Sunday, July 9, 2023

SECU Board - Individual Accountability - Ben McLawhorn, Part 2

 Ben McLawhorn Image 

Ben McLawhorn

Know that Mr. McLawhorn is "unthrilled" to be mentioned twice in this blog; but need to make one more point about the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and it's prohibition against snooping around credit reports without a business purpose ... i.e., it's illegal.  


 ❓ Did the SECU Board realize that such a search was illegal? [see 7/8/23 post - link - The SEANC Mess]


It would appear the answer is unequivocally "Yes".  How so?


✅ Because the SECU Board "unanimously" approved the following in its New Election Procedures (April 13, 2023):


"2. Candidate Information. Members may email the Assistant Corporate Secretary at to request a State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) Director Candidate Questionnaire, Certification of Information, and Notification and Authorization Form for Employment Consumer Report (together, the “Candidate Package”) and submit them to SECU by the deadline in the current year Election Procedures Schedule for forwarding to the Chair of the Nominating Committee. "


✅ As part of the approval process for selecting potential candidates for the Board of Directors, the SECU Board and Nominating Committee evidently want to review applicants credit reports and credit score (guess they want to make sure only "A-paper" type folks are at the Board table!).


✅ The SECU Board knew that legally the candidate had to give them written permission before a credit report could be requested by the Nominating Committee. 


 ✅ As the Consumer Federal Protection Bureau (CFPB) says:

"No one should request your credit report without a valid purpose allowed by the law. Anyone who uses or obtains a copy of your credit report under false pretenses may be subject to civil and criminal penalties."


  ... guess that's why you have three attorneys on the SECU Board... to make sure you don't break the law!


  1. they have 3 lawyers to find away AROUND the law ...

  2. these folks have NO respect for the membership.

  3. This folks is your new culture! Was just browsing LinkedIn and saw mama Mia’s bio that states “reimagining the culture of $53B SECU in Raleigh”. Our new culture is dishonest, unfair, not loyal, greed. They should all be embarrassed! Never did I see this all coming.

    1. Is it 53 billion? Thought Hayes, Brady and this board had lost at least 3 billion of that—mismanaged it away

    2. it could be $100 billion- $200 billion, doesn't change the fact that they won't be helping the people of modest means ... matter of fact JUST the opposite! 'Fleece the Flock' has replaced "People Helping People"!

    3. you see the NEW culture is no longer seen as a co-op (the new folks don't even know what the meaning is). SECU is now viewed as a banking institution. RBL sets the precedence. That one act alone says a bunch... Let's talk Equity can we... oh wait you didn't REALLY mean it, just sounds good in this culture of corruptness we live in ... our new slogan is 'Get Your Momma to Cosign'

  4. And still I shake my head and say, WHY? Why has this board abandoned everything SECU stands for? That we are in the middle of this mess is 100%the fault of this board. What an absolute nightmare! HOW CAN WE FIX THIS?

    1. They're in it for the money ... nobody does what they do without some financial gain.

    2. Why? This board and Brady no matter how many "fireside chats" are held with some of the more equal members than the rest of us, have NEVER answered that one question. Why is this board dismantling a wildly successful business model? Why discriminatory lending? Why hide the financial reports? WHY?

    3. Because they, this board and Brady, can...

  5. We may be looking at this whole credit report/score issue the wrong way. If the Board, CEO and Exec team can pull reports/scores as they see fit I think that sends a clear message that any employee has the same right. If the Head Geese can do it should be fine for the Flock, right?

    Should make Compliance a ton easier. I'm sure NCUA will understand why SECU is not held accountable to the FCRA - quite simply the rules don't apply to SECU - There is a Difference. SECU leadership sees itself as better than everybody else as demonstrated by the example of leadership. Nothing to see here.
