. 

"Capacity" simply means having enough income to make the loan payment without hardship. "Collateral" is something of value (a car title, for example) which the CU can "take back" ("repossess" in the car example) to limit risk and potential loss, if the member fails to repay.  And first among equals is "Character", which is the lender's judgment of a borrower's willingness to repay the loan. 

As you know from just living, some people will always do what they promise, some folks never will. You want to lend to the "always wills" and avoid the "never wills". Simple as that and as we noted, not exactly brain surgery. But let me assure you, the ability to judge character is a unique skill, an intuition, a fine art, a knack which not all folks haveA rare blend of intelligence, savvy, empathy, and compassion.,width-640,resizemode-4,imgsize-102534/2006-winner-Colonel-Sanders.jpg Character judgement is greatly enhanced by another age old lending axiom: "KYC"No sorry, you got that wrong; Colonel Sanders is "KFC"! "KYC" is the abbreviation for "Know Your Customer". The basic concept is that the more the loan officer knows about the borrower, the better the decision. Hard to argue with that idea hopefully.

As we've seen with the upsurge in loan losses and delinquency [link], the elephant in the room is that the highly regarded professionalism and effectiveness of lending at SECU appears to be collapsing. Lending  at SECU now seems plagued by insensible policies, poor decision making, and a failure to "KYC"!

 ✅ Tomorrow we'll take a look at 5 warning signals of questionable lending practices in the areas of:

  1. Decisioning 
  2. Unsecured
  3. Mortgages
  4. Bias
  5. Opacity  ... "the d-u-m-b-o signals".

😎 Since you're now a trained lender; and, of course, intelligent, savvy, empathetic, and compassionate...lets see how you do on a few lending questions tomorrow! Okay? Stay tuned....


Okay!... I'm all ears!


  1. Seems like the loan officer going forward at SECU will just be a clerk assisting with filling out the forms. Then get THE NUMBER from the Great Credit Bureau and Voila! The member has the answer and if it is yes, then the rate! Be great if this board and Brady would tell us how many members have been excluded from loans from the very start. How many are under 600? What percentage of members have absolutely no chance of getting a loan. Even if they always have repayed SECU. Even if they are the "salt of the earth" and would never reneg on a loan payment. Nothing counts but the Great Number from the third party.

    1. Reducing the role of the loan officer. Piece by piece. Taking away his/her labor power slowly. Making you that much more replaceable for profit purposes. They don’t care about the soul that’s answering call after call or taking member after member. They care about PROFIT AND CONTROL

  2. JB you need to go to the schools and teach these basic principals for the kids ... my guess is they never hear this information ... jus sayin!

    1. Principles*

    2. Heck you might have to teach the teachers ... ;)

    3. ... or the principals about these principles ... ;)

  3. "Seems like the loan officer going forward at SECU will just be a clerk assisting with filling out the forms"

    Not even that, it'll all be virtual ... you'll talk to a screen ...
    Welcome my name is Captain Titanic, please buckle up and enjoy your loan ride ...

  4. When you have folks from NY or California (credit scores) approving your loans, it's no wonder they fail... they have no clue who the member/owners are... or if they even have a job (what you think that don't happens?)... look no further than the last real estate collapse!

  5. "Know your customer" BAAHAHAHAHA! Not these execs! I just about spit out my drink. They wouldn't know the membership if they slapped them in the pocketbook.

    1. They don’t even know their employees.. nor do they care to.

  6. Wonder how many members got 50k automatic line increases the past 3 years solely based on a bs credit score with no real ability to pay? Would that have anything to do with delinquency and charge offs today?

  7. Any company that operates within a culture of secrecy, without oversight and accountability, will operate a) outside the rule of the law, b) outside moral restraints, and c) outside ethical constraints. They like it that way: just pour in the money and leave them alone ... they know best what's good for you!
