Saturday, October 14, 2023

SECU Board Elections - 2023: Not Just Credit Unions Who Are Watching This Two Year Spectacle...


  ... and "laughing all the way to the bank".


  1. "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

    Alexander the Great

  2. I bet you would have to look long and hard to find ANY institution where 3 board seats were flipped, including vice chair at one vote!

  3. You get the feeling this board and CEO have abandoned the member/owners ...

  4. So the first 3 board members have been replaced. Who will be replaced next? Bomba, Benesh, Hayes, Chalk, Welborn, Salter, entire Marketing Department?

  5. I strongly urge all other SECU Advisory Board Members across the state - if you haven't, please take the time to watch the SECU Annual Meeting 2023. But do not be deceived and stop with just CEO Brady's speech - watch till the end and hear our peers pleading for these Risk Based Lending policies to stop. Two days after this meeting - full steam ahead with their disastrous plans for our credit union - with total disregard for our voices and our votes! We have been duped by This Board and This Hayes/Brady Administration. Chairman Ayers must resign from the Board, he clearly does not care about what is in the best interest of the members. I understand branch staff is in a terrible position but at some point, we Advisory Board Members must be told the whole truth as to where our credit union is being taken. After watching this, I am more concerned than ever over the future of SECU - corrective actions must begin now.

    1. Ask the board why they instructed VP’s to withhold information at your advisory board meetings regarding all the changes, they were told NOT to share with you so many things!…. I’d like to know WHY!

  6. Two years and it all began when Chairman Chris Ayers and his Board walked an unfit outsider in as CEO. All downhill from there for SECU, the members and the employees. Do the right thing now Mr. Ayers, hand in your resignation from our Board.

    1. They might've gotten away with it if they had started with Brady instead of the imbecile.

  7. The credit union is the #2 largest behind NAVY FCU. It arrives at #2 WITHOUT...RACE BASED LENDING. Why the shift to RACE BASED LENDING? If members want RACE BASED LENDING they can go to Wells Fraudo, or Bank of Fees. Chairman Errors MUST RESIGN. No BLAINE does not play - this is a business not a play-ground. To the CEO: "You're fired."

  8. HB 410 has been stalled but it hasn't been pulled.
    I'm pretty sure they have been working behind the scenes and will resurrect it as soon as they feel they have the votes. The vote will be taken at midnight the last day they're in session and/or who knows what other tricks they will play... and then off they go to the yacht party!!!
