Tuesday, October 24, 2023

SECU - The Annual Meeting Strike 2.2 : Women Can't Think (Or Speak) For Themselves...

https://www.laughingplace.com/w/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/learn-to-draw-pinocchio-in-todays-drawwithdisneyanimation.jpeg   ... draw your own conclusions.

According to CEO Leigh Brady, all those speakers at the SECU Annual Meeting [link CUToday article]:

“… Let me be clear on that group of members; 28 of those 32 were SECU retirees,” said Brady. “These were members where Blaine gave them a sheet of paper and said ‘You read this.’ And gave the next one a sheet of paper and said, ‘Now you read this.’ They were holding papers where Blaine gave them talking points. And they were supposed to stand up during the comment section and read their comments.”

Brady said she knows for a fact that is what occurred."

https://granville-chamber.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/annette-myers-round.png  Annette Myers is known to be an intelligent, "somewhat independent" individual - and strong minded leader.  She is known as " Ms. Everything" in Granville County, North Carolina. An educator, County commissioner, Vance-Granville Community College boards, Chamber of Commerce and school boards, John Penn [signed the U.S. Declaration of Independence !] Citizen of the Year, Mountain Creek Baptist Church, committees dealing with everything from conservation to the opioid crisis, Senior Tarheel Legislature board... and that's just for starters. You get the picture - one of those "forces of nature"-types.

Annette Myers also serves on the SECU Oxford Branch Advisory Board. Ms. Myers spoke at the SECU Annual Meeting. I did not know she was going to be at the meeting, did not know she was going to speak, and most certainly did not write her comments.

Despite what Ms. Brady "knows for a fact", Annette Myers doesn't need anyone's help in forming her own opinions.


... when Ms. Myers speaks I listen, so should the SECU Board. 


1 comment:

  1. Ms. Meyers, thanks for standing up for SECU members and employees! I'm sorry that Leigh Brady and this board thinks so little of you.
