Friday, August 25, 2023

SECU Board Election Cycle - How Can It Get Worse?

Here how! "This Board's" new rules for the SECU Annual Membership Meeting [announced today - 8/25/2023]:

[All, of course, adopted without SECU member - your - approval.  Of course! Whose credit union is it anyway?!]



The Bylaws of SECU provide that the Chairman shall preside at all meetings of members and that the business, format and conduct of meetings of members shall be subject to such policies and procedures as the Board of Directors may adopt for the proper conduct of meetings. In accordance with Article VIII §§ 3 and 6 of the Bylaws, the Board of Directors has adopted the following Meeting Rules of Conduct and Procedure (the "Meeting Rules") for the 2023 Annual Meeting. 

 Rule 1. Subject to such deviations as the Chairman may, in his discretion, approve, the order of business for the Annual Meeting shall be as provided in the notice of the Annual Meeting. 

Rule 2. Attendance during the Annual Meeting shall be limited to members and authorized SECU staff or guests. Before entering the meeting, members will be required to preregister or register at the reception desk and, if requested, show a valid form of identification and provide identifying information sufficient for SECU to confirm the membership of the individual. 

Rule 3. Voting shall be conducted using the electronic voting platform being utilized for the 2023 Annual Meeting or, in the discretion of the Chairman, paper ballots. Ernst & Young LLP will tabulate the voting results in the election of directors. Voting results will be announced during the Annual Meeting and posted on SECU's website as soon as practicable following the meeting. 

Rule 4. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (12th Edition) shall govern the Annual Meeting in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the SECU Bylaws and these Meeting Rules. 

Rule 5. Up to one hour will be set aside during the meeting for comments from members. 

Rule 6. Before a member can speak, the member must seek recognition from the presiding officer. Upon recognition, members shall provide their name and city of residence and then make their comments. All comments should be directed to the Chairman. 

Rule 7. To permit as many members to make comments as possible, and to conclude the meeting within a reasonable time, no member may speak more than twice on the same day or longer than two (2) minutes each time, without permission of the Chairman. No member is entitled to the floor if another member who has not spoken desires to speak. Unused time may not be yielded to another member. Due to time constraints, we cannot assure that we can recognize every member who desires to make a comment. 

Rule 8. No substantive motions shall be permitted from the floor other than those provided in the notice of the meeting. [This one alone should scare the devil out of you!]

Rule 9. In accordance with SECU Bylaws Article IX § 2, in the event there is only one nominee for any office, that nominee shall be declared elected by acclamation.

Rule 10. No materials, other than materials approved in advance by SECU, may be distributed at the Annual Meeting.  

Rule 11. Phones shall be turned off or placed in silent mode. Unauthorized videoing or recording of the Annual Meeting is prohibited.


..."This Board" is looking a bit pre-WWII "Germanic", don't you think? 

                  Board of Directors Group Image 

                                         ..."der Vorstand"



  1. How is this not corporate fascism? Anyone with an opposing view. Please comment.

  2. WTF..They are scared "shitless" (if you'll excuse my french). Guess we'll all meet in the parking lot to exchange "materials" and if we get called upon by the chairman, we can "give" our 2 minutes to whomever we choose. 😉

    1. French aside, you need to read Rule #7 a little can't yield your time. Give them some credit for being good at being bad...this is not a haphazard effort. The very sharp knives are out..

    2. Yes! They could right a book on being "bad". I stand corrected. Lord help us!

    3. That doesn’t stop a group from passing one draft from person to person to read for their 2 minutes. More than one way to skin a 🐈

  3. Just curious…what is a “Chief Learning and Experience”Officer’s role exactly?? No telling how much money that position makes. I do think we need to eliminate the unecessary executive positions like these. Anyone else agree?

    1. At least she said culture would be “rebranded” ??

    2. No telling what it is and how much they all get paid. We need to know everyone's salary in a searchable file. No telling how much they pay new hires compared to older employees.

    3. Absolutely, waste of mbr’s money. Not sure why suddenly we need all these positions

    4. Yea ole Emma has sent out a total of like 2 emails since she started….well, needless to say I have deleted both of them. Neither email discussed anything of any substance. Just a waste of keystrokes by a useless executive to make herself feel important. About like our current government. Spread that salary amongst the hard working employees that NEED the money!

  4. What if all the members waiting can't get registered in the allotted 30 minutes? Will they shut the doors in our face? Almost hope that happens. Us, outside, screaming "Let Us In!" "Let Us In!". And then security ushering us out of the building. Would make for quite the video.

    They are playing a dangerous game legally and from a regulatory standpoint, I don't care what the new by-laws say.


  5. "Before entering the meeting, members will be required to preregister or register at the reception desk and, if requested, show a valid form of identification and provide identifying information sufficient for SECU to confirm the membership of the individual. "

    This from the same people that are against voter ID's ...

