Tuesday, October 17, 2023

SECU - Slogging On Into The CEO Remarks Swamp: Beware Of The "Croc"!


... now, now try to be fair, play nice!

😎 Back at it today unfortunately, responding to CEO Leigh Brady's remarks in a scolding memo to an Advisory Board member, as published in BusinessNC  [link to BNC article]. BTW, the AB member's reaction to Ms. Brady's dressing down was: "Well guess she set me straight. What a farce!" As a long term member she evidently was not buying Ms. Brady's: "I value your service to SECU...Thanks so much."

We have several more issues to discuss - election rules shenanigans, Duck (not the purple one!), this blog, unfairness, foot-in-mouth disease, etc - but while we're doing emails/texts, let's next take on the other half of that issue in Ms. Brady's posturing. 

Yesterday we took a look at my "refusal" to meet with the SECU Board, after the resolution was presented last year [link to 10/16 post]. Today it's my "refusal" to meet with newly appointed CEO Brady last June. Have actually already covered this text exchange in a prior blog post [here's the link], but here again is the complete text exchange:





That was it. Hope it is clear, that although I did challenge Ms. Brady's intentions, I did not refuse to meet with her at all. Never had the chance to really discuss meeting, as CEO Brady abruptly broke off the discussion...and never sought to re-initiate it. No problem, her choice. But it was her choice.

Will again leave it to you to decide what's fair. Would note, as I have mentioned on several occasions before; SECU is a very "leaky" organization, with a highly functioning "grapevine"! I actually had been "advised" in advance that Ms. Brady had indicated she was going to contact me and Mike Lord to try and "calm things down". Ms. Brady still doesn't quite grasp that almost everything she - and the SECU Board - has done and has said around SECU is basically "grapevine-public" information. Friends and allies are not always just that in these kind of situations. Worth remembering, especially in an "everybody-has-a-recorder/camera/cellphone" era! Not to mention those pesky, never disappearing texts and emails!

So, her text was not a surprise. Ms. Brady did meet with Mike Lord to discuss his opinions. I have never talked with Mr. Lord about that conversation, but it's not too hard to imagine - that given his fiery opposition to risk-based lending - RBL would have been near the top of his list of concerns. As we can all see, Ms. Brady unfortunately isn't listening to Mr. Lord, SEANC, nor SECU members on that one. Ms. Brady obviously knows what's best...

... kinda agree with the member about all this: "What a farce!"... or maybe "What a croc!"



  1. You reap what you so ... as. momma used to say, if they will gossip to you, they will gossip about you!
    No honor among theives!

  2. We haven't seen the fall out of RBL ... that remains to be seen. And we will never know the true heartache that it will cause. PR machine will be on top of that. Bad policies tend to show themselves down the road. You know like shutting down the economy and spending trillions comes to mind.
    I mean, What could possibly go wrong with that?
    The 'smarter' one becomes the more foolish they behave! At some point you won't be able keep the house of cards from collapsing ... Then we can brag about being 'Industry Standard'!!!

  3. Jason Robards, Send in the clowns, especially Joyce Fitzpatrick.

  4. Brady wouldn't know the truth if it hit her face on.
    She has no interest in serving the membership! The sooner we get rid of her, the better. 4 more Board members to go! Let's do this!!

    1. "Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason."
      Mark Twain
      same reasoning here ....

  5. When they say they want to fundamentally change SECU ... BELIEVE THEM, That is their goal ... They don't give a flip about anyone or anything but continuing down this road. If you push back they cry and call you names like two yr olds. Have you seen anything worthwhile that has changed for the better since the queen bee took over? EXACTLY!!!! and it won't ...

    1. The first woman.....we heard that a few times last Tuesday. I think that is her one accomplishment.

    2. not exactly the female example anyone would want to follow.

    3. First women runner-up to Gym ...

    4. Hillary can't ever live it down that Trump ate her lunch. Brady can't ever live it down that this Board thought Haze outclassed her. They only picked her when Haze gave the Board the finger and left. Congrats Hillary Leigh Brady, you earned it! What a pathetic joke.

