Monday, January 15, 2024

Why There Is A Struggle At SECU. Why There Should Be...

Risk-based lending unjustly discriminates against the majority of SECU borrowers, without regard to the "content of their character"... 

... and “Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” 

(“Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” 1963)

✅ And for those who so casually endorse this discrimination: Read this article by Dr. King's youngest daughter, Dr. Bernice A. King [link to Fortune 4/23]

😎 Martin Luther King. Jr. had a thought about that little problem too...

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

... "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." SECU no longer thrives on fairness and justice...



  1. The elite 8 need to go to jail

    1. And take Poor Leigh with 'em! Then work on Boombastic and his cronies. Drain the swamp!

  2. unfortunately we are going the wrong way ...

  3. Jail them. #ArrestThe8

  4. SECU has thrown justice out the window while speeding down the highway and put the window back up without giving the rear view mirror a 2nd glance. It's shameful what they're doing.

  5. #RemoveBrady&Bomba

  6. If Bomba has his way AI will make all of the decisions. Heartless, greedy and uncompassionate service will reign with no more friendly in-person contact with the branches who have helped make this organization the respectable and noble steward of their finances it has been up until the past few years.

    1. he was recruited to implement AI ... you needed a 'yes' man ... Gym got the ball rolling (with the boards blessing)

    2. I still don't understand how someone with his experience and credentials was deemed ready for a CITO position. I mean he's a nice guy, but he's just not ready for that position.

    3. needed a fall guy, someone to come in disrupt things and move on... all by design

    4. @10:27 AM……I couldn’t agree more. I like him and got along well with him while I was there, but it was really difficult to take him seriously at times. He has a LOT of misplaced confidence.

    5. Well he definitely did a good job at disrupting things. That’s for sure. Unfortunately, he is the reason that a lot of long-time loyal employees who put blood, sweat and tears into their IT work are no longer here. Him and his FCB buddies will disrupt things for another year or so, and then he’ll fly the coup and take as many of them with him that he can. Then the decimated IT department will have to pickup the pieces to ensure the service that our members deserve is provided. It weighs on me every day. They have made such a mess of this place.

    6. All with the Board's blessing.

    7. I expected more transparency and reports back to us from these board members we elected :/

  7. Well, we know that they'll continue this injustice and unfairness with their AI logic. They need to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask themselves, is this really who I want to be?

  8. Bomba and his FCB cohorts come from the world of greedy and predatory lending, so none of this really surprises me from them. But Ms. Brady has been with us for 35 years. How can she have gone so wrong? How has she gone so far astray from the values and purpose of a credit union. I truly don't understand. It makes me really sad.

    1. Did she go wrong or was she just playing the part?

    2. How do you 'live' in that environment for 35 yrs and then when it's your turn to be in charge you do a 180? My guess is she never 'believed' in the core values. Your values shouldn't change just because the circumstances did... You either believe or you don't ... Everyone will find that out someday ...

    3. It is well known that Poor Leigh has N E V E R been pro-employee nor pro-member. It's also well known she has been against bonuses, raises, tax prep for the membership, etc. Anything to benefit employees or branches is NOT in her sights. She needs to go.

    4. How does any executive manager not see that the current collection process does not work? Admit your mistake and fix the problem. Solution, disband the department, put those employees back in the branches. Stop asking for advise on how to fix if your not going to listen. What are you getting paid to do? Shift blame?

    5. Delay, delay, delay. prolong things long enough and all the expertise and knowledge is gone. Implement HB 410. with or without legislative approval. The commissioner is ignoring everything. Then Sell SECU. Make big bucks for yourself and the Board.

    6. Having had the opportunity to witness the interaction between Brady & Bomba and the ideas that flow, why do I still find myself surprised at how far down they're taking our beloved credit union? The lack of discipline, wisdom and compassion is beyond my understanding.

    7. Implement HOUSE bill 410 without legislative approval? How do you suggest the commissioner pass laws?

    8. some of the by law changes the board enacted with Rose Connor's midnight approval circumvented HB410. How did the membership like all their rights taken away at the annual meeting? only order of business is from a self perpetuating board. Nothing allowed from the members. 2 minutes. this board is not working in the best interest of the members, and this board has hired 2 CEOs to do their biding-- total destruction of the best consumer financial institution in North Carolina-- and probably in the country. the consumer financial institution that all others loved to hate-- renegade and wildly successful!! Absolutely NOT industry standard! formerly proud of it-- but no under Brady Hayes because those two "leaders" haven't got a clue when it come to well run business-- and the board certainly doesn't!!!

    9. it's apparent to many that a) the Board/CEO don’t always know what they’re doing, and b) they don’t necessarily have our best interests at heart...



  11. "

    Incumbent commercial lenders have no reason to change the status quo because it serves their bottom line. Owing to the enormous knock-on consequences of historical racism, Black consumers are at once underserved and overcharged by mainstream financial services. In 2022"

  12. "One of the easiest and most potent levers corporate America can pull is to abandon the junk science of credit scoring. This critical action would be a powerful step in untangling and dismantling what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. described as the inseparable twins of racial injustice and economic injustice."

  13. "The algorithms (and the underlying data that feed them) have been corrupted by generations of systemic oppression and financial exclusion of people of color. Instead of removing race from lending, credit scores have become a direct proxy for it".

  14. "America’s homeownership gap remains virtually untouched. Why? Our broken credit scoring system excludes and punishes people of color."

  15. "Incumbent commercial lenders have no reason to change the status quo because it serves their bottom line. Owing to the enormous knock-on consequences of historical racism, Black consumers are at once underserved and overcharged by mainstream financial services."

  16. Shame on those #xs*?! Legacy Board members - you need to go now!

  17. "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
    They like to pit us against each other, works to their advantage ... they will use anyone thhe can to achieve their goals.

  18. united we stand divided we fall ... simple but true

  19. I wonder how many other large non-banking institutions in the world are under attack? The big players can't have us out there doing our own thing and not being part of "their system". Much harder to wrangle a bunch of us when 'they' want only a few to control all financial transactions. Just find a few judas' to sell em out for a little profit ... While we go about our day-to-day business, this is ALL they think about.
