Monday, April 22, 2024

"We're SECU": Driving A Ferrari Into The Ground? The Bureaucracy "Mess" Index...  ... "bureaucracy mass index"?

From: [link to WSJ] "When he took the wheel of the world’s most iconic luxury carmaker, Benedetto Vigna quickly decided that something was wrong with the organizational culture.

The problem, he discovered, was that Ferrari was being weighed down by its “bureaucratic mass index,” his name for the excess layers of an organization.

He finds it odd when executives believe more of what they hear outside than inside their own companies. “Some consulting company offered to help me,” he says. “But the best consultants of a company are the people themselves.” 

But talking with them opened his eyes to three problems that only people inside the company could see. 

There were too many silos. There was a bit too much distance between the CEO and the rest of the company. And the bureaucratic mass index was much, much too high. 

At one point, Vigna counted nine levels of employees in a cybersecurity meeting and noticed that only the lowest-ranking person had anything useful to say. The bloated hierarchy came as a shock.

“People can give the best of themselves if they feel important,” he says. “The more people you have in a team, the more duplication of role, the less important the person is feeling.”

But when I asked Vigna how he thinks about success, he cited another metric. 

“Simple,” he says. “We need to transform to make sure our clients are our fans. The more our clients are our fans, the higher the success.”"

 ... "Simple", yep! Members want high quality service; ask employees how to do that; let them do it!



  1. Awww come on. Then we won't have the Macy's friends and family deal. And we will be losing all the managers, senior managers, VPs, SVPs, AEVPs, EVPs, so on and so forth. Nepotism is running rampant now and that won't be the case anymore. Don't make these people unhappy. Careful what you wish for.

    After the promotion freeze was lifted, how many "real" employees were promoted? It's all an eye wash.

    1. Yeah. The more mistakes they make the top heavy and lopsided it becomes.

  2. The quickest way SECU got off track under Hayes was the way he undervalued and mistreated front line employees - as if they were the enemy. Stupid selfies to their face and twisting the knife from behind. Unfortunately in many ways that has not stopped.

    There remains bloated upper management (Branches, for example - VP, SVP {who do 95% of the work}, RSVPs, Benesh, Tyrone, Jamie, Brady - good lord!), overpaid outside upper management with no corresponding performance improvement (systems availability anyone?). And then the consultants that were never needed until a CEO was hired with little ability to do the job - Crisis Management Consultants (before the Legacy Board hired Hayes SECU didn't have a "Crisis of the Week"), Cornerstone (ugh, just shoot me now!) and “marketing” to name a few.

    You think it would ever cross Executive Management and Legacy Board’s minds to actually listen to members and front line staff (and not just pay lip service with scripted BS)? Nah, too radical and certainly not industry standard.

    1. What is cornerstone? I have heard this mentioned. My account has been hacked and the name cornerstone keeps being tossed around.

    2. Cornerstone houses all learning modules and tools for SECU employees.

  3. BMI ? , Mr Vigna is absolutely right !

  4. I read this and it is exactly what has happened to SECU. Branch input is an afterthought to so many decisions on which branch employees are the experts. By experts I mean the FSO/FSR/FSM’s. These folks have real, valuable experience.

    There are so many layers now it is ridiculous. ABM’s now run the branch network because VP/SVP’s are consumed by essentially being full time auditors.

    1. Interesting. Our ABM enjoys sitting in their corner office micromanaging and not assisting the branch in any way, shape, or form. Our VP does, however, contribute to our branch quite often. I think the ABM is an unnecessary addition, as well. (Or at least in our branch situation.) There's been so many jobs created for "higher ups" while the FSR, FSO, and MSS crews are worn down and becoming frustrated with lack of ability to serve the membership as efficiently as we have done in the past. Having an ABM that doesn't actively contribute to the branch is taking a position away from someone who would work and help provide a higher level of member service that SECU was (keyword - was) known for.

    2. I have heard that about some ABM’s but it is not the case in my branch.

      Yes many branch FSO’s are frustrated and rightfully so. I feel the worst for MSS employees and their situation. Today had to be miserable for those folks.

  5. Here we go again. More issues today and it will be the branch employees and MSS picking up the pieces.

  6. ...and now SECU has double posted debit card transactions. The hits just keep on coming...

  7. So who is at fault for THIS mess today? Phones are blowing up and members are very upset. Long wait times is crazy. Someone should answer to this. I am soon ready to be done. If a teller is out of balance they get fired. This should happen to IT also.

