Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Fireside Chats Revisited - Mark Your Calendar! - Well Maybe Not ...

http://www.annsheybani.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Dog-and-pony-show.jpg Although "the current/former" CEO has his bags packed, nothing else much has changed at the "new/new" SECU. Best indication?   

  The new "We Are SECU On The Road" dog and pony show.

 First meeting: ✅ July 12 in Greensboro from 4 to 6 at the Proximity Hotel on 704 Green Valley Rd  (😎 See you there?)


The "current/future" CEO has announced a series of "smaller venue" meetings with "selected" Member Advisory Boards to talk about the "SECU Strategic Plan". The "We Are SECU On The Road" meetings appear to be nothing more than the same old same old. A better title for the tour might have been a Yogi Berra take off: "Fireside Chats: Deja Vu All Over Again"! 

4 concerns about the "We Are SECU On The Road" tour : https://secuvote.ey.com/

  1. This Board and "current/future" management continue to refuse to openly address the SECU membership. Why the fear?
  2.  Smaller venues, invitation only meetings - while apparently even trying to exclude some of the more rambunctious advisory boards! -  smacks of contrived "message management" and brightly spotlights the absence of transparency at SECU. Why the fear?
  3. The proposed agenda for the meetings shows a 2 hour meeting with 15 minutes for Q & A? Is that really enough time to discuss current concerns about SECU? (Answering "The $6.5 million question"  alone will take longer than that!) Is this a "talk at" or a "listen to" meeting?
  4. The re-regurgitating of a fluffy Strategic Plan which appears generated by an ancient AIChatbot (some of that vintage pre-1983 tech!)? Reality check: No one reads Strategic Plans, most are pretty vacuous, pure pablum (SECU's is "industry standard"!), no one takes them seriously. See #3 above! 


But the real core, insult to the entire SECU membership of the "We Are SECU On The Road" tour is to be found in that title. This Board and the "current/future" still are tone deaf to the fact that - "they" ain't "We" at the credit union.  

At SECU, the 2.7 million members are the "We"!  https://secuvote.ey.com/

✅ Clearly with "new/new", the self-importance and hubris continue unabated, just...

            "Deja new/new all over again!" https://secuvote.ey.com/

👉 Here are the dates and locations of the other "We Are SECU On The Road" meetings to which  99.99% of the 2.7 million SECU members - and probably little ole you! - will not be invited to attend. Why the fear? https://secuvote.ey.com/

✅ July 13 RTP from 4 to 6 at the Sheraton Hotel 4700 Emperor Blvd

✅ July 18 - Wilmington - Aloft Hotel Wilmington at Coastline Center 501 Nutt St Wilmington

✅ July19 - Greenville - Greenville NC Convention Center - The Emerald Room 303 Greenville Blvd SW

✅ August 16 - Charlotte - The Ballantyne Hotel 10000 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy

✅ August 17 - Asheville - The Omni Grove Park Inn
  Gonna be kind of ironic if tomorrow's meeting in Greensboro at the Proximity Hotel is held in the ....



  1. Yes! See you in Greensboro! Who’s coming?!

  2. “The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.”

    ― Anonymous

  3. This is evidence that there is a real problem with leadership at SECU.

  4. "All aboard! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Crazy Train

  5. We like sheep have gone astray, we have gone our own way ... BOD/CEO

  6. SECU members and employees need to understand how and WHY we are being betrayed by this board and the current leadership. The members own SECU. We should ALL have a voice in how our hard earned money is spent. Starting with the $6.5 million spent in one outrageous pop to bring an outsider in to ruin us. Doesn’t someone have a media contact to bring this criminal activity to light?

  7. A very weak effort to work the damage control!
    Damage is done, Admit It, Own It, Correct It.
    Board of Directors responsible should resign.
    Two years of these Directors bad decisions would have already broken a lesser credit union.

  8. Who in the SECU membership wants to hear anything Chris Ayers, Joanne Sanford and Alice Garland have to say? All three have been proven totally untrustworthy on the SECU Board

  9. I want to know how much this dog and pony show is costing. No doubt there will be a film crew there so they can cut the Fireside Chat Sequel.

    What will be said differently from the first Fireside Chats? Why do THEY think this PR campaign is necessary RIGHT NOW? Is it because they need a CEO in the videos who hasn't quit yet? It surely isn't to explain they're mistakes (could've done that by now, without a camera).

  10. we should be able to view this and all meetings on zoom and all be recorded for those who are working and will watch later. I mean let's go all digital right!? Explain the advantage of RBL to the membership... and why you felt it necessary to go outside the CU and pay a failed exec 6.5 million for his services when you already had qualified personnel? Unless of course they don't want to explain themselves to 2.7 mil members. I'll let you decide...

    1. ... of course after having to watch some of their other Zoom meetings I can understand why they wouldn't want to try and attack this challenge ... might not go well... kinda like everything else ...

  11. will 'they' be touting the $53 billion Credit Union (previous leadership) or the truer $49.88 billion (their REAL accomplishment)? I mean the truth isn't exactly their strong suite nowadays...

    1. Have they published the newest financials on the website?

    2. go to the top of this page and select the Financial tap to take you to a brief 2023 Quarterly Financial Summary. This same info is on SECU in the Financials.

  12. why can't members attend and ask questions? when will we be invited to a "fireside chat"? why? is all we want to know?

    1. yes, I would like to be able to participate in this credit union of which I'm supposedly a member!

  13. Another boondoggle at multiple sites. I'm on an advidory board and heard NOTHING about these "meetings". So why wasn't a blanket invitaiton made with a limited number asked to attend??? Because it's a show and nothing will be any different than the boondoggle in Greensboro last year after the annual meeting. They will speak and those attending will be MADE to listen but not speak. This whole ordeal is outrageous!!!

  14. The strategic plan hasn't changed since the Fireside Chats. What is the purpose of this tour?

  15. Interesting to see that there are none of these meetings scheduled near/in the so called "financial deserts" of our state...Must not be many A-Paper Members there.

    1. Just like how they took all the mss jobs out of the small towns and forced them to the big cities

  16. Those are digital members on their terrific rural internet

  17. A report back from anyone who attended??
