Friday, July 14, 2023

The "We Are SECU On The Road" Tour - Managed By Your Friends At...

Want to take a moment to welcome the latest avid follower to the SECUJustAsking blog!

That new faithful reader is APCO Worldwide which has been hired with your dollars by the SECU Board as a marketeer and a crisis manager at SECU!

  Would like to say "Welcome A-Board" and give APCO's new "We, We SECU!" website a shout out [here's the link]. APCO's current project is the "We Are SECU On The Road" d&pony on parade around the State [link: see 7/11 post].

For SECU members unfamiliar with APCO, here's some background info: 

🔅 APCO focuses on handling sensitive political and crisis management issues. Many APCO executives are former government officials, politicians, and ambassadors. APCO's clientele consists of multinational corporations, governments, politicians, associations, and non-profit organizations.

🔅 APCO - Notable clients and work

✔ APCO handled the crisis for Merck & Co's withdrawal of Vioxx from the market.  

Kazakhstan's president, Nursultan Nazarbayev hired APCO to extricate himself from a four-year-long dispute with his former son-in-law Rakhat Aliyev.

WorldCom hired APCO Worldwide to handle its political PR surrounding the media frenzy regarding its disclosure that £2.4bn in expenses had been falsely reported in its financial results in 2002.

✔ APCO also promoted and rebranded the Gujarat Global Investors' Summit in India, the showpiece investment meeting of the then chief minister and current prime minister, Narendra Modi as "Vibrant Gujarat".

SECU has made the big-time at last under "this Board's" leadership - and that doesn't come cheap!  At least "this Board" has acknowledged that the 2.7 million members of SECU are facing a crisis. 

 Hope APCO can  help "this Board" identify the source of their problems...


Seems it would be a lot cheaper to just stop creating crises... 



  1. How does the membership call a meeting and oust the entire board? Screw the slow paced election run by an electioneering firm. Is that APCO? Just when you think it can not possibly get ANY worse? WHO are these 11? Leigh Brady?? No integrity that is confirmed. Please, members, do NOT let them get away with this takeover .

  2. Now the SECU Board is hiring the folks that helped WorldCom? Din't think this could get worse, but it just did. Try this if you do not know about WorldCom

  3. And, also look at Nasarbayev

  4. "Seems it would be a lot cheaper to just stop creating crises..."


  5. Wonder whose cousin or brother-in-law works at APCO. These days, SECU seems like it's all about spending the member's money and scratching backs.

  6. Well the newest crisis that is just now being addressed relates to our system issues from 6/26 where we allowed members to withdrawal funds that they didn't have. (Read comments made on 6/26 and 6/27) We've had a total lack of leadership and now they are asking the branches to dedicate over 100 employees to fix the mess they created. Maybe APCO can help spin the loss of over $28 million affecting over 11,000 accounts. I have a solution, clear out the BOD, the New/New, and all of the outside new hires they put in leadership positions. "How this happened" would be a great question to ask during the road show "and why were we so slow to react?"

  7. Cheaper? this Board is all about spending money so they can get their hands on our money. This board is drooling over the potential billions to soon line their pockets. And Leigh Brady's.

  8. wonder if this board has created one of those nifty little(6.5 million) insurance policies for each of them....

    1. Golden parachute? nothing would shock me at this point .... nothing!

  9. Doing the right thing is free.

    1. Right, but if it were easy everyone would be doing it .... Simple is not always easy. Temptation is very powerful ... hard to resist a "money gun" when "everyone" else (the world) is doing it!

  10. make no mistake, these folks will be trying to find out and digging into anyone who comments on this blog. It's the world we live in... The smear campaign will follow .... They have nothing else to stand on. Their record speaks for itself. Hard to brag about losing billions of money!

    1. yep, this board is certainly trying to discredit secujustasking. and spending millions doing it. This board needs to look into the mirror. that's where ALL the problems are.

  11. How much more members’ money are they paying this company to avoid taking responsibility for their bad decisions? Not buying the new/new “Nothing to see here.” You don’t have to massage the truth if you are actually telling it.

    1. "... By their fruits you will know them ..."

  12. so they ain't backing down "Doing the Right Thing" but are doubling down ... 'reload the money gun and meet me at the yacht'! I'm buying this round (using members money)!

  13. Why would this board need to hire this particular international firm for damage control? Who's inflicting the damage on NCSECU? Even this board can see the damage from new/new but they refuse to recognize the cause...

