Saturday, June 10, 2023

Nothing Says SECU New Culture/New Direction Like A...

Part of the "This Board's" new nationwide media/branding campaign on LinkedIn?





"Awesome"... that's sort of a titanic revelation to a lot of SECU members!


  1. Where is my party or the others? We actually do the work? Why are you spending our members money to party?

  2. I’m done with this admin. Screw the silly minor league games. And to hell with your yacht parties! Pay us more money so we can feed our families!!! This is crazy!

  3. All THIS ^ while our Members struggle to pay their utility bills and buy groceries. So infuriating! Please Board, get this poorest excuse for a CEO out of our Credit Union now.

  4. I just don’t know how they sleep at night. Meanwhile their fellow workers are struggling to make ends meet. Just cruel

  5. The New Culture for SECU employees....Doing the wrong thing and flaunting it on LinkedIn. Just cause you can do it, should you?

  6. This is such a bad look. Disappointed. How do you justify this when employees have been begging for pay raises to make ends meet? How? “People helping people” “Do the right thing” “There is a difference”. This is not the secu I grew up loving.

    1. The Jim Hayes, SECU CEO formerly of NCUA, Wescorp and AFCU does not need to justify himself to any lowly credit union member or employee. You need to retrain your thoughts, SECU's Culture Department will help you. #DEI

  7. Employee appreciation? I guess the peasants just get pizza parties and tickets to see their local minor league team that nobody wants to see. That are usually like 5 bucks anyways. Meanwhile the 1% get yacht parties and god knows what else! How stupid to post that? Especially all the criticism they have taken? Yea let’s post pictures of our yacht party! People helping people! What a joke. I’m so sick of this.

    1. One time I received a plastic ring with googly eyes on it and a business card that said “Thank you” for SECU employee appreciation. Right on brand.

  8. Why did SECU implement Risk Based Lending and give us higher auto rates? Just got our answer in these pictures, most of us have never seen a yacht - much less partied on one. Where did the SECU we all loved go? Happy sailing, I am looking for another credit union!

    1. SECU implemented risk based lending so Mark Coburn, EVP - Director of risk based lending can give a thumbs up and vicariously enjoy the yacht party wishing he was there too having an awesome evening. After all it's his department's handiwork that's raking in some serious dollars charging members outrageously.

  9. Sail that baby up to Duck so you can meet this Board .

    1. Duck is past history. They have moved on now. They can keep sailing and partying until they can pinpoint the next location.

  10. This is what happens when the CEO with bad leadership encourages the employees to be active on social media. So much for being a humble organization with slow and steady growth. Someone get Haze outta here and all the new “C-Q” higher ups that only talk about their experiences from their “past life” at other organizations.

    1. Lol. Their past life "experiences" are so memoir worthy that they have all descended on SECU to impart some of that picture worthy "awesome" knowledge to us ignorant low life bumpkins.

    2. I guess it’s hard to comprehend that people actually sent us their mamas, their spouses, their kids, their grandkids, their friends, etc., without cheesy social media posts. Our members knew that we would help them and they put their trust in us. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have a social media presence, but it needs to be about our members who are the entire reason for SECU existing. We used to be so much better than industry standard. We had an amazing culture. Employees felt valued and we took so much pride in helping others and it showed. That’s what we are losing here. Our competitive edge was our willingness to serve and knowing SECU would support us as employees as long as we did the right thing. Our leadership never acted like they were a class above the rest of us, because like us, they were there to serve.

      Scary what can change in less than 2 years. Employees are afraid to speak up for fear of freedom counseling.

    3. Please Board Members - if you do nothing else read post above June 11 @ 10:21am and let those words sink in. No one knows the damage done to this credit union but those employees who have served us and this state for years. New is not always better. Why the changes in an organization that has always led from the front?

    4. The membership and assets didn't grow to almost 3 million and 53+ billion because the membership watched an ad on TV or on the streaming service apps. It's because they saw the end results - the bottom line on the financial statement.

      These smart alecks thought ads would make people line up outside the door like a black Friday deal. For someone who prides themselves as being hip and hop with the latest technology and youth, these guys are so dumb. The youth these days DON'T care for ads. For that matter neither do the adults.

      Duh! Who is the smarty pants here? The world has shrunk into a small mobile device these days guys. You think people find out about the products and services offered through ads?

      What next now? Insta influencers?