    5. Hate to say this but bring Haze back. Got to be better than this.
      Lock him in that gym with a mirror and let him take selfies all day. Just don't let him out.

      Give poor leigh a one way ticket to paradise

    6. I don’t miss the ridiculous Emails

    7. One thing about Leigh I like is that she doesn’t send out constant emails and take selfies. At least she does that right. Hayes had some psychological issues and it was very easy to spot with his emails. So in a way, Hayes exposed himself early.

  6. Haze/Brady and this board, under the direction of Joyce Fitzpatrick and APCO (state damage control PR person and international! damage control PR Firm) have tried all year long to make the discussion be about Jim Blaine. Just a personal issue. This is a last ditch slander effort on their part. Three, yes THREE incumbents lost their board seats. It is not about Jim Blaine. It IS about incompetency at the administrative and board level.

    1. And evidently they ain't good at math since JB wasn't the only one to vote. But this is just another example of them not understanding co-op's and the one member one vote policy.
      They really are embarrassing themselves ...

    2. Agree, this is not about Jim Blaine and my guess is he would rather be enjoying his well earned retirement than sifting through this muck. But since some want to do their best to try to make him look bad in the eyes of the SECU Members and Employees - Good Luck with that! Truth will always win in the end and there's plenty of proof as to who speaks truth....enjoy the read from 18 years ago... consistent message ... consistent truths...members first...times may change ... people's needs don't.


    3. The most clumsy hostile takeover I’ve seen. They keep tripping over their own feet even with a stacked deck. I think if they started with Leigh, they could’ve pulled it off. But Jim was a blunder….if I were to do a corporate takeover, I wouldn’t have got big dummy to lead the charge. From Day 1, everyone at secu knew he was a snake. Now for Ms. Brady, she’s showing her true colors and I still think some have trouble realizing she isn’t on their side. She’s way more clever than Hayes. Board was stupid to go with him. He made it obvious as stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar.

  7. Being dishonest will destroy a organization...
    When you don't trust someone it's over ....

    “In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don't have the first, the other two will kill you.”
    ― Warren Buffet

  8. Oh gosh!! this is a hoot! (well not really but....) If you go to "We are SECU" Has anyone else noticed that This is CITI Banks ad campaign? We are CITI.
    https://www.ispot.tv/ad/5nCR/citi-banking-we-are-city Did CITI bank steal this great ad from NCSECU? Did APCO borrow this ad campaign from CITI for NCSECU? APCO is advertising itself on the We are SECU ad page. If you go here
    and click on the video under Poor Leigh's smiling photo, there is a long haired lady, watch to the end and you will see "More from APCO world wide." with three photos. and they are talking about university of Wisconsin at Madison. I took a screen shot of it a week ago, because it was so unbelievable that NCSECU hired an International damage control firm and are paying them who knows how many dollars of OUR money, and they can't even set up NCSECU's stolen ad campaign page correctly! Or is SECU getting a discount by allowing APCO to advertise their other clients on We are SECU? This is way over my pay grade, but I have taken a screen shot and will email it to Mr Blaine. Don't you think that the Brady Bunch will fix this before too many other people can see it? I don't know what SECU can do about borrowing CITI Banks ad campaign. CITI might not like that too much...

    1. APCO is nothing but trouble. Look at their filthy instagram page. Very questionable people

    2. Well, bless their hearts! I don't believe any of the SECU horseshit, but I do want to go to U of W Madison now.

    3. WOW! What is this board doing? What is Poor Leigh doing? Do any of them know what they are doing? does APCO know what it is doing? I can see why they all want to make it about Mr Blaine. A major distraction is needed

    4. Brady, Bucky Badger and Bullshot. Go Badgers!

    5. Jb you're being badgered alright.

    6. Stolen campaign, rented/leased ad, shady PR firm, heartless, careless, bloated and selfish board, pathological liar of a CEO, suffering employees, losing members. What else has SECU got now? Anything new to add?