  14. APCO isn't alone. Board hired their buddy Joyce Fitzpatrick awhile back to do crisis management at SECU with nc journalists. Friends of board members are slopping at the trough.

    1. As a member, I think the best thing for the BOD to do for damage control would be to give us better rates--loans and interest payment on our money, and get rid of RBL as quickly as possible. Folks that can are moving money elsewhere.

    2. good golly!! the financials must be even worse than imagined!!!! when will they realize the origin of the damage? oh, never......


    3. her loosy goosy crisis management for journalism school and unc with hannah-jones debacle was embarrassing

    4. They did it to themselves, members and employees.

  15. what's this stuff about "pausing" RBL? This board is using that as a talking point in the dog and pony show. Is it that they are really pausing it, or now that they have implemented everywhere they are pausing expansion of it because there is nowhere else to expand? I suppose APCO is helping this board with talking points( known to most of us as lies).

  16. secu is starting to look like Budlight


    Here's the problem ... no charge!

  18. "There is nothing wrong with your television. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are now controlling the transmission. We control the horizontal and the vertical. We can deluge you with a thousand channels or expand one single image to crystal clarity and beyond. We can shape your vision to anything our imagination can conceive."
    — The Outer Limits

  19. "A not-for-profit financial cooperative owned by its members, ..."
    They really should read what they put on "their" website, it might "enlighten" them. Or is it they don't really view it that way and maybe it should read 'A not-for-profit financial cooperative owned by its Board of Directors and CEO'.

  20. Per an AI chat:

    North Carolina State Employees Credit Union (SECU) hired APCO Worldwide for a variety of services, including:

    Government relations: APCO is helping SECU to navigate the complex regulatory environment in North Carolina and the United States.
    Public relations: APCO is helping SECU to communicate its message to its members, the public, and policymakers.
    Marketing and branding: APCO is helping SECU to develop and execute its marketing and branding strategies.
    Research: ✨APCO is helping SECU to conduct research on its members✨, the market, and the competitive landscape.
    APCO is a global public affairs consultancy with a long history of working with financial institutions. The company has a deep understanding of the regulatory environment and the public relations challenges facing financial institutions. APCO is also a respected brand in the public affairs industry, and its work for SECU is likely to help the credit union to build its reputation and influence.

    The relationship between SECU and APCO has been the subject of some controversy. Some people have raised concerns about the potential for a ✨✨conflict of interest, given that APCO has employees who are also members of the SECU board of directors✨✨. However, SECU has said that it has taken steps to mitigate any potential conflicts of interest.

    The contracts between SECU and APCO are subject to the North Carolina Open Meetings Law. This means that SECU is required to disclose certain information about the contracts, including the amount of the fees and the services that APCO is providing. However, some information about the contracts, such as the specific terms and conditions, is not publicly available.

    1. "APCO is helping SECU to conduct research on its members"

    2. "APCO is helping SECU to conduct research on its members". hmmmmmm .....

  21. Per an AI chatbot:

    Yes, APCO Worldwide is studying North Carolina State Employees Credit Union (SECU) employee behavior. The study is being conducted on behalf of SECU to help the credit union better understand its employees and how they interact with the organization.

    The study is being conducted by APCO's behavioral science team. The team is using a variety of methods to collect data, including surveys, interviews, and focus groups. The data will be used to develop a better understanding of SECU's employees, including their motivations, values, and workplace experiences.

    The study is expected to be completed in early 2023. The results of the study will be used by SECU to make improvements to its employee engagement programs, its workplace culture, and its overall employee experience.

    Some people have raised concerns about the study, arguing that it is an invasion of privacy and that it could be used to discriminate against employees. However, SECU has said that the study is designed to be confidential and that the data will not be used for any discriminatory purposes.

    The study is part of a larger effort by SECU to improve its employee experience. The credit union has also implemented a number of other initiatives, such as a new wellness program and a more flexible work environment.

    SECU is a large and complex organization, and it is important for the credit union to understand its employees in order to be successful. The study by APCO Worldwide is a step in the right direction, and it will help SECU to better understand its employees and how they interact with the organization.

  22. Per a conversation with an AI chatbot:

    North Carolina State Employees Credit Union (SECU) is providing APCO Worldwide with a variety of employee data, including:

    Personal information: This includes information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
    Workplace data: This includes information such as job titles, performance reviews, and disciplinary records.
    Survey data: This includes information about employees' satisfaction with their jobs, their workplace experiences, and their thoughts on SECU's policies and procedures.
    SECU has said that the data is being provided to APCO to help the credit union better understand its employees and how they interact with the organization. The data will be used to develop a better understanding of SECU's employees, including their motivations, values, and workplace experiences.

