Thursday, August 29, 2024

CEO Brady's Email To SECU Membership Draws Fire... "People Helping People" Or A Blunder-Bust Year?

         Mike Lord   
Credit Score rate setting for loans is terrible and hurts thousands of members every day.  Have denounced this practice many times.  However, today I would like to comment on several other issues that call into question SECU Board and management actions over the past fiscal year.

The SECU CEO enthusiastically wrote the following in her recent emailed letter to members:
 [The full text of the email to all SECU members dated 8/27/2024 can be found here [link] on the SECU website].

"Our earnings came in strong at $209 million, and while that’s quite a bit lower than the $587 million of the previous fiscal year, I’m happy to report that the lower earnings resulted in more money in the pockets of our members in the form of higher deposit rates."

She conveniently left out of her message that due to mistakes by the Board and Management there would have been much more money available to pay out to members in the form of higher deposit rates.

If they had:

1). Not borrowed $5 billion from the Federal Reserve Bank at a cost of $169 million in interest.  Had they instead just raised deposit interest rates higher and faster they would have retained the $5 billion in deposits that ran out the door to other institutions.  $169 million could and should have been paid out to members in higher deposit interest rates!  SECU would have retained the deposits and our members would have benefited from the higher rates; instead the Federal Reserve Bank benefited!

2). Collected rather than charged off $250 million in loan losses because they centralized past due loan payment collections into one Call Center which was an utter failure.  SECU loan losses should have been $100 million and likely would have been if they had let the 275 branches collect the loans from their local members as the practice had been for decades.  That’s an additional $150 million that could have been paid out to members in the form of higher deposit rates.

3).  Not had to realize a loss of $43 million on sales of Investments to provide liquidity to make loans and pay out the $5 billion in deposit withdrawals that should never had happened in the first place.  That’s $43 million more!

That’s a total of $362 million ($169+$150+$43 = $362 million) that should have/could have been paid out to members in higher deposit rates in 2024 but wasn’t! 

These are major operational blunders by management and the Board which our members are paying for in the form of higher loan interest rates and lower deposit interest rates. 

SECU members deserve better!  They should be demanding better!  

A lot to be disgruntled about!  End of musings! 

—Mike Lord
Past SECU CEO, CFO and 46 Year Employee


          Something doesn't smell right...



  1. No to mention that the high saving rate Brady talks about is only available in a "share term certificate". Your money is tied up for months! The Money Market rate is a "strong" 2% according to Brady. Better rates than that are available to members almost anywhere. Another reason that 5 Billion walked out the door.

  2. Mike Lord has every reason to be disgruntled! Current management is step by step turning our beloved unicorn into just another cookie cutter financial institution that they don't have the skill set to run down to industry standard. Bring back the better business model!! Vote for Hawes-Blaine-Ford-Parrish!

  3. Amex offering 4.25% on money market account.

    1. Tier based pricing

    2. @8:20 I moved all of my money over to them this year and it’s sitting at 4.5%. SECUs money markets/STCs are laughable at best when there are HYSAs dishing out those type of returns.

  4. Unfortunately for the SECU board and mgmt team, folks are paying attention to the details. It becomes a lot harder to hide the truth when a spotlight is shining on the facts ... you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig!

  5. When I read that Lord was gracious enough to offer Hayes advice before he left and Hayes wasn't interested, that spoke volumes.

  6. 🧹🧹🧹🧹

  7. Net annual SECU loan losses:

    2020 $ 73.2 million

    2021 $ 70.5 million

    2022 $ 95.5 million

    2023 $196.9 million

  8. Where is "transparent" Leigh hiding the 2023 annual meeting video!

    1. This question needs to be asked at the annual meeting this October. Why did you take down the annual meeting last year on YouTube? Afraid to look stupid? Y’all have looked stupid for 3 years. Nobody is buying it. #4morein24

    2. Haven't heard?The board has made up another new rule, members can't ask questions at the annual meeting this year

    3. @2:22pm no I did not know that. Wow.

    4. Not only no questions. No speaking.We members are not allowed to say one word at the Annual Meeting. only that arrogant Board and CEO! You see the newsletter? "SECU Belongs To Its Members, And Our Members’ Voices Matter" direct quote, Headline in the newsletter!!!! who does this board think we are??? ignorant, uneducated, stupid??? Can't read, can't think?

    5. @5:03 What are you whining about? The Board and the CEO(First Woman) are graciously allowing members to attend the Annual Meeting! You should not expect to be allowed to speak in the presence of Royalty.

  9. What more can these pseudo-management, directors accomplish to ruin a perfectly strong credit union? Is there any more damage they can execute. Vote out these bums & let's get some "FOR THE MEMBERS" directors elected.

    1. "What more can these pseudo-management, directors accomplish to ruin a perfectly strong credit union?"
      Don't temp them ..... they'll take it as a mission ...

  10. Yep, nothing like thinking the rest of us are really stupid. It was disgusting to read as it was nothing but smoke and mirrors. We HAVE to get them OUT, including Brady!!!!!

    1. @2:22. how is what she said smoke and mirrors? which of the changes she described didn't happen? which facts are untrue?

    2. @2:22 I agree with you

    3. The commenter didn't say there were untruths in the Leigh's message. In fact they used the term "smoke and mirrors " which means that the truth has been obscured or is misleading. This questionable type of communication has become a recurring theme from executive management. I believe Mr. Lord explains in detail why Leigh's message dosent necessarily hold up.

  11. I should be able to SEE what a great job the Brady bunch is doing. If they have to tell me how great they are, then that speaks volumes. Their actions speak much louder than words. 4 MORE IN 24!

    1. Yep, mom said if you do a good job other people will brag for you, you don't have to.

  12. Funny all the clumsy attempts at communicating with the members over the last week by the Brady Bunch. Sure weren't interested before. Unfortunate that there is no understanding by Brady or the Board in the difference between talking AT you and Listening TO you...blah blah blah

  13. "... Sometimes in our lives
    We all have pain
    We all have sorrow

    But if we are wise
    We know that there's always tomorrow

    Lean on me
    When you're not strong
    And I'll be your friend
    I'll help you carry on...

    For it won't be long
    Till I'm gonna need somebody to lean on..."
    Bill Withers

    And that's why we as credit union member/owners take care of or own no matter your credit score!

