Thursday, October 3, 2024

Members (And Staff!): Did You Really Mean To Book A "Window Seat" At SECU?  While we wait "quietly" for the 2024 SECU Annual Meeting... 

😎 See if this article doesn't sound familiar and very close to home ...

✅ ‘I’m Not Trying to Cause a Scene. I Just Want to Get Off This Plane. 

From Politico 2/24/2024: [link to entire article]:

"In 2018, Ed Pierson decided that he could no longer work as a senior manager for Boeing’s 737 MAX program.

"At the company’s production facility in Renton, Washington, he had watched as employee morale plummeted and oversight and assembly procedures faltered.  ... then fatal MAX 8 crashes occurred in 2018 and 2019. Five years later, after a door plug blew off of a 737 MAX 9 in the middle of an Alaska Airlines flight last month, Pierson is again trying to sound the alarm."  Don't mind a little fresh air, but... 

"I have always had the greatest respect for the airplane products that The Boeing Company makes. I had no reason ever to doubt it. Before I started working in the factory, I had been around airplanes my whole career. I flew airplanes in the Navy.  

You go into the production environment, and you’re like, “Oh, my God, I had no idea it was this complex.” It’s stunning how complex it is. At first, I didn’t understand how all that came together. And it gave me a great respect for the people that were building the plane — it’s incredibly impressive to see. And then everything started to change in 2017 and into 2018."

"I realized how the leadership was treating employees — very disrespectfully, very embarrassing. Standing up in front of teams and just calling them out, and it was horrendous. I thought, this is not a healthy environment to build airplanes. I can’t support this as a senior manager. I just felt this was really wrong"

"The leadership doesn’t get down there and get involved with the people that are building the products. They don’t value the engineers, they think the engineers are replaceable. You can’t take a 20- or 30-year employee and just dump them off to the side and think that you’re going to find somebody off the street that’s going to be able to do what that person does."

"Boeing’s board of directors — they have a fiduciary responsibility to make sure that their products are safe, and they’re not in touch. They’re not engaged. They don’t visit the sites. They don’t talk to the employees. They’re not on the ground floor."

"But one thing’s for sure: Continuing to fly them, completely disregarding the root causes of these problems, not admitting that these problems exist will ... " [link]

Since 2021, there have been many turbulent crosswinds, cross purposes, cross currents, cross employees, and even a double cross or two at SECU...

  At a crossroads... but keep your fingers crossed!


  1. Fingers crossed and more important, prayers up!

  2. Fingers crossed! HR needs to be audited! Employees are being mistreated and their pay is either cut or they do not get Merit increases. Report the hostile environment to HR, they do nothing and don’t even get back to the employee. They just tell the evilship!

    1. This guy is a major whistleblower and Boeing has done nothing ... this same thing happens everywhere ... it's like he said, "... (the) board of directors — they have a fiduciary responsibility..."
      they just think that responsibility is for their fiduciary and not yours!

    2. What happened with employees not getting merit? Was it not funded? Or is it happening later in the year?

  3. Sadly this really does describe what we have been going through since the Hayes/Brady/Bomba regime began. Many hoped that Leigh would have stopped or reversed it, but fact is that she was instrumental in the take-over and the outsters that followed.

    She knew the plan, she knew Hayes would leave after two years. His job was to do the "dirty work" and get out. I dont know what will happen at her level if the four Member Nominated candidates win, but I will happily hold the door for Bomba, Dalliare, Varron, Benesh and Seabrook. They deserve the same treatment they have shown us.

    1. This is a very true coverage of the last 3 years. It’s been a hostile workplace led by Josh Bomba and his direct reports from FCB!

  4. Employees who understand the importance SECU has had in changing members' lives have definitely been penalized, which then penalized the members. It has all been so unnecessary and destructive.CEO and Board in search of profits at a nonprofit cooperative! SECU was a well oiled machine that had numerous safety mechanisms and well trained employees. When someone retired, there were several employees who could step up and into the opening left. Now it's a pursuit of "banking" standards under the guise of "industry standard" (equals mediocrity).1000 outside hires brought in by Jim Hayes(they sure aren't in the branches!!or answering the phones!!) May these election results continue what 2023 started and return SECU to members first--and take business lending and corporate membership off the SECU Boards' table!! Restore SECU to the great, last one standing true credit union serving North Carolina teachers, state employees and their families!!

  5. It's as if this guy was reading our emails it's so spot on!
    Destroy - Eviscerate - Implode ... that is the real 'Plan'!

  6. I'm Surprised SECU doesn't have a banner and link on website to help employees affected by the flooding or am I just not seeing it?

    1. Too busy trying to get votes

    2. That's the OLD way of thinking. People helping people.

    3. "That's the OLD way of thinking."
      ... sorry ;). some habits are hard to give up ...

    4. And just think. All these people stranded in the mountains with no mail service and no internet service and 100 other problems are probably going to miss a payment or two. Whoops! Now they’re bottom tier for the next 7 years.

  7. hard times create strong men,
    strong men create good times,
    good times create weak men,
    weak men create hard times

    ...j. Michael hopf

    * 4 more in 24 *
