Saturday, June 24, 2023

SECU Board Member Makes Sure His Friends Get Some "Exceptional" Investment Advice From The "Current/Former"...

😎 The oldest investment club in Raleigh gets guidance from Mark Fleming, member SECU Board of Directors, and from the "current/former" CEO of SECU....


✅ Mark Fleming says: "Thank you Jim Hayes for your leadership ..."  

SECU membership says: "... and thank you so much for your leadership Mr. Fleming!"

✅ Mr. Fleming was it the "current/former CEO's" well-documented leadership success  at Wescorp -  and now at SECU - which led you to expose your fellow investment club members to his expertise? Did the talk just cover "How to make out like a bandit in high risk investments!", or did you also provide an update on the recent financial performance of SECU? 

...wonder why the speaker is wearing a tie?


  1. Did Mark give a report to the club on his & the SECU This Board's joint investment venture of 6.5 million investment which right now has losses of + 3 Billion and rising
    Will probably understand if Mark gets kicked out of the club for that one.

  2. What has happened at the credit union with all these Fake people running it? Or are they all just a part of the same culture club?

  3. Mark Fleming, are you for real? Get out of here. Talking about the credit union in a 3rd person tone to START with leave alone the great investment advice and thanks.

    You just found out about this credit union and it's details and what it does thanks to Jim Hayes? Not only are you a member you are one of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of THIS credit union that is a very important part of the North Carolina economy. No wonder you need to be replaced.

  4. This Board is attempting a Damage Control Campaign with Hazy on his way out- no doubt orchestrated by the former Communications expert at SECU. And we all know what her expertise really is...

    1. He should not be allowed to speak as a representative of SECU - In my opinion

  5. Future speaker will be Brady on SECU Mommy loans.

    1. If she can fit in the time, she is rather busy getting her duckies in a row. The listening tours with her, execs and bod will be traveling to an area near you soon. One slight problem though: small venue, limited seating and of course by invitation only - control that narrative or the flock will fly back to Raleigh.

    2. Oh good! Surely they will have some for members? We have a lot of questions we want answers to. Why are they ducking? ( I LOVE that purple duck?!)

  6. Can anyone explain what Jim Hayes said about deposit rates at the recent Kiwanis' meeting @30:35?

    1. If the Kiwanis Club meeting was on 6/16, why was the then resigned CEO out speaking about the future of our credit union? Does the board not see anything wrong with this optic?

    2. Mr Hayes made it clear that SECU's low deposit rates are due to...

      1) Other financial institutions' deceptiveness
      2) Buckets
      3) System Limitations

    3. This Board sees, hears and processes nothing!

    4. Y’all are missing the point on the buckets thing. The system definitely allows them change the rate on a money market for everyone. Except that they are spending so much that they can’t afford to do it (gotta watch those margins). The system limits are very likely about not being able to pay different rates to different groups of people. Why would they want to do that, I wonder?

  7. This is what insiders say .... pat each other on the back as they cash in their "winnings" ....

    1. Inside Job
      Everything about this smells like skunk

  8. I have a question.... Gym did SECU actually lose money under your leadership, for the first time ever? Take your time formulating your spin ....

  9. Memo to the board ...

    "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

    Mark Twain

  10. GYM has an ego. Any of you want to guess why he can’t or won’t land a gig back in the west coast ?

    1. He has a well established reputation there?
      NCUA has a stronger influence with DC local credit unions?

  11. The SECU Board and the Jim Hayes story has been very interesting for me to follow over the past few months. No matter how much truth was laid before this Board to create a pause in their direction, This Board has chosen to follow CEO Hayes all the way into risking billions of their members' dollars in out of state risky investments very similar to the happenings in the credit union industry in 2008 - 2010. I will confess I have been shocked and I have been amused by the many contributions on this blog. Clearly SECU is well loved by it's members and employees, as evidenced by this all out fight to preserve it's mission and value within the state. NC State Employees Credit Union was known prior to 2021 as a leader in the credit union industry throughout the entire country. A place not achieved by everyone, former CEOs, past Board of Directors and all employees earned that spot for SECU. With my over 40 years spent in the credit union industry, I fear This Board will have a great deal of placed accountability coming from their membership over the next few months. Your CEO jumped ship effective July 1. End of fiscal year reporting June 30 and all those needed explanations will be expected from this Board. Your silence will not make the past two years of poor decisions float away. The ship you sailed is about to be docked and it appears your members will be coming on board to get some answers.

    1. Well said @10:26. Members that have always felt comfortable with SECU and their decisions are going to go to great lengths to receive explanations. I hope the board is planning on following Hayes out of NC along with many of the new hires.

  12. I suppose Jim Hayes thinks neckties are only worn by important people and "real" professionals. Since he has zero respect for SECU employees, it's no wonder the first thing he did was change the dress code and put those workers into polos-with-logos instead.

  13. Good heavens! What do Mark Fleming's investment club friends think about Jim Hayes' investment history?? Or perhaps Mr Fleming didn't bother to tell his friends about Hayes history in shady investments and major failures? Mr. Fleming brought Jim Hayes' to his club--what kind of friend is that? He must be in on the ALM deal in some way too.

  14. Serious question here - so what are the possible repercussions to the BOD and Hayes? I know Hayes is leaving but what can be done ?

  15. Some folks will go see anyone speak for a free dinner!

  16. The most important part of our name is the apostrophe. This Board can’t even get our name correct on a post to the public. Way to represent. How embarrassing (and telling!)

    1. Great observation ... it's the small things in life!

  17. What are friends for!
