Today is called "crossover day" at the Legislature which means, generally, that any bill which has not passed either the House or Senate will have to wait until next year. So, the last minute rush is on to try and get bills approved by the House or the Senate.
After today "the agenda" for this session is pretty well set. The fun begins next week when both chambers attempt to come up with a budget and list of bills on which they can agree to pass into law. This process usually takes a couple of months, with a wrap up around the Fourth of July!
But if you want to be sure that the Senate hears your voice and opinion on H. 410 you need to act now ...and keep at it for the next few weeks.
What next?
H. 410 has been sent to the Rules Committe in the Senate to start the process for additional consideration. Here's where you can find the Rules Committee members [link...Senate Rules Committee].
👍 It is important that you send an email to the Chairman, Sen. Rabon [email address] and cross copy the other members if possible. The bill will still be referred to as H. 410.
Tomorrow we can go over the variety of issues you may want to mention. But, at heart, H. 410 fundamentally changes the focus of North Carolina state-chartered credit unions to open membership with expansive commercial lending authority, and with a diminished focus on folks of modest means - and on all of North Carolina effectively. The Carolinas' Credit Union League and the primary sponsors of H. 410 did not disclose those facts to the members of the House.
👍 Also send an email to your own State Senator and voice your opinion on H. 410. (A short email works as well - or better! - than a 2 page rant! - but whatever be civil!)
- To find who your state senator is, go to the State Board of Elections site [link ncsbe]. Click on "Voter Search''. Enter your name and county in the search form and click search registered voters!)
- When your profile pops up, Click on your name. Under "Jurisdictions" look for your State senate district #. Write the State senate district number down for future reference.
- Now back to the State Legislature page [] Top left click on "Senate", on next page click "Representation by County". When the county list pops up, click on your home county...then click on your State senate district # (some counties are split between senate districts which is why you wrote that number down, remember?).
Click on "Member's e-mail". Send your email!
.... folks at this point it's no longer a "spectator sport". So, as they say... put up!
ALL credit union members and employees across the state need to realize the importance of defeating this bill. It takes less than 5 minutes to email your Senator. It is our right and our duty to protect the very foundation of the credit union movement. People helping People. My emails went out yesterday.