Friday, July 5, 2024

Eliminating And Capping Health Benefits For Future And Current Retired SECU Employees?

Cut That Out !!

"If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's just your problem."

- P. J. O'Rourke

✅ For individuals, annual healthcare costs have increased from $6,472 in 2021 to $7,221 in 2023. Since 2021, there has been an annual 4.8% increase in healthcare costs. Between 2022 and 2023, our survey predicts that costs will grow by 5.6%.

😎 Last time we checked, healthcare providers haven't agreed to cap their costs!

  .... might want to ask for details of the planned changes now?


  1. No information has been provided to the impacted retirees after a promise to deliver the information in June.

  2. Has the Board approved this?

  3. Social Security doesn't use healthcare cost increases in their formula to determine the yearly cost-of-living increases for SS.

  4. So I'm assuming this is all legal in terms of what they are doing and going back on what was promised years ago to retirees?

    1. Of course it's legal. Right wing politicians have fought for years to make NC "best for business" by preventing any kind of workers' rights or protections and pushing anti-union propaganda. Workers are employed, paid, and given benefits solely at will except for the limited federal protections in place. SECU could eliminate every optional benefit tomorrow and would not be breaking the law. Voting matters.

    2. More likely the left wing trying to backdoor a way into socialized medicine in the US. We'll all be wards of the feds, who are broke in lots of ways

    3. I have news for you @12:41, medicine is already socialized. When someone who can't afford their $500 a month health insurance goes to the ER and incurs tens of thousands in medical debt, that cost is passed on to those of us who do have health insurance. It's unfortunately a right-vs-left issue but it should be common sense: something has to change in US healthcare. Families are being pushed to the breaking point with heathcare costs, meanwhile going without puts folks at risk of incurring tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal medical debt. This system appears to only be working for private pharmaceutical companies and private health insurance companies, not anyone else. You can use the scary socialism word all you want, but society collectively bearing the healthcare burden seems to make more sense to me than individuals being saddled with crippling debt through no fault of their own. If you have a better idea I'd love to hear it.

    4. Regardless of the politics our credit union should not abandon its employees. We are better than that, or use to be.

    5. Right ... Left ... when you going to learn they all play for the same team ... they divide Us while they divide the booty!

  5. What is SECU's penalty for not following through on their obligations? Poor credit score?

  6. 7.5%

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Healthcare spending in the U.S. is projected to have risen 7.5% in 2023 to $4.8 trillion, federal data showed on Wednesday, outpacing the projected annual gross domestic product growth rate of 6.1%.
