Friday, October 6, 2023

2023 SECU Annual Membership Meeting - Second Thoughts?


The concerns that were expressed at the 2022 Annual Meeting Resolution appear to be valid and growing. Pursuing these matters takes a lot of time, creates a lot of tension and frustration, is no fun at all...and will not get easier. 
Second thoughts?

"The Why"

Over the last 85 years, SECU was defined by the needs of its individual members in North Carolina. Those needs were pretty basic - help with making sound financial decisions, provided by people the members could trust to "Do the Right Thing" - always. That "Strategic Plan" seemed to work well. The "Members First" approach led to many non-industry standard products and services - "There Was A Difference" - intentionally. The video above shows us what that difference looked like. Too old-fashioned, too quaint, too out-of-touch, too different? 

Second thoughts?


... not going to get easier, may require some folks who would prefer to duck to stand up and be counted. You do realize that means you, don't you?

Second thoughts?


  1. "Those needs were pretty basic - help with making sound financial decisions, provided by people the members could trust to "Do the Right Thing" - always. That "Strategic Plan" seemed to work well. The "Members First" approach led to many non-industry standard products and services - "There Was A Difference" - intentionally."

    The board has failed on all these ...

    "sound financial decisions ..."
    $6.5 million dollars just to start the conversation about this failure ... borrow money to make the balance sheet look good ... (just a sample)

    "...provided by people the members could trust to "Do the Right Thing" - always."
    "Do the Right Thing" isn't on their mind (just a sample)

    "That "Strategic Plan" seemed to work well."
    If failure is their plan .... (just a sample)

    ""Members First" approach led to many non-industry standard products and services - "There Was A Difference" - intentionally."

    Members First?! ... RBL comes to mind ...
    Industry Standard comes to mind next ... Don't they know Industry Standard is subpar nowadays?
    SECU used to be above that, we were Exceptional!!!
    now we settle for Industry Standard ... MEH

    I could go on but you get the picture ... This is a failed game plan and you are witnessing it play out in real time ... Hold on because it CAN get worse!
    What we have here is like a moon shot ... we got one opportunity to get this turned around else we will be Lost in Space ... "Danger, Will Robinson"!

  2. There's a broad way that leads to destruction (Industry Standard) ... and then there is the narrow way ("Do the Right Thing") ... which road will this board take?

  3. Will this board/CEO say they gave their lives for power and greed to help the A-paper folks or to help those who had nobody else to turn to? This world has plenty of powerful and greedy leaders, but is short on honest ones with integrity. You see this is much deeper than just policy making... we are controlled by shallow thinkers in this world. They think only of themselves and those who are like them or contribute money to them never considering the folks who don't have two nickels to rub together. The credit union was designed to pull up those who reach up for a helping hand not one to push their hand away. These folks ain't asking for a handout just a fair shake in life. You may think RBL is no big deal, but when you live pay check to pay check it can be a big deal!

    I'll leave you with this ...
    What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

  4. That video is very moving… wish it could be played at the meeting

    1. Ah, but this board has changed the business model from "People helping people." to "Affluent people helping some more affluent people No more washing machine loans! No more going before the loan review committee-- no longer exists. Now it is all determined by a number arrived at by a third party algorithm that no one understands. Loan decisions are no longer made in house!!

    2. So this board claims that makes it impartial. they refuse to see how all the decision making at SECU is being made by outsiders--Algorithgms at credit rating agencies, policies recommended by consultants who have NO knowledge of NCSECU or North Carolina. This board can not fathom that an alternative business model was for 85 years a wild success for North Carolina state employees and families. Actually used to be an important piece of local economies. This board is incompetent, no question of it. This board hired Jim Hayes--the single worst outside candidate in the entire USA. Please, make the first order of business at the annual meeting mass resignation of this board and Leigh Brady!!

    3. "This board is incompetent ..." and sinister in their intent.

    4. Made me cry thinking about what we are losing ...
      Today's credit union does not resemble that one in the video. This leadership doesn't know or offer compassion, empathy, love or mercy to their members. It boils down to a credit score...

      "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender."

  5. Kristina Ray…watch that video. That’s what NC will LOSE! And it will be YOUR FAULT if you let CRIMINALS ruin OUR CREDIT UNION!

    1. "We use words like "honor", "code", "loyalty". We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline."
      A Few Good Men