    1. I guess this means Drake, the purple duck would not be welcomed? That's a shame, fairly confident his IQ would outscore the present board members' score over at SECU.

  6. This is outrageous and despicable.

  7. Am I a member or invited secu employee? Just asking

  8. WOW is all I can say. This board just doesn’t stop at anything. I’d say they are scared shitless of you Mr Blaine

    1. No.. of us. The members.

    2. At this point, believe it is the members who should be fearful

  9. We can make this a team effort. Everyone receiving speaking material prior to getting into the meeting, everyone stands in line to speak, and once your 2 minutes are up, the next person in line behind you picks up where you left off.

  10. "No member is entitled to the floor if another member who has not spoken desires to speak." We can assume the board will have people locked and loaded to suck up the oxygen? Filibuster-ready.

  11. Shame shame shame
    On them

  12. I'd like the board to publish all of the emails of concern they've gotten from staff and members alike over the past 2 years. I motion for a Freedom of Information act release.

    1. We are not the government. So that won't work. Only works for Verizon to get a discount.

  13. Good has to Win Out over this Corrupt Bunch! You wouldn't see me throw my reputation away like these Board Members have for all the Power or Money in North Carolina. They are already sore losers, their takeover of SECU hasn't went as well as these all knowing folks thought it would.
    Battle On..

    1. "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that you'll do things differently."
      Warren Buffett

  14. Why is recording prohibited? What do they have to hide?

    1. What if everyone started recording at the same time. They really going to throw everyone out?

      The meeting has always been live-streamed and posted in full later.

  15. If they hadn't taken aim at and tried to destroy the heartbeat of SECU, they wouldnt have to be in a defensive position. I cant imaging going to these lengths to protect a "volunteer" position. There is no doubt this board has ulterior motives.

  16. SECU is a beacon of light in the darkness, the powers that be can't have that! It's happening everywhere you look ... something's in the water ...

  17. “This Board” hasn’t learned one thing about accountability or doing the right thing. I’d love to hear answers about why they thought Haze was worth 6 million, or anything at all. Why valuable and knowledgeable legacy employees were pushed out in favor of newcomers with no concept of what SECU is. What are we going to do to deal with the deposit loss, delinquency and call center disasters? I have never had any confidence in anyone who can’t take responsibility for their actions.

    1. This Board's many LIES they have tried to sell us Members over the past two years:
      SECU has lost it's groove, This Credit Union is out of touch with the Members' needs, Digital is better than the human touch, Outside hire employees are better than the SECU trained employees, Raleigh knows what's best for the Members in our towns and communities, All Members aren't deserving of the same level of service or rates, Artificial Intelligence is the greatest thing ever...feel free to add on any other absurdities This Board has tried to pass off for truth about Our Credit Union.

      Still proud and standing in spite of This Board*** State Employee's Credit Union,
      86 YEARS Strong - it's all about the People/Member/Owners!

    2. You can ask them those questions directly at the meeting, and then listen to their response. We have the right to know. I'm sure they are being schooled on questions that might be asked... so you may or may not get an honest answer.

  18. At this point, there is nothing surprising about This Board or their dirty dealings and corrupt actions. Tried as they might, they have failed!
    SECU Members and Employees WILL reclaim their Credit Union in October, 2023. As of today for me - Ayers, Garland, Sanford and their cohorts are old washed up news ---
    CLEMENTS - PERKINS - STONE will be the topic of every conversation I have with my family, coworkers and fellow SECU members going forward until the Annual Meeting. From Murphy to Manteo and all points in between - secure those votes. This is a very simple call to Action for All Members to actively take part in - If State Employees' Credit Union has ever made a difference in your life - do not miss this very simple but so very important opportunity to make a difference in the lives of all the other future SECU Members following behind us.
    Jim Blaine, his amazing wife Jean, Mike Lord, SECU Retirees, previous Employees have worked so very hard and brought us this far - now we can All do our part to put SECU back together again.

    1. The VERY BEST POST ever! So eloquently stated. Best battle charge since the Light Brigade!! Thanks

  19. Who is going to create a Facebook page and gonna tell people to vote for the new 3? It needs to be blasted so our members getting the higher rates see it and go vote. Pretty sure that's not what the current BOD expects after all this extra attention/money being spent on voting this year.

  20. If you pencil in a little mustache on Ayers face, with the hair and all, you'll see he reminds you of someone from last century.

    1. Had to print off picture, but spot on especially in black and white

  21. My two cents... the meeting won't matter because the board won't listen to the members and the board will continue spinning things. Our focus should be on getting the word out to other members who can help vote the incumbents out.

  22. I feel like a lot of dead cats will be voting in this election.

  23. "Well, I won't back down
    No, I won't back down
    You can stand me up at the gates of hell
    But I won't back down"
    Tom Petty