    5. Oh geeze, you prob just gave the marketeers an idea.

    6. I hope they do run with this idea. We can roast these marshmallows over a good camp fire 🔥🔥🔥

  11. Don't blame these people, they are just following the New Direction of the New Jim Hayes and Emma Hayes culture for SECU employees. It's Not about the Members, it's about Us! We are the Superior beings in this credit union and if you don't believe us, here's the selfies to prove it. #TeamSECU

    1. If this guy and others who partied and liked the post are reprimanded that would be the joke of the day. It would be the joke of the 'day' cause the joke keeps changing every day with the hazy nonstop bumbling.

    2. You kidding, all these folks will probably be served lunch tomorrow by Emma Hayes, Culture Queen herself with a pep talk that goes some thing like this: Shame on those mean blog commentators if they hurt your feelings, I will have the Culture Department send out some additional training and this time require members participation as well.

    3. Oh yeah. They have the right person to do the job already. MiaMiaMia is so good at it that she can do another 2 hour session of bullying them all. And in the end she will make you like her and everyone else around her. To top it she's going to relish doing that.

  12. High Dollar partying paid for by our SECU dollars! And we the Members now get to talk to machines all day or get hung up on. Keep Rollin that beautiful #TeamSECU footage...what a joke

  13. Please monitor how long it takes for this Ad to be pulled from LinkedIn and placed on the shelf beside maybe that Superbowl ad?

    1. Already gone 😳

    2. LOL-just goes to show they are reading this blog!

    3. Ooh... Too bad. This has been captured for eternity unlike the paid for but NEVER aired Superbowl ad.

  14. Haze definitely ain't A-paper leadership and this board is bankrupt

  15. Don't give them such a hard time, they're just doing what they saw their Executive team do for the past year. Poor leadership does produce results, just not good results. Hayes is the author of confusion at SECU, this credit union has lost it's way

    1. Need proof that this type of behavior is not only supported but encouraged by the higher ups and Executive Management? Look no further than the "thumbs up" on the post by the Sr. EVP of Loan Administration.

    2. The evp of risk based lending is who we're referring to on likes, Mark Coburn, Typical arrogance

    3. This Guy and many others of the Loan Admin Executives have sold the Members out for their own personal gain. I wanna be like Hayes, mission accomplished. But it will be remembered.

    4. I've spent 9 years trying to figure out how Coburn has remained employed at SECU outside of his superhero ability to take credit for others' success (women) and throw them under the bus when he's feeling pressured on an initiative. So basically this latest "like" example of his obliviousness should surprise exactly no one. Also, good luck to the employees in that branch. Next week should be exciting for you.

    5. All those years and dollars spent on excellent SECU Employee Education going down the drain, because this Administration wants to dumb their employees down. Can't imagine a better example to show it's working. Posting this was a dumb mistake by this VP and all those Executives offering thumbs up on LinkedIn. You may have impressed Jim Hayes but not your Members. Next time, think about whose opinion matters most?

    6. We only got to see the name of our esteemed EVP of Lending's name in the likes. Wonder who all were drinking the Kool-Aid to party and like the Li'c'kedIn post? That would be an interesting study of its own.

    7. The rsvp liked it. He’s also the one holding the cash gun!

  16. It started at the Top and is working it's way down...can we get some parental controls on our credit union before it's too late for us members?

  17. Board of Directors, you have allowed this ship to begin sinking and you only have a limited amount if time to throw out the life preservers.

  18. UNBELIEVABLE! This is the member's money! And you're flaunting this "stuff" in their face! No shame! What has happened to the Credit Union?? There are members that struggle to put food on the table and SECU is already charging them double their prior interest rate and now this!! It's sickening...

  19. A selfie of the new secu

  20. Many SECU Legacy employees can remember paying for our Branch/District Christmas parties out of our own pocket and were happy to do it.
    Yes, just because you can do it, doesn't mean it should be done. Being held Accountable to the Members and Their Money was (past tense) the SECU culture before Hayes and Associates entered the picture.

  21. This is extremely bad form. Wasting member’s money!!! It’s bad enough that employees come in to work looking like they are headed to the beach or the garden. It’s utterly insane to be encouraged to waste our members money like this. We have to find a way to wake up “this board”!!

  22. Got to give it to these guys. They know how to party luxuriously. Sanderling, Hawaii, yachts, first class plane rides..... They are appreciating that we let them in at the top level with no one to answer to.


    1. #SECUChilling

    2. Oh no no no. Don't upset Hazy. It's

