Ms. Stelfanie Williams
Dr. Williams joined the SECU Board of Directors in 2017.
Ms. Jennifer Haygood
Jennifer Haygood was appointed
to the SECU Board of Directors in 2019.
Resuming the profile of the current SECU Board, here are two additional members who have strong educational credentials and are leaders at two of North Carolina's most important universities. Many members held out great hope that these two talented leaders - younger, intelligent, independent thinkers - would be open to public, member-wide discussion of critical issues and would make a positive difference on the SECU Board. So far, that hope has not been visible.
✅ So, let's try a little different track in this post and get back to an important, specific issue - risk-based lending (RBL) - with these two new SECU Board members.
But first, lots of fuming and fussing going on with commenters, which tends to distract. Listen, if the SECU Board has "unanimously gone corporate" with an open disdain for the opinions of the membership, then employees in IT, the call center, and the branches shouldn't be surprised that they are receiving the same treatment - and shown the same lack of respect. New operating policies, employee scheduling/pay practices, and the "our way or highway" leadership style reflect that "new/new" corporate mentality. Employees - at all levels, by the way - simply become just another lump of "raw material" or "micro-economic input" for that (a bit of a joke) "Strategic Grand Plan". Didn't realize that you had become "canon fodder" ? Well c'mon, what part of "our way or highway", do you not understand?
👍 Dear Ms. Haygood and Ms. Williams,
✅ As members of the SECU Board of Directors, you have approved the introduction of risk-based lending (RBL) at SECU, effective March 1, 2023. Risk-based lending unjustly empowers discrimination against African-Americans, younger North Carolinians, university students, hospital workers, and North Carolinians of modest means, who seek to borrow from SECU.
❓ 1) ✔ Do you personally endorse discrimination in lending against these members? (Of course not... but you have!)
✅ That risk-based lending is discriminatory is proved by SECU's own financial data and in publicly recorded statements by SECU's senior lending staff (see "Fireside Chats", multiple RBL posts above)?
❓ 2) ✔ Why have you chosen to disregard this actual data which confirms RBL discrimination? (Any possibility you may have been misinformed and misled... any downside to revalidating your decision, just in case?)
❓ 3) Why have you chosen not to seek the reasons for this opposing view? (Do you believe that hearing other expertise will harm your credibility as a Board member? Think again...)
✅ The University for which you
work has many SECU members - on the support staff, in the Duke/UNC
hospital systems, graduate instructors, active students, and among the
faculty. Many are adversely affected by risk-based lending - none support discrimination by race, age, or against North Carolinians of modest means.
❓4) Do you believe that UNC-CH and Duke University would support you in adopting discriminatory lending at SECU? (Of course not... so don't you agree that you owe the members of SECU, the Universities, your co-workers - and yourself! - the courtesy of publicly discussing and affirming if RBL is fair?)
✅ Ms. Haygood and Ms. Williams, you have a duty to the membership on RBL - you have a choice! (And no it won't wait... nor will it go away until resolved). It's time for you to act - intelligently, independently.
❓ 5) Ms. Williams and Ms. Haygood, if the SECU Board has been advised
that a mistake may have been made with risk-based lending wouldn't you at least want to hear that concern? Would you publicly speak out against RBL, if it was unjustly penalizing SECU members - and your co-workers at the University?
😎 Lastly, I would be delighted if wrong (won't speak for Mr. Lord!) to have the opportunity to be proved a liar, shown to be loosing my marbles, forced to apologize, publicly humiliated, tarred & feathered, and driven from the State - if wrong. And as an extra bonus - I will SHUT UP!
Purple feathers, please!
ReplyDeletereally can't add much more to those statements.... I will await their response ...
ReplyDelete"Didn't realize that you had become "canon fodder" ?"
ReplyDeletefunny thing, I smelled a rat even from working at home when it first started ... just sayin! You see my wife worked for 3 banks so I had seen this play out before. The one bank had made a bad decision(s) (CEO & BOD) to invest in "bad" real estate that caused them the need for a "savior" to rush in ... it just went downhill from there ... I'll spare the personnel details but I have seen first hand how these things play out. These type of actions can ruin families and communities. Cooperatives are owned by the members. NOT the CEO or the BOD. They work for us ... Did the members ask for RBL like they supposedly did for Digital Everything? I don't think you asked the members .... you just assume you know what's best. Oh that's right industry standard ... just like buyouts and mergers and hostile takeovers .... etc.
Neither university needs any more adverse publicity
ReplyDeleteThey wish they could get you to shut up!
ReplyDeleteYep, one of us is gotta have some relef!
DeleteBut before you start getting hopeful, from what I see the worst is yet to come...believe it or not.
DeleteNot sure we can handle much more Mr Blaine. I don’t like to read your last comment but I trust you 100% not that I can say that about our current leadership.
DeleteI believe it, if this doesn't get nipped in the bud soon, it will spiral out of control (we are already close). They all seem compromised ... but I'm always hopeful because it only takes the courage of one to "Do the Right Thing"!
DeleteAs a long time member who has always been an advocate of the credit union, I believe it’s time to research the other credit unions and what they can offer our family. Change is one thing, but all this unnecessary spending and crazy decisions the board and former CEO has made makes us want to go. If there’s more non-sense and poor decision making especially in investments on the horizon then not with our hard earned money.
DeleteI have to say that for the first time in my life I’ve started to wonder where I should be seeking financial services. I don’t want to end up at 4 letter word, and the CU has been my financial institution my whole life, but if SECU has lost its way, I don’t want to be a part of it. It’s so sad that the average members don’t know what’s happening because we’ve been the beneficiaries of solid stewardship for so long. I hope it’s not too late and that employees that are those stewards haven’t all quit. Bad has so much more power than good.
DeleteI hate to tell you all, but those other credit unions you speak of have already gone the way of banks. They embraced "industry standard" long ago. SECU's difference was what made it so strong and why it grew so much without even trying. It's still the best place to go, we're just trying to make sure it stays that way.
DeleteCoastal Federal CC is looking better and better! The only way to get these bafoons attention is when there is NO money for them to play with. This Board and the former CEO and the current CEO care nothing about our 2.7 million members.
ReplyDeleteYou know the goal of the CU should be to try and make every member financially secure. RBL takes money out of the pocket of those who need it most. I ask those who have the power to change this, haven't you ever been in the position where every dollar mattered? Where you need gas to get to work? Trying to pay for medications like insulin? If not count your blessings!
ReplyDeleteCoastal embraced "industry standard" and rbl a long time ago along with most other credit unions. We're trying to keep SECU from going that route.
DeleteA system is only as good as it's moral people running it.
ReplyDeleteSo they align themselves with folks who think alike and you get no pushback ... They are all onboard .... looking for that big payout and perks they believe they earned .... sellout the membership (they don't know us, heck they won't even talk 'explain their position' to us.
ReplyDeleteShut up and sit down ...
Couple more "yes men" in pant suits? Hope not...they are new and not tainted yet
ReplyDeleteI am so disappointed in these two ladies. I had high hopes for them to help bring an end to this nonsense. Both know following the lead of proven failed leaders will take you off the cliff with them. Another SECU LOSS.