    The data is being collected anonymously, and SECU has said that it will not be used for any discriminatory purposes.

    Some people have raised concerns about the data being provided to APCO, arguing that it is an invasion of privacy and that it could be used to discriminate against employees. However, SECU has said that the data is designed to be confidential and that it will not be used for any discriminatory purposes.

    The data is being collected as part of a larger effort by SECU to improve its employee experience. The credit union has also implemented a number of other initiatives, such as a new wellness program and a more flexible work environment.

    SECU is a large and complex organization, and it is important for the credit union to understand its employees in order to be successful. The data being provided to APCO is a step in the right direction, and it will help SECU to better understand its employees and how they interact with the organization.

    1. Not quite certain what to make of the above 3 "Chatbox" emails... Might be a good question for Mr. Ayers to address publicly... or privately at the next "We Are SECU On The Road" meeting.

    2. "The data is being collected anonymously, and SECU has said that it will not be used for any discriminatory purposes." right ............... that trust ship has sailed on a yacht!

    3. "SECU is a large and complex organization, and it is important for the credit union to understand its employees in order to be successful."
      They were successful prior to all the intrusion, so what's the real reason?

  23. so now the CU is going to take the members' money to wage a campaign against them .... they will do whatever it takes at this point. The ends justify the means ...

    1. are we now in a science fiction novel that ends badly for the world?

  24. Courtney Crowder APCO leader in Raleigh...also tied with Alice Garland SECU Board member at NC Lottery. see the resume, smell the fish?
    Courtney Crowder
    Managing Director, Raleigh & APCO South

    Courtney Crowder, a leading expert in public affairs, government relations and political strategy, is the managing director of APCO Worldwide’s Raleigh office and South Region lead.

    With nearly 20 years of experience in both private and public sectors, Mr. Crowder has unrivaled knowledge and insight on a wide range policy issues and strategic initiatives. Prior to joining APCO, Mr. Crowder founded and operated his own consultancy, Crowder Consulting.

    Mr. Crowder also previously served four years as Legislative Director and senior advisor to Governor Bev Perdue. Before joining the governor’s office, he counseled corporate, nonprofit and governmental organizations at Capstrat, a North Carolina-based communications firm. He also served as the Legislative Liaison for the North Carolina Department of Insurance and Special Assistant to Commissioner James E. “Jim” Long and was on the campaign and congressional staff for Congressman Bob Etheridge from 2000 to 2003. Mr. Crowder has played an active role in a host of campaigns at every level – presidential, statewide, congressional and local.

  25. they control the narrative at this point ... but the Holy Spirit is the best BS detector there is ...

  26. The gigs up they have been fully captured! No Turing back now .... full steam ahead!

  27. SECU now is officially no different than banks.

  28. "“Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; ..."
    be careful what you wish for ...

  29. I thought SECU was started up to serve the state employees of NC. Was I wrong in thinking this? When did it change to serving the management and BOD? asking for a friend ...

  30. The only way to stop the destruction of NCSECU at the hands of this board is to beat them in October. It will not be easy. The membership will have to be conscious of what is taking place. This board has billions at their disposal and they have shown they will spend as much as it takes to retain power for Alice Garland and her friends. Quite a honey pot--and they don't want to lose it. Everyone who reads this should talk to every member they know about what is taking place. 2.7 million members, and they all joined by word of mouth. We can beat this rogue board the same way, but you better get started talking now. Wonder what the operating expenses are these days? don't guess the financials will ever be published unless someone makes them.

  31. The BOD each and everyone is STUCK ON STUPID. Wasting credit union assets on consultants. This is a total and complete waster of corporate assets. Among the 2.7 Million members there must be a class action lawsuit attorney to represent the membership. It is time to sue the bastards for wasting corporate assets. If the member wanted RBL we would be bank customers. What is the problem with this board? It's time to RECALL the BOD. We can do this.


  32. Really don’t see any settling. Members are voting with their money. Inertia has prevented the balance sheet from looking worse, but if rates don’t turn around soon at SECU, those folks that are just set in their ways will finally awake. Personally I have had to move both my IRA’s, bulk of MM to Fidelity. 1% & 2% vs 4.75% & 5.30%. Inertia can only hold you so long.
