Wednesday, April 3, 2024

"We're SECU": Always Trying To "Look After You" - Y'know: "People Watching People" ... a new look at SECU?

 SECU Senior Email Marketing Strategist

😎 If you are motivated and believe in the credit union philosophy of "People Helping People," join our team!

✅ The Senior Email Marketing Strategist will develop and implement email marketing strategies, tactics, campaigns, and programs to meet organizational objectives and [on second thought!] deliver added value to SECU members.   

The person in this role should possess an in-depth understanding of email marketing and email coms best practices, industry trends standards, and demonstrated experience in optimizing email marketing performance.

✅ - Develop email marketing strategy in alignment with department and organizational objectives. [no second thoughts here!]
-    Use Adobe Marketo, and other tools and programs as necessary, to construct life-cycle, re-engagement, transactional, drip, support, newsletter, reminder, and nurture email campaigns including process, automation, quality assurance, compliance, and analysis. Build and communicate email marketing calendars, timelines, status indicators, dashboards, and results reports.
✅ - Manage email processes, methodologies, resources, and documents including tracking and reporting of email success metrics. Develop weekly, monthly and ad hoc reporting on email performance. Present reports and recommendations to leadership and key stakeholders.
-    Ensure email calendar, process, data, and content complies with established department and organizational procedures as well as legal, compliance, privacy, and security requirements.
-    Collaborate with internal stakeholders to gather and understand overall program and campaign specific expectations and objectives including optimization of A/B/C variations and landing pages. 
-    Analyze audience behavior, conversion, success rates, understand member experience metrics and assist leadership and analytics teams in defining goals, metrics, KSFs and KPIs for email. Study the competitive marketplace and industry trends to determine opportunities for email marketing and member experience enhancement.

  "Audience" behavior???... 'course all your survey responses, comments and votes will be held in strictest confidence. Count on it!      

"We" are looking after you...




  1. KPI this, KPI that. We are just robots to them at this point.

    1. Where is the kpi metrics for the ceo and board? Who grades them and does their performance review? So the workers just get measured and judged like rats in a cage?

    2. more like hunger games ...

    3. Employees and membership should be voting who is in the executive positions since they hold such power.

    4. The workplace needs to be more democratized in general in America. That’s the purpose of the worker co-op.

    5. How about the purpose of a financial coop? think it got co-opted at SECU?

  2. 'They' don't even get the 'audience (aka Member/Owner of SECU) behavior' of replacing 3 board members ...

  3. The foxes running the hen house, what could possibly go wrong ...

  4. The slow boil continues ....

  5. At the end of the day what we really need to know is (and this is critical)…

    Can you do gobble-de-goop? You know, confuse, misdirect and obfuscate?

    Salary commensurate with “experience”. The good news is if you come from outside SECU we consistently overpay, especially for Industry Standard. Live anywhere in the country and “telecommute” (or in this case "email-commute"), will not be required to be a part of a team nor rub shoulders with the common folk, understanding cooperative principals not a job requirement.

    And just to be clear we REALLY need to win this upcoming election at all costs.

    1. "And just to be clear we REALLY need to win this upcoming election at all costs." Unlimited funds at the incumbents' disposal. Spending whatever it takes to keep Brinson, Fleming, Wooten and Williams on the Inside Job.

  6. As employees we got burned on this two years ago. A confidential employee survey was anything but with managers called out about the "private" criticisms of their staff.

  7. Wonder what industry standard for-profit we plagiarized this job description from.

  8. Industry standard is corny and soulless.

  9. This board is thick as a brick. Without question 4 more in 2024!

  10. So they are now adding another position to an already bloated Marketing Department full of VPs and SVPs? The only thing this Department has proven they are good at is adding new positions.

    1. Two more listed now. Marketing Manager and senior marketing manager.

  11. We can hire this kind of position, but if you ask to hire someone to do, you know, actual work, you get told to "do more with less."

    1. Hey we need more loan officers and mss employees! *hires 5-6 people in the course of over a year* but yet numerous of executives are getting hired to freeload off our backs while we do the actual work and get paid less? Man, I wish could just kick my feet up and pester employees all day and get a 6 figure salary.

    2. You got it! This is categorized as a critical position yet we are dying for front line employees. If I hear do more with less one more time my head is going to explode. The CEO has to approve these jobs before they are posted so that should tell you something there!

  12. tracking members is the final straw. This is beyond crazy.

    1. What do you mean tracking members?

      Per SECU job post, "This role will be essential in identifying and targeting SECU members and working with creative teams to provide consistent and cohesive messaging in digital and traditional marketing channels

    3. SECU is finally admitting it > They are SELLING ALL OF US OUT! "The last thing you want is for your audience to doubt your credibility as an expert. The fastest way you can do that is to turn every article into a sales pitch."

  13. Must be nice, I still can't replace an employee I lost a year and a half ago.

  14. Corporations are so weird. Just treat people good and do your job and go home. That simple. No change is required to that. No email market specialist lady needs to come in and do this silly crap. Just do the right thing.

  15. removed my email from contact method ...

    1. Smart move. this is about bombarding the membership with emails about the board election in October. One million emails they have now. Our work is cut out for us. Last year was a miracle. Lots of folks pulling together to reclaim our credit union. Hard work up ahead!! Let's Roll!!

    2. More than likely, most members will ignore the emails. They won’t really care. Flyers and banners need to be spread out throughout the state. At least 1 person in each region can spread banners throughout a couple of counties. Doesn’t take long at all. Doesn’t have to be at ATMs. Put flyers and banners at churches, hospitals, grocery stores, etc. so many possibilities. Wear a covid mask and a hat if you don’t want people to know you. Easy

  16. UWA Autoworkers are making noise. Maybe SECU workers will be the ones to be the change for the workers in the financial industry? TAKE CONTROL fellow workers! Don’t let this fine organization slip through your hands and end up in the devils lap like it has.