    7. Marshall University has been using "We Are Marshall" for decades, it's even the title of the movie about the football team's plane crash. We could have stolen this corny line for free, and yet we are handsomely paying a Marketing staff for this plagiarism.

    8. At least they are being consistent. The ad is for out of state university and not one from NC. Got to give it to these guys.

    9. Hours later and it is still up.
      "More from APCO Worldwide" so Our money is being used to advertise for APCO. This board and Brady can not even hire an international firm to do a PR that is about SECU. Pathetic!!!! How can members cut the flow of money spending on stupid, petty garbage and put it back in our savings???? They sure did not listen to us... losing three from this board did not have any impact. Guess Poor Leigh will next say Jim Blaine voted Perkins, Stone and Clements in by himself. She sure is angry that the members don't like the new/new. Is trying her best to pretend it's Jim Blaine that is the problem and not her and this board. Guess she will have to see how that "plays"

  9. Did Haze resign or was he forced out?? Also is it accurate that his hire compensation package was $6mm ?

  10. Circumstances don't make us who we are they reveal WHO we are ... if you have integrity, it shines for all to see...

    1. ... and when you don't, that also is visible for all to see!

  11. Crock pot extraordinaire.

  12. Wow this blog is hilarious

  13. Explain to me how the #2 Credit Union can be so hugely successful without RACE BASE LENDING? Now, to maintain #2 position they must embrace RACE BASE LENDING. The majority of credit unions are all in on RACE BASE LENDING...and yet they are not in position #2. How does that work? The CEO will work with the bored of directors and convert the credit union to a bank. With stock options they will CA$H in and fade off into the sunset. Follow the money. What's in it for me. The credit union is a huge slot machine with a vault full of cash. The CEO & Directors are positioning the credit union to move to a bank charter and grab the vault CA$H on the way out.

    1. How can we stop this?

    2. Tell members to write letters. This must be stopped!

  14. Members will be paying up to 16.75% on their personal loans if they apply after November 1st! How does that help members again? Paying 6% more on a person loan! How do they sell the sheep this garbage?

  15. Besides the new RBL personal loan rates the new mm rate is a joke. They are probably padding themselves on their backs for increasing the rate. It’s plain old embarrassing.

  16. I can't believe the gall of the new CEO. How can someone be so out of touch with reality?

  17. I'd like to start by saying that as a former long-time employee of SECU, I'm VERY familiar with Ms. Brady's superiority complex, holier than thou attitude, and her seemingly inability to grasp the circumstances and concerns of the members that this fine institution was created to help. She completely mismanaged the HR Department at SECU during my time there at the expense of the hard-working employees. Then when she was COO, they had a company come in to tell us everything we were doing wrong with our HR department and benefits. It was highly touted by Ms. Brady, as she seemingly took credit for it instead of taking ownership of the fact that the HR department and our Benefits offering issues all took place under her watch when overseeing HR. Also, SECU is NOT a bank. SECU is a not-for-profit cooperative owned by its members. Ms. Brady doesn't seem to understand the NOT FOR PROFIT part of that or that the institution is OWNED by its members. Why is Ms. Brady and the board so laser driven on ripping all of SECU's values and mission to shreds? They seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that they're pushing things that the members do NOT want. Is she really this CLUELESS? At least we replaced three board members this month. Let's work to replace more and to get Ms. Brady removed from the position that she is unqualified for. She is unsympathetic to our highly valued members who are struggling the most while wasting OUR money (as members) on a company lunch to celebrate the Risk Based Lending initiative that goes against EVERYTHING that we stand for. Don't get me started on all of the other wasteful spending on trips, so called "team building" exercises that occur far to often and with exorbitant costs. I miss the days of Mr. Blaine and Mr. Lord. They understand what SECU and our membership is all about. The SECU good 'ol days are no longer.

