Sunday, November 10, 2024

Nibbled To Death By Ducks...

   ... For the "anonymous forum" quackers!

Before we get started back up, thought one part of the audience for this blog needed a shout out. That group is represented by the 12:40 pm commenter on the Nov. 5 post [link]. Thought everybody should see this line of thinking from a frequent commenter.

My point of view is this blog is not an "anonymous forum" which is, in an of itself, a pretty ridiculous idea.  An oxymoron much like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, genuine fake. Our commenter appears to be a wise fool. Nibbling away like a duck... without teeth, nor verifiable substance.

Hard to have an open discussion in a "forum" where a participant feels  anonymous statements, not substantiated by independent facts, are important. Happy to post "alternative facts", just include your name. Why would that be embarrassing?

A "forum" on the Credit Union should be - and needs to be - held between the SECU members and the SECU Board - openly, honestly. A lack of transparency over the last two years by the SECU Board is what has brought us to this point...

Lets see if that can be turned around over the next few months.


... no more ducking, sorry no time for quacks!


  1. So when the board votes, do we know how each member voted?

    1. Don't know that it matters. A board acts as a group; and decisions/governance are approved by majority. On most boards individual members do not unanimously agree on each and every issue, which is a good thing. You don't want a rubber stamp board.

      The Board as a group is accountable for every policy and practice at SECU, that's what is called "fiduciary duty"... and maybe that is the best starting point tomorrow in restarting the blog with a different focus.

    2. right we don't want a rubber stamp board, but we also don't want those that disagree with a board not be given a fair chance to be elected, or procedures made so difficult that most won't plow through all the road blocks that are provided.

  2. The nibbler, still quacking: "You’re missing the commenter’s point. Didn’t read they think anonymous statements without substantiated facts should be allowed. ...." and on and on.

    Still prefers anonymity. Will be sure to honor that request going forward.

  3. The fear of backlash on employees is real! Already employees have been demoted, had pay cuts and work in a hostile environment! With all that being said, we need our jobs to support our families. If you are in the “in crowd” you enjoy promotions and raises for doing nothing but hanging out!

  4. Entry level in IT is at SVP it appears.

    1. Friends of friends are Managers only! Good hardworking people have been demoted, salaries cut or forced out of the organization!

  5. One member one vote ... all are equal, no A paper vs all the others ....
