Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Here's How The Carolinas' Credit Union League "CUSTOMIZES" Support for H. 410

 https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.carolinasleague.org/resource/resmgr/images_news5/030321_GAC_FinWellBeing-sess.PNG Why, that slippery ol' rascal!  CEO Dan Schline is at it again over at the Carolinas' Credit Union League (CCUL) ! 

Evidently Mr. Schline is rightfully concerned that our State Legislators have found out that they have been purposefully under-informed and misled about H. 410. - Credit Union "Updates" The pig is out of the poke and the lipstick has worn off!

CEO Schline, having failed to quietly "put one over" on House members, is now trying desperately "to manufacture" misinformation to give Legislators the impression that there is wide-spread, grassroots support for H. 410 - before word gets around. Mr. Schline can't pull this off without another sleight of hand - taking advantage of, and putting at risk, the sound reputations of many credit union staff and members. That really stinks!

Mr. Schline, bless his heart, has reason to worry. If he can't get it done very quickly, Carolinas' Credit Union League is in serious political trouble!


NC Credit Union CEOs –

You should have received the email below yesterday from Billy Boylston.

Lawmakers are back in Raleigh today and we continue to push to get HB 410 to the House floor for consideration. I know everyone is busy, but we’re asking you to consider taking a moment today to ask your staff and board to send a quick (pre-written) email to their local member of the NC House today.

The process is simple – and it makes a huge difference.

Thanks again for your consideration and don’t hesitate to reach out with questions.


Draft Email to CU Staff

 As an employee of [Your CU name], you see the daily impact we have on our communities. We offer financial well-being for all, especially those banks have shunned or abandoned. With your voice, we can do even more by bringing long-overdue change in who we can serve and how we operate.

 North Carolina credit unions and the Carolinas' Credit Union League are working diligently to update North Carolina’s 50-year-old credit union charter. House Bill 410 gives state-chartered credit unions greater opportunity to serve communities with limited financial services access, and it streamlines administrative processes. Credit unions have the right model serve these communities, and HB 410 will help us do so by bringing related laws out of the 70’s.

 The League asks that we act today by sending our lawmakers a message of support.

Visit the League’s Action Alert and use the pre-populated email template to request your representative’s support.

You can also support efforts by following the Carolinas Credit Union League on Facebook and Twitter, and sharing content with your friends and family. For more information, please visit MyNCCreditUnion.org

Dan Schline

Carolinas Credit Union League

919.457.9064 (o)

336.601.1682 (m)




... If you want to "manufacture" your own little grassroots support letter, go to the bottom of the 4/12/2023 post and look up your House rep...then send 'em a message... maybe like: "Something Stinks With H. 410!"

Fair's fair, right?









  1. Schine's snout is out of joint about this.

  2. Interesting, why might Dan be leaving out the other parts of this bill? 🐍

  3. Weakness from CCUL, Gym Hazey IPA, and BOD….the more this drags on…I can see this falling short.

  4. I just emailed my representative stating my staunch opposition to this bill. I encourage everyone here to do the same! We can't just rage here in the comments, we have to get out there and spread the word!

  5. Yes email your representatives

  6. and the stink is growing@

  7. There's those typos again. Did CEO Haze draft this email for credit union employees to send out or has Schline been spending too much time with the SECU crowd?