    1. The hard working employees dealing with this stuff aren't the ones who should be fired. Thankfully, these are the few who have survived the Bomba disaster and are willing to hang on to keep the place running. It's only going to get worse as more are forced out.

  8. Omg a new low! Just saw on wral that debit transactions are posting multiple times ! That is the last thing we need!!

  9. ANOTHER system error today. How many is that in the last couple of weeks?

    1. How many is that? Have there been more?!?! That one was absolutely terrible. No apology sufficient to loss of access to a member's funds. Actually removing money from a member's account b/c SECU double posted!!! What happened? and don't blame it on the new accounts clerk....

  10. Full Speed Ahead says Ms Captain Titanic....

    And the C-suiters go
    Doo do doo do doo do do doo
    Doo do doo do doo do do doo
    Doo do doo do doo do do doo ...

  11. More incoming disaster-just do a search for state employees’ credit union on Facebook-enjoy!

  12. Welcome to the new/new...ongoing processing errors..the new normal! SECU'S reputation is being crucified on Facebook..

    1. Yes and Hazy's story of 1981 software built for 1971 mainframe system being replaced by Dunkin Honut to capitalize on this issue. So the 1981 software for 1971 mainframe decided to double post it miraculously now???

    2. Original commenter. Typo in my comment. Hazy's story of 1981 software built for 1971 mainframe system being "repeated" by Dunkin Honuts to capitalize on this issue.

    3. Dunkin Honuts - a FB profile - that JBomba?

  13. Wonder if our CEO will accept responsibility and apologize?

    1. "We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience." posted on Instagram. It was a mistake made in good faith.

    2. The road to hell is paved with good intentions ...

  14. I dread going to work tomorrow.

  15. The IT town hall tomorrow should be interesting! He will probably just blame it on a legacy employee and use it as a chance to degrade them!

    1. I don’t know what’s happening in IT but I wish we had our legacy IT employees back. Nothing works right and the automated system for IT disconnects you if you don’t mute so it doesn’t pick up background noise. Then, you are just as likely to get someone who doesn’t know anything about how we use our systems. Where is the accountability?

  16. Capitalize on this with the members!!! FOUR in 24!!

    1. And what will they do? Fire all these Executives? Getting paid but not doing anything. Have to ask branches for their opinions constantly. Turn around and ignore the advise. Career change might not be bad idea. And when this career path finally comes out, you’ll see a max exodus. The employees leave will be the good employees by the way! Brady needs to answer.

    2. @1:11 And where is the hope for the members and employees if we keep the incumbents? The trajectory of SECU becoming a bank is set. If H410 is not stopped, if the Brady Bunch remains in charge, the writing is on the wall and quite clear. Group think + mediocrity. It certainly doesn't appear to be tier one bankers that Jim Hayes and Leigh Brady have hired to run staff and operations at our beloved SECU. Maybe tier one in secrecy and deceit.
      Four in 24!!

    3. "... Brady Bunch remains in charge ..."
      she ain't in charge ...

      "It certainly doesn't appear to be tier one bankers that Jim Hayes and Leigh Brady have hired to run staff and operations ..."

      Exactly, why would they be allowed to leave if they were so important and valuable where they were?

    4. When is this career path coming out? It's been like 8 more weeks. And will their be anything above the Sr fsr for mss?

    5. Don’t count on it-will be a great disappointment along with these ridiculous lending changes 🙄

    6. Career path is not for us minions. It's for the "top echelons" and their friends.


  18. check out facebook 1500+ comments

  19. All tyrants have an almost endless capacity for tolerating others’ suffering, as long as their power remains in place. When it comes to tyranny, human nature hasn’t changed since Pharaoh’s time.
    For the SECU leaders power is everything; their members mean nothing.
    Their enablers and apologists are many.

  20. There is no career path coming, people. There never has been a career path and there never will be a career path. Make your own path because SECU is not doing it for you. Especially if you are a woman.

    1. Not sure what being a woman has to do with it. In MSS for example, women outnumber men in SVP, VP and manager roles. The CEO is literally a woman.

      Many problems at SECU right now but I don't think misogyny is a particularly pressing one.

    2. No. All those women in leadership roles support the Lending bias against women, young people and blacks in the RBL policies adopted by management and board. Do you hear any of those women in management roles speaking up? The members don't.... Time to use your voices. Might be past time

    3. No advancement if you live more than 20 minutes from the mss center the assigned you too. Just do your job with no growth. Very sad keeping all the jobs in big cities.